Is he right Sup Forums?

Is he right Sup Forums?

Have we become the enemy? Were EA actually good boys?

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Well gambling is pretty cancerous. If that's what the world decides to collectively ban, I'm not about to shed tears.

Gambling is one of the scummiest, most predatory things in the world so yeah, just fucking ban it.

Gambling is worse than banking. Pure distilled jewry.

gambling is cool
but gambling needs regulation
there is nothing wrong with regulating gambling

Gambling is regulated literally everywhere

>Have we become the enemy?
No, it's the responsibility of government and general public to reign in capitalism when corporations go too far. This is a natural process and we have done nothing wrong.

gambling is fine, but it should be for mature people only, so leave gambling out of toys

The bigger the government, the less corruption there can be. Razor keeps falling for neocon propaganda on this one.

is this guy retarded, anarchist or both? when something is fundamentally wrong and causing damage you turn to your goverment which is the fucking law

>Sup Forums hates lootboxes and wants the government to act
>reddit and normie sites start doing the same
>Sup Forums then proceeds to backpedal and defend gambling
holy shit you contrarian fucks

You guys are idiots. Gambling is literally fucking everywhere. It's the choices you make on a daily basis. It's risk taking. If you don't like the game, then don't buy it. If some dumbass kid is trying to use his parent's credit card, then they should be responsible enough not to let him use it. Are we really going to side with reddit on this one?


Razorfist is a fucking joke but Thunderf00t is equally as fucking retarded.

It's just calling out gambling for what it is, go to a poker website and you know what you're getting into.

Gambling, fast food, and cigarettes should be outright banned.
Alcohol and marijuana should be regulated heavily.

The people need someone to guide them. Clearly the mass of humanity cannot take care of themselves.

>implying fascism isn't the way towards progress

Liberals have always been the enemy. They see something even remotely disliking and pressure the government to ban it. That being said conservatives are even more cancerous liberals.

Buying TCG cards isn't gambling. Neither is this.

>The bigger the government, the less corruption there can be.

Hmmmm. That really made me think

how would sports like boxing or expecially the horse races make half as much money if this happened

>t. Utilitarian
>t. Jew
I really hope this is bait

>Gambling is literally fucking everywhere. It's the choices you make on a daily basis.
no, that's not gambling you uneducated nigger.

I find unacceptable to have microtransactions in games that costs $60.

t. stoner

You think that just because the government has a hand in something that it automatically improves

Kys fag

Yes ban gambling everywhere. It's been fucking cancer since the day it was conceived.

I live in the most well known Gambling City and Tourist Trap. I make my money off gamblers.

Gambling has no place in videogames which is largely played by young kids. Kids are stupid with money. And Gambling in EA Games is totally retarded as you can’t even win money back.

gerund or present participle: gambling

1. take risky action in the hope of a desired result.

What's bad about banning gambling?

Who gives a fuck about those?

Kill yourself.

>Leftists constantly try to pass laws to restrict freedoms and overall be degenerate cunts
>We decide to do this as well just to keep shitty lootboxes out of our vidya
I don't give a fuck. I'll be the biggest hypocrite I have to be to sink these fuckers.

>you hope the entire world bans child rape?
I understand hating kiddie diddlers, and catholics, but if this is how parents decide what size of government they prefer...

>you hope the entire world bans theft?
I understand liking property, and security, but if this how home owners decide what size of government they prefer...

It's to pay for all the free maps dumbass.

Conservatives generally have difficulty thinking about things any deeper than "more government is bad" and will circle pretty much any argument back around to that point, as if the details are too much for them to process and they need to oversimplify it to the point of missing the point to justify being ill-informed. It doesn't matter how much you try to explain why, situationally, gambling deserves to be regulated, it doesn't matter how much historical precedent you bring up or studies and research you cite, at the end of it your arguments will be distilled into "so you're in favor of more government?" which of course means you're wrong.

>Sup Forums is one person
fucking idiot off yourself

Hes about half right. I don't think people want to ban gambling, but they do want to ban lootboxes that seem to target kids. Hes basically saying what any sane person would say. You cant just whine to the government every time someone does something you dont like. You gotta eventually do it yourself. This is a bad road we are on, and I can't see it going anywhere but badly
Iwonder if he's catching any heat from the gamergate turbo autists


Why do brainlets not understand the difference between regulation and banning something?

I never implied that anywhere, nice strawman.

The real word is about money. You are, like the nigger you are, rewriting a figure of speech as being the real word.
So just fuck off, nigger.

>The bigger the government, the less corruption there can be.
What fucking planet do you live on?

Are you retarded?

Yeah, let's just have EA do whatever the fuck it wants. It's obviously the dumb kids fault for getting tricked.

>muh libertarianism
kill yourself

>fascist stoner who wants to "heavily regulate" weed


Aren't those like the two most corrupt sports with fixed races and matches out the ass?

EA were never "good", they were and still are a business setting out to make as much money as they can. What has changed is that the previous generations were content with leaving things they didn't like and have no interest in alone to their own corner of the market. Which this ideologically subverted generation must control and shut down anything and everything they don't like.

While everyone mocked the soccer moms who were whinging that video games were too violent in the early 90s to everyone making fun of Jack Thompson the general gaming public these days are a bunch of precious over protected dipshits who whine constantly about "toxicity" and "problematic behaviour".

I look forward to the purge.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a big government. Regulations are a fundamentally a GOOD thing. They only fail when we let corporations lobby and influence them.

what are you even saying you puritan amerilard?

You first.

>gambling, fast food should be banned
>fucking drugs should be legal

This lol

Found shill

Reread Ulrich Beck please

>Were EA actually good boys?
>were the corporation that acquired and killed countless series and studios actually good boys?
go be retarded somewhere else shill

Both of those are irredemable trash, especially boxing

>it's to pay for something free

>tfw I cleared 30K from the US elections
Thank you Russia.

I do so love this lootboxes are gambling meme everyone keeps parroting

>prohibting children from becoming gambling addicts early on in their lives is GOMMUNIST BIG GOVERNMENT DICTATORSHIP!!!
never change Sup Forums please

>EA sells match cards for years now
>make millions and millions of dollars off them
>people think there's an end to these in sight

Gambling is degenerate and EA is cancer.

>omitting the primary definition of the word
"1. play games of chance for money; bet."

Or more extensively:
"Gambling is the wagering of money or something of value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning money or material goods. Gambling thus requires three elements be present: consideration, chance and prize."

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with a big government
Except the countless problems that have occured in socialist states ranging from abuse of power and corruption to the more serious tragedies like mass starvation and complete societal collapse.

I can't speak for hose races, but i've been to some pretty classy race tracks with a mate who trains dogs for the races, it's corrupt as shit.

He's clearly not American as he speaks like a foreigner.

Children shouldn't be gambling unless parents stupidly give them their credit card details, in which case they could even play online poker if they wanted to. The fault is with the parents.

Yeah good luck banning gambling in the 21st century. This isn't the 1920s anymore. People who want to ban gambling will get shot

>I have literally never even heard of the US Prohibition Era
Outright banning things shitloads of people love only fuels organized crime. You can't logistically stop these things in such a heavy-handed way, it is far more sensible to regulate and tax the shit out of it, and most of what you're talking about already is heavily regulated and taxed.

>Marijauna should be regulated

lootboxes die means they're going to come up with something else to nickle and dime you idiot

If your product can't grow/survive wiuthout supplemental income, lower your fucking production costs.

Gambling is also heavily regulated everywhere you fucking idiot

i mean, what did i expect from Sup Forums

Only allow gambling in casinos.

Bam, lootbox game arcades are now confined strictly to arcades kinda like in Japan and you can still play REAL gambling games but also go home to enjoy a videogame as a product you actually paid for, and which doesn't jew you out after the purchase

Yeah, you are just letting the government take care of all your petty issues. You are basically all niggers with 10 children abusing welfare and ebt

Fuck you idiots


>People love fucking lootboxes as much as booze
>S-s-sso you can't b-b-ban them :(
Look at the shill everyone.
Look at him and laugh.

Which is why we need to take a page from Switzerland and allow the public to hold referendums to repeal laws and regulations the government passes that the public is not okay with.

Situations like the FCC literally saying that petitions and majority support mean nothing to them and t hey will do whatever they want should not be allowed.

>Outright banning things shitloads of people love only fuels organized crime.
And that's why we shouldn't restrict gun ownership in any way. :^)

>We should allow this shitty practice, because they might come up with something else.

I just want lootboxes regulated like card games or gacha crap. Not banned. But this way where they're allowed to cheat or scam everyone completely unregulated completely as they want is just insane.

>Sup Forums
>having children

funny joke nigga

It's not the kids' fault that they have dumb parents right? This is why we should have the regulations to protect our children from retarded parents ruining their lives

Calm down EA-kun, you lost.

what the fuck did I do?

Nope, EA is still cancer, just like lootboxes, both are scum, shame we can't pass laws to make both illegal.

I was not advocating for lootboxes in any way, shape or form.

You could gamble on the elections?

>People who want to ban gambling will get shot
Some old fucks who spend their life savings on slot machines, fat fucking whores who spend their lives in online poker and millionaire's bastard children being the whales in every shitty videogame.

Who gives a shit about them. No you can't enforce a couple of guys getting together with a pot and a hand of poker, or some slavs throwing dice in an alley, but they're a non-problem.

How about rather than banning gambling we just get this horse shit the fuck out of vidya? It was fine for fucking years before these fucking skidmarks put it in our hobby.


>it took video games to make an entire generation hate gambling
At least the world is making some progress.

so have i, if your in Australia and gambling at local tracks you deserve to lose money, however theres nearly no way to rig dog races.
even though the few that treat there dogs like shit ruin the sport in the publics eye

If you enjoy loot boxes in any way, shape or form, kill yourself.

We aren't even creating any new legislation here though. We're literally just applying pre-existing standards to new media which was previously allowed to exist in breach of that legislation.

The only way you could view this as wrong is if you already oppose all of our pre-existing gambling legislature or if you disagree lootboxes are gambling

>equating throwing your money out the window to kiddie porn and theft

As far as im concerned consolewar preteen, it's not so much siding with one or another it's about doing what's right. Gambling is fine but now needs to be regulated in games with p2w micro transactions, and should only be accessable to adults. A broken clock can be right twice a day, I don't see a reason for what reddit exposed to be a problem and why the good people of earth can't also agree. If you really wanted to side with somebody how about with the people against EA?

>literally who subhuman soyboi goyim being the kike's good nu-male cucklet he is

I'll bite your bait. Take this for example - in a game of hockey, everyone understands that there should be a referee to uphold the rules and a barrier to protect the fans. In the same way, everyone agrees to the funding and creation of roads, police, buildings, and environmental protection. These are all done for the purposes of protecting the third party. Now let's suppose we add Gambling as a regulatory function of the government. Gambling is a mutual exchange between two parties; the person willingly consents to their participation. Forcing the government to regulate gambling means higher taxes and more bureaucracy, which has always been extremely prone to abuse and mismanagement. All the while, the regulation does very little to stop habitual gamblers/whales from getting their fix. This doesn't help the consumer and this doesn't help the state of AAA video games.

How about we cut out the middle man and ban EA.

And Blizzard.

And Valve.