>ban wojak posting
>Sup Forums is great a again
why hasn't mods done this?
>ban wojak posting
>Sup Forums is great a again
why hasn't mods done this?
ban anime first.
this but unironically
Ban anime, pepe and wojak (in that order) and Sup Forums will be fixed.
the past is the past
get over it
this but ironically
also pepe the maymay frog
You mean that shit i blocked back in 2008 hahaha suck a cock soyboy
The Wojaks have really gotten out of hand lately.
this site belongs to wojak and pepe its time to leave.
It's dumb, that's why. If you ban that they'll either keep posting it or just move onto something else, it's not like you're giving shitposters incentive to leave. It works for stuff like MLP because the images are what their entire fanbase is based on. I also laugh at people who want to ban Pepe, nobody cares about boys club, they just want to post the frog and if they can't then it doesn't make a difference, shitposters will still be there.
Gas the anime
That one with the nude butt doesn't appear anymore because people complained about it coming up on worksafe boards while having nudity.
I love Uzuki!
Ban animeposters from life
Not your safe space
why do non-neets browse Sup Forums anyway? i don't see the point
Kill degenerateanime
>the past
Because non-neets still have hobbies retard
the only reason to use imageboards is if you're lonely. only hikkis are alone
Fuck animefags