Overwatch is currently $30. Is it worth getting if you got bored with Team Fortress 2 years ago?

Overwatch is currently $30. Is it worth getting if you got bored with Team Fortress 2 years ago?


No, stick with Team Fortress or play Paladins.

Paladins is the same shit but worse


It won’t replace the TF2 in your heart. It’s like stopping weed and going for cigarettes, it ain’t the same

I got it for 20 euros, played it for ~50 hours and uninstalled it

I think I would have liked it better if I was 15 or something


I got bored of it after 30 hours. If you think you can play more or if you're fine with paying 1$/hr then go ahead and buy it.


They both have crappy and boring game modes.
Overwatch gives the peasants a break sometimes during events, but fuck capturing the point or escorting payloads.


It's better. Its free. While Overwatch is almost exact clone but you pay to say you're a blizzard fan boy


Save yourself the frustration and don't buy it.

It's worse, it's more moba cancer than overwatch

You mean open season for third world shitters.

I’ll pass. I played the beta a while back and it was boring after two or three hours

Paladins is better but buy overwatch too
30$ is a good price

>Is Lootboxes: The Game worth it?
No. No it isn't.

Nah balance right now is trash and every class besides like soldier and tracer and a few others breaks down into pressing there i win button and cycling there skills and running away barely need to aim.

its not a game, it's 'esports' which is exactly why its so bad

you can't just play the cheese you want to, you have to 'play to win' or some ridiculous crap

its completely unlike TF2 in that respect

The mechanics are all fucked up since they gave everyone secret abilities to cover up their shit design


The lootboxes have nothing to do with the core game, you parroting mongoloid

>two widowmakers
>tracer in the middle
>but tracer's ass on the right

Skill cards were neat though.

Like overwatch isn't filled with chinks

I enjoy it.
TF2 is a class based objective shooter but k/d ratio still matters to some degree but each class feels different compared to your standard shooter
Overwatch goes way deeper into the class based aspect which leads things like team composition and counters to be more important. It expands on the idea of each class/hero feeling more distinct from your standard shooter. Because of this though it limits what can be done in terms of objectives without some kind of balance (aka CTF mostly sucks along with no standard PVE event because they need to be balanced around limited heros)

It's toxicity:the game. Don't touch it with a barge pole, just let the fuckers falsely report each other until no one is left. Worst managed game in history, and well on its way to dying hard. Also, Stylosa is an irritating twat.

1. Shooters are for kids the only exceptions being CS
2. Blizzard sucks dwarf cock
3. I prefer the porn which is numerous and bretty gud + its FREE
4. it doesn't cater to my taste in vidya

Overwatch is Paladins with less features, a smaller skill gap, easier gameplay, and the Blizzard Bonus. You can get banned for asking one of your 3 damage heroes to switch.

Paladins has more Brazillians.

>you will never be Tracer in the middle of this brap party
I’m sad now

Ultra brap

Masturbate first, then decide.
Don't want to buy the game just because it has cute girls in it, do you?

it's fun in its own right, played for about 200 hours before getting bored. it won't by any means fill the void tf2 left. out of curiosity, what made you quit tf2? did you try the new update?

>Don't want to buy the game just because it has cute girls in it, do you?

Anyone who doesn't is a faggot

>Shooters are for kids the only exceptions being CS

>Paladins has more Brazilians.

If you enjoy getting banned

I'd prefer getting BRAPPED

>ever getting bored with tf2
that's not how it works user


Paladins has more spanish people, not brs
solo escribar en espanol jajaja


Dude the fuck it was on sale like 2 days ago.

Paladins has builds and better waifus

The problem with paladins is that most of the players are just bots, due to login system. Also recent op character turned the game into Red Orchestra 2 with cartoon graphics.

>2 Widowmakers is ok but 2 tracers is not
>doesnt know that tracer actually talks to another tracer ingame

Who cares, post lewds

How the fuck did it happen?


>The problem with paladins is that most of the players are just bots, due to login system

They dropped the ball

It has huge playercount in steamcharts/spy
Its just the people who login to farm rewards though, and it takes time to find games

Its a good game, don't fall for the memesters

If I was Tracer I would never stop having sex with myself.

>get bored with TF2
>move on to the new rock paper scissors FPS game

Try playing a new class for once.

i find a match in 1 min or less
