Do you love your XBox?

Do you love your XBox?




Not really.
I got one for Christmas from my mom and that's the only reason I haven't gotten rid of it yet.
I was interested because I'm a Killer Instinct fan, but the game turned out to be shit plus it came out on PC.
D4 was interesting but the series was cancelled.
I'm an interface designer myself and the UI is worse then anything a first year student was able to crap out.
The Platinum game was cancelled too, only other game I was looking forward to.

prepare to be called soyboy or sonybro from the retarded nintendo mexican fanboys

My brother recently bought one

I hate it because it’s fucks with my connection whenever I play an online game.

Joke's on them, fanboyism is retarded.
If you like videogames you have both a PS4 and a Switch.

I mean, if you LIKE videogames, sure. But if you LOVE them, you'd own all three consoles and a PC.

Damn that's like $800 right there assuming the pic is a year or two old.
I feel so bad for consolebros and their ignorance.

Don't act like you didn't write Xbox One on your Christmas list you underage nerd.

I always assume everyone has a PC.

>having a christmas list
>celebrating a stolen holiday
My mom used it as an excuse to get me something, I'm European so we don't normally celebrate your middle eastern cuck holidays.

>if you LOVE video games you'll waste a shit ton of money on 2 inferior platforms

t. poorfag

>prepare to be called soyboy or sonybro
Oh man, that's brutal. That hasn't really happened to you in the past, has it? How would you even survive something like that? Thanks for the warning anyway, I think I'll just abandon the thread now that I know some name-calling is possible. If only I wasn't a delicate little flower raised by pussies, then maybe I could handle an insult or two without letting it scar me to the point of needing to warn others in the future.

what the fuck soyboy even means? is this another xbot reddit meme or what

It's just one (1) shitposter that keeps spamming the word soyboy trying to force it into a meme.

I found this post a few months ago when searching for something on Reddit. After posting it here I’ve seen it reposted on like 5 different boards
Feels comfy

I'm considering buying diablo3:RoS as first game for mine.
Want some couch-coop and the pc version doesn't feature that


Thats pathetic. He got fucked over twice in a row.

Look at this cuck

>Halo MCC

Oh no no no...


No no no no!

>Ground Zeroes


Most European countries celebrate Christmas you fucking knowledge-cuck

Only the white ones.

Or I should say the soon to be formerly white ones, rather.

>Only the white ones
Yes, all of them.

>exclusively white countries

Maybe a few centuries ago, but not in the modern age. So unless you're a confused time traveler from the 1800s, you're wrong.

Europe has evolved past it's white dominated roots, and joined the modern age.

You are more cucked than the guy in the OP

I'm also actually European, so I know what I'm talking about unlike the Sup Forumstards who swallow neo-Nazi propaganda.

As Europe has gotten more multicultural and diverse it has only gotten better. I know that from experience.

I've never seen a black person irl.

t. Euro

>modern age
lmao Europe has been the most advanced continent for the last 2000 years you faggot shitskin.

And now you are trying way too hard

You're right, everyone agrees with Sup Forums. No one actually thinks diversity and tolerance is a good thing, it's all just a big meme.

You're objectively right and everyone knows it deep down and agrees with you, you got it champ.

Looks like European countries themselves disagree with you on that user.

Hi Turkey