*walks in*

*walks in*
*pulls out art book*
*slams it on table*
*drinks coffee*
*clears throat*
*adjusts eyebrows*
*it's not his coffee*
*straightens tie*
*dusts off shoulders*
*pulls down shirt*
*smacks lips*
>I wanna make another billion dollar IP


Hitler saves the Galaxy

Wow nice teeth, is this what all americans look like??? LMFAO

Is it going to be Tarantioesque too?

U can stick in my fanny gov

>ok so guys, basically, its none of that big playerbase bullshit, we release the game for 30$, add loot boxes with out of place cosmetics, and let the game die within a week
it just works

>What if we make a fps and fill it full of ugly afro chicks.




posting better game

Caught me off guard you fuck

>hires pic related as focus group

>there's already more people on this thread than inside Lawbreakers

im like 80% sure this is a bot

why is this so fucking funny

russian hacker most likely.... they stole the election from her...

impeachment soon

its a muslim with acid in a bottle



"Fine, but what is your vidya idea?"

*it's a generic hero multiplayer shooter with terrible art pandering to people that don't play games*

"It was nice seeing you again Cliff... now get out of here"

>*it's not his coffee*
had this happened once because of nerves.
It hit me a week later and I felt terrible.

>spray bottle

A retrospective? Bold

>had this happened once because of nerves.

the fug does that even mean?

his brain is damaged, sending false signals to his hand and making him grab the wrong cup

alright so listen here
first we
are you listening?
first we put the player in control of this character
now you see we can't give it a gender
write this down
you cant give it a specific gender or you'll get people mad
and then we have this character travel into time right
so we have him go into space and he fights
you getting all this down?
alright so he fights this monster
but we never actually have this monster show itself on screen

I wear glasses and have a scraggly beard. A-am I a numale?

Basically what this user said.
Very embarrassing.


Yeah. Why don't you shave?


thick rims on the glasses?
if so, yes


american teeth