40 years old

>40 years old
>spend almost her entire life hunting down a husband
>asked a little girl to make her some daterape drugs
>gets bullied by her little sister because of her age
>name was changed in the localization to make a STD joke

Why does japan hate cakes so much? How comes she couldn't find a husband?

Looks 18 not 40. Why cna't japan give us good milfs

Because Gust is shit and all their games after Meruru belong in the trash.

Esty is best girl.

She looks older than she did with 26

I hate how in Rorona Plus she's just an effortless recolor of her Meruru self.

cutting corners is normal for gust

I want to fuck Cordelia.

If you haven't told me she's female, I would've thought it's just a typical bishounen.

Men in arland look like this

Because good milfs don't exist.

This. Very much this.

>tripple penetration

>why does japan hate cakes so much?
>meanwhile pic related won a popularity pool

I guess he meant that it's not surprising she doesn't have a husband. She is a 40 year old and doesn't have that feminine charm those types of characters usually have. She looks more like victorian-tomboy or something, than a cake.
The only really attractive thing in her situation is her obsession with finding a husband and FORCING him to like her.

She doesn't need to force me into liking her.

I hate when devs want to do everything they can to not alter the development of characters in sequels they they end up just being older people doing the same shit they did in the prior games because "progression" is so fucking scary for the narrative.

>flat as an ironing board
>bitch goes around with a sword so probably havent cooked shit in her life
>decrepit pussy in less than five years

Seriously why would you marry her?

Looks literally the same.

>will do all kinky stuff to keep you

Is she still a virgin?

It's Japan, all characters are virgins unless they have kids.


What a good country.
How do I find my cute lonely cake?

Any anime country.





Posting Odanon is cheating. He can only draw 20+ or MILFs. Though I will never complain.

>40 years old
That's not how a 40 years old women look like.

My mother is 45 and she often looks younger than me (I'm 22).
It's rare, but not unrealistic.

That's actually kind of hot.

An milf with much younger looks, I mean.

She gets attemts to be hit on even by 17 olds from time to time, lol.

>40 year old
that's a milf you autist

>no children

That doesn't mean she's a cake.
~25 years
>christmas cake

do you know what milf stands for?

Nice made up definitions there fuckface

>In Japan, women had traditionally been expected to marry at a young age and those who were unmarried after the age of 25 were sometimes scornfully referred to as Christmas cakes (unsold after the 25th).

Does she fuck them?
Please tell me she fucks them.

Nope. She is a faithful wife to my dad.

>Why cna't japan give us good milfs
You aren't looking hard enough


You wanted to be one of those theoretical guy, aren't you?

>have to wait 6 years

>tfw you met an honest to god Japanese cougar playing Animal Crossing on the internet island and made her use SwapNote to timestamp
>she's real
>sends me cute messages and lewds
>those fucking Nintendo fucks shut down SwapNote

I will never forgive Nintendo


You've said this before

I mean I guess but that wasn't the reason I was asking.