Why aren't you playing Hitman 2016 right now?

Why aren't you playing Hitman 2016 right now?

GOTY edition has been released recently and it's the most cerebral puzzle stealth game we've had in a long while.


it's kind of bullshit that they didn't give people that bought the game when it came out in 2016 a new chance with the GOTY release considering that when the game came out it was super buggy with enemy detecting things through walls which definitely fucked up elusive targets for some people.

That's exactly what happened to me. The motherfuckers saw me through a wall and it ruined my fucking SA rank. It's not fair.

because the AI sucks fucking ass.

Kill some target in a full hotel with a gun. Nobody comes into the room.

Nobody is confused by the only white dude working in an asian hotel.

They’re running through elusive targets again.

I don't like the 47s new face

Not if you already completed it.

Why can't I kill people in this game with the bat or golf club?

>Why aren't you playing Hitman 2016 right now?

Buy me a new PC and I swear I'll play it right away.

Because the games geared towards holding your hand so you can kill them in the specific ways it wants you too.

there are plenty of ways targets can be killed that aren't part of the opportunity system.

Just remove the opportunities. Done

Im aware of that, but the game still does all it can to convince you to use it.

I am right now coincidentally

Why is it so easy to kill someone in this game?
I mean, a guy wants to sing into a microphone, that killed douzen other singers, wtf.

Me neither. 40+ looking year old grumpy wrinkly forehead 47 was better.

I fucking hate the fact that opportunities get left on by default. They should be turned straight off after the ICA facility. I played Paris with them on by accident hoping that they would fuck off if I followed them to a certain point just to find out that they're on for all missions by default and I feel like it ruined Paris for me. I wanted the excitement and satisfaction of stumbling across a potential method and thinking "waitttttt I could use this" and the opportunities sucked all of that out of Paris.

How do I complete Himmapan Horror, Sup Forums? I've killed all of the guests already with the cleaver and still nothing comes up? What am I doing wrong?

>missed elusive targets the first time
>failed my first attempt


Played through all the base game missions once, but have zero desire to replay them. I'm not going to spend $20 for 5 more missions that I'll likely only play one time, so I'll wait till the GOTY upgrade is like $5 in a sale.

You have to remember that the world of Hitman is full of Final Destination style accidents waiting to happen. If something can go wrong and potentially hurt or kill someone, then, with a little help, it will go wrong.

>Why aren't you playing Hitman 2016 right now?
But I am. I've had so much fun with this game since picking it up a couple of months back.

I just wish they'd add the sniper suitcase.

The game paves the path towards singleplayer games with forced online.