Valkyria Chronicles

Since the dust seems to have settled, can we agree that The Federation is gonna have a better characters than The Gallians?

>add some fur on the rims of the clothes
>leave the legs exposed in nothing but stocking
Japs don't know shit about the Eastern Front winters.

Marina still the best

They will fail and likely all die though.

I like all the games characters.

Even 2's AH-HAHAHA main character

Did they say anything yet about the english release? Im dying to preorder on xbox one, THANK YOU SEGA SERIOUSLY

Can't wait for the main to "turn into a monster"

This story is hopefully super traumatic.

VC4 is basically notBarbarossa



it'll probably come soon, Japan is kinda the priority. I just hope they translate the artbook pre-order bonus so I can get that.


Why is that useless bitch standing there while people behind are doing all the hard work?


She's a hired whore to motivate the troops with free sexual services if they win the battle, she's not meant to fight. That's why she only wears high heeled shoes and stockings and got that retarded looking hearband.

No cute Darscen waifus = no buy.

Wow, so those cat ears actually enhance her hearing?

Sometime in 2018 after Japan release (March 21st).

Legit they just passed her the mortar because if all the men are off fighting at the front then she has nothing to do. might as well make herself useful operating the easily used mortar.

>mortar is easily used
>artillery ever being easy when it involves a shitload of maths

They just set it up where they want her to fire beforehand I imagine.

Yes, because they only ever fire at the single preregistered point they have it zeroed for.

>Sup Forums has to go full /r9k/ or Sup Forums about literally any lolwimminz joke and overthink their own humor
Jesus Christ, do any of you even like video games?

Maybe when defending some point. On the offense mortars need to be able to quickly and accurately target enemy fortifications as they're discovered, machine gun placements, snipers on buildings etc.

>they will pull Type-0 end

>Darscens get treated like shit
>Darscens make the best waifus
What did Sega mean by this?

If they were ugly you wouldn't care about them being discriminated against as much

Darscen girls are all cute though, thanks to their superior genes, and that's why they're persecuted so.

But it's a Japanese product so no girl in it will be ugly.

Always perfectly created Nippon women.

if Darcsens are so great why is sniper best girl of vc4

We haven't seen all the cast yet.


Because Raita went all out with her design.

sage and hidden until they announce it on PC. What a way to thanks as for saving franchise sega.

they said itll come to pc

I lives her and riley's cat ear shaped headphones


Her cat ears are ear warmers folded up. Riley's wearing some weird headgear that I don't know what it is yet.

I believe badass shock trooper friend of main character is the Darcsen this time.

I ain't no homo but I can recognise when another man looks pretty good, we did get a handsome Darcsen this time.

Considering some records now show Hitler and some other nazis ended up escaping before their defeat to live secret civilian lives, we might get lucky enough for the nips at sega to give them a similar fate, although not holding my breath for such depth after
>we need to give main character bo0bies xDD

>I believe badass shock trooper friend of main character is the Darcsen this time.

He is.

Yeah, but he's a guy.

Doesn't mean he doesn't count as an aesthetically pleasing darcsen for the main cast.

>implying Valkyria Chronicles ever had good characters


What was the point of this faggot? Am I missing some kind of reference?

japan finds gay people funny

in addition to being a proficient sniper, she is also very fit physically.

Just cause I'm comfortable enough with my masculinity to admit when another guy could logically be seen as attractive.

What is the point of YOU? Ughh seriously end your life. It's called D I V E R S I T Y shitlord, get with the times.

Just a unique character. He was handled pretty well. If he was from VC3 or 4 he would be wearing a pink tulle skirt over his uniform with a chain of used condoms around his neck.

Just cause I'm comfortable enough with choking on cocks*

Downloading the first VC at the moment, how the fuck is 16gb?

Best lancer in the game

to be fair when they give them boobes they die afterwards

Lots of FMV and voice acting

Ready to meet the best vidya couple in all of gaming?

I've told myself I'd play VC1 countless times, but the VC4 hype finally got me to download the game.
Should I go in 100% blind or is there some big flaw or tip I should know beforehand?
All I know from past threads is that scouts are OP, and I don't intend on abusing them or cheesing the game.
I tried the Azure Revolution demo awhile back and it was fucking awful, but I'm aware everything after VC1 was trash anyway

He has a Lance and likes to shove it in the posteriors of tanks

Just fucking play the game you autist.

Dont abuse scouts to rush objectives.

>I'm aware everything after VC1 was trash anyway
i like you user

You can play it in numerous ways, play how you like to the best.

You can go in blind, scouts don't really git gud until much later. I guess the biggest tip would be not to let yourself get cornered by several enemies on their turn because otherwise they'll annihilate you with intercept fire as soon as you take control.

I just need to know that the permadeath feature won't ruin my save file like it did with Fire Emblem Conquest.
I'm not a savescummer so it's important.

You can go in blind so long as you read the dialogue. The #1 mission that most of Sup Forums failed in VC1 the first time they played it, is completely predictable if you so much as pay attention to the dialogue text that happens during that mission.

There's lots and lots of units and they don't level up individually - the entire class levels up at once. Also it's extremely easy to rescue someone who's been downed, they don't die until 3 turns pass or an enemy moves onto them, and the AI will never deliberately move to kill someone permanently.

Alright thanks everyone, it's much appreciated.

Like the other user said just play the fucking game you autismo. Already got all those (you)'s yet asking for more. The game will explain everything to you.

>like it did with Fire Emblem Conquest.
good those cunt should die

>tfw still haven't finished VC1
The last mission I did was the one when the princess get kidnapped or something. I kinda like the game, but it doesn't really hook me in.
Convince me to continue.

I feel you man. every friend I've gotten to play this game legitimately cannot complete that mission within 6 tries.

>everything after VC1 was trash anyway

Park a shock trooper behind one of the buildings and then force the APC to move past them, then burn every command point you have just shooting at the radiator. The next couple missions are some of the best in the game.

the one with the jeep?

>convince me to continue
just play the rest of the game fag

little girls get shot later, holocaust then beach episode right after and my favorite stuff is [spoilers]selvaria is a big tittied nuke and Jew's controlled gallia all along.

That's what I did. I think one of the troopers even gets a perk that specifically helps them do more damage to vehicles.

It's not going to be better than VC3.

is the anime any good?


I literally just put Rosie at the closest spawnpoint to the car, buffed her to high heaven with all the orders I could select and had her to run up behind it and beat the car to death in one machine gun burst.

it was meant to be a goof move that I made joking with a friend that was with me at the time but it actually worked.

Got me a perfect S.

Don't ranks only go up to A in this game?

>MC is a high functioning autist
>MC is an autist
>MC is Chad Ragnacock

What will we get for VC 5?

>Convince me to continue.

There are couple of really good missions after kidnaping of the princess (Liberation of Frouzen, Showdown at Naggiar, Mulberry Shore, Selvaria Last Stand...) which can't be really won by rushing everyfuckingthing with Scouts, but require some combined arms strategy.

It's solid 7 up to 8/10 game, 9/10 if you are into chineese cartoons

I dunno, at this point I kinda just wanna just rush the game with scouts to see the story though.
I must admit, I'm not too fond of the gameplay mechanics.

Kurt didn't sacrifice a single person in Nameless. He was just a military autist and he was damn good at it.

>Chad Ragnacock
Eh, you don't know that yet for sure. You need to match the personality to be a chad not just the looks. And in jrpgs the protagonist is almost always an emotional whiny bitch at some point.

it's alright, makes you feel bad for selvarias little soldier friends all over again and does some interesting changes to certain scenes and major events.

The only real stand out things to me overall where 1. that faldio has a way better death and his squad getting wiped out as a motivation to shoot Alicia (hereby activitating valk mode) is better than just wanting country to be more powerful.

2. the way welkin deals with losing Isara being probably the second best part of the show.

3. The best part being Alicia's great reaction image producing scenes.

It's over all pretty meh/bad though.

It doesn't really get better, so why bother? If you aren't into the move->shoot X-com thing with anime settings and characters, then it's simply not your thing.

If you think it's because it's not anime enough and the characters are a bit too generic, VC3 has got what you need. While the lack of mouse support on the emulator, shitty graphics, and other tech limitations of the PSP hinder VC3, most of the game designs are basically upgrades provided you aren't one of them /k/ nerds who think VC1 is some realistic war simulator with waifus.

Any tips for someone just starting VC1 now, I have very little grasp of strategy or tactics so anything about those would be nice

>I kinda just wanna just rush the game with scouts to see the story though

You are out of luck then, user. Further in the gae you will be facing pillboxes with heavy MG that will assrape any footsoldier passing by

>I have very little grasp of strategy or tactics
Savescum. You can do that right in the middle of a battle.

All 3 VC MCs were not emotional or whiny. The closest would be Avan, but he's not whiny, just really genki and high strung. Emotional, sure, but he was definitely not a downer. In fact it was obnoxiously annoying how positive he was.

that's what I thought till I accidentally got one that mission.

It's more fun if you go into it yourself blind. VC1 was also one of my first tactic games back in the day, it's beginner friendly.

>2. the way welkin deals with losing Isara being probably the second best part of the show.
how does he handle it in the show?

I've one-turned that mission before in NG+ and A-rank is the highest.

It's not that I used to scout rush before, but I was tempted to.

Savescum and if you suck at the game you can learn to scout rush and break the game.
Not as fun as playing normally though.

depends on the version of the game

Well they were pretty beta. Opposite of what you'd call "chad".