What will you be maining user?
Will you play both factions now that so much content will be mutually exclusive again?
WoW: Battle For Azeroth
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Horde get two more races that can be Druids and alliance doesn't even get one? Who the fuck is in charge of this shit?
Better question is who the fuck cares? Race stopped mattering a long time ago when they watered down what made each one special.
retail is shit.
Go away, bobby.
I will be maining my foot in your ass for playing nu-wow
Ill be staying with my Troll Shaman but im waiting to see what classes Zandalari can be before i level up a new guy
FFX will never be relevant
I'll be maining warlock on the classic servers and completely dropping nu-WoW.
Fuck your "special snowflake" race shit. The new druids get new forms and it's straight up bullshit alliance gets nothing. Oh wow, black dwarves and pale draenei with yellow eyes! Amazing!
i play both anyway, faction war is meaningless in WoW, who gives a fuck, why would half the races give a fuck, like pandas?
so far im expecting another WoD to be honest. argus turned out to be trash and it looks like all the randomized scenario BfA stuff is just like invasion points and argus minizones with generic bar-filling shit.
Void Elf priest, probably.
Ah, who am I kidding, it's gonna be a male human warrior.
I really really really wanna main my monk but every single spec except maybe BM is dog shit, I fucking love healing with MW but you don't get invites to high tier stuff because no BR, speed boost or huge CDs.
Zandalari Trolls look amazing and Nightborne look alright as well.
I'm even rolling some Horde character on a different server (I already have all Alliance classes 100+ on a server), so I can do de quests and play as them.
Void elf main, but i wanna also play Zandalari troll.
You need 110 horde/alliance to unlock races on their side. Alliance 110 can't unlock horde races.
If Argus is any indication of BfA it will suck. Invasions are a complete drag and the only reason people do them is because it gives you ridiculously good welfare epics
Alliance get 3 copy paste races with just different colors. No new animations.
Horde get 1 copy paste and 2 unique races with their own animations.
Gee, sounds super fair to me!
You get more paladins.
Nu-wow as you put it is the most challenging game to date. Go back to playing anime weeb shit on your switch that can be won by setting your controler down.
Have classes been confirmed for Zandalari?
I want to level a druid then just race change when they're unlocked, but it;s not 100% confirmed Zandalari will be druids
void elf can be high elf right? i read somewhere they can change like worgens
Precisely, dummy. Even though I already have several max level characters, I'm leveling a blood elf paladin (107 right now) in order to unlock the new Horde races.
This is like the shallowest, most retarded thing to complain about.
The gameplay looks like shit, lets talk about that instead of “BLIZZARD NEEDS TO BE FAIR TO BOTH FACTIONS MOMMY!!!”
cry more Nost fag.
>blizz fucks up wotlk tanking making tauren the best race and nerf them
>will of the forsaken deemed too powerful for arena and gets destroyed
>trolls can regenerate but this is based off spirit stat. Only scales well with classes that don't use spirit.
>dwarves cant sense treasure anymore
>blood elves can't eat people's mana
>orcs used to just be able to resist stuns
>goblin discount used to apply to everything instead of just shitty vendors
>rocket jump into slow fall removed
Blizzard: looks like we fucked up, lets just give humans fucking everything. Also make the Draenei heal anyone they target.
Back when i still cared about wow, I always wanted to play as a high elf. Will blizz ever release them to the ally side? I don't care about blood elves, don't know why.
No they don't. The travel form gets to be a raptor and that's it, a form all ready in the game. With the exception of a few new mobs almost everything they have shown thus far is already in the game and has just been cleaned up a bit. So far BfA is just looking like a really bid patch or filler expansion. It's just more of the same,
gimmicks, new bit of land, dungs, raids, necklace grind. There was nothing new or interesting.
I'll be playing my old races because I'm not deleting my characters only to recreate them as the new race and I also won't be paying $50 per character to race change.
>they showed zandalari druid travel form which is a raptor
>it's not 100 % confirmed zandalari can be druids
You're brainletting real bad right now.
How is it even remotely challenging?
it's 50/50 for Zandalari druids. They are in lore so it's very likely if you ask me..
I'm preety sure they said Zandalari travel form is a raptor during a panel, so that makes them druids, no?
>Mythic raiding being difficult means its okay for the entire rest of the game being braindamage tier piss easy
the absolute gigastate of nu-wow, stop deflecting with final fantasy, this is about true-wow vs nu-wow
wonder how they'll handle faction imbalance in classic. without belfs horde is gonna be lacking alot of players
Because you guys have that marry sue king with battle rez.
The only challenging content is the current content. It has never been this bad.
I was in a pug heroic Nighthold raid last night and we one shot every boss except for one meme pull. Everyone ignored almost every mechanic and we were just fine.
Go back to burning crusades and trying putting Serpentshrine Cavern at all. Even with the 2.4 welfare epics. You wouldn’t make it very far, and any bosses you did kill would be earned, and you’d probably wipe several times before downing him.
There's like, 30 high elves left.
Mage in classic.
>playing run-craft when Blizzard announced classic
>reduced to reskins for every single race.
This is beyond pathetic. Only brainlets would pay money to play this shit game.
void elfs can shift into high elf in non-combat, your wish is granted
I don't think I'll play WoW again.
I played a bit last month and the game is too... convenient? Everything happens fast, everything is close, constant stream of incremental rewards, everyone can do everything, teleportation and automatic queues worldwide, etc.
I don't like it.
>playing classic
Of course
m-muh flying mounts
The introduction of blood elves (i.e. the pretty Horde race) is what made servers unbalanced towards the Horde. Prio to that they were pretty even, with the roleplayers (erotic), faglords, edgy teenagers and girls playing Alliance, and the cool duded playing Horde and not caring about ugly races.
King's honor friend
>its a bunch of fuckin reskins
Which is funny because lorewise there are far less Void elves than high elves.
>zandalari isn't a neutral race that can be dinomancers
>another prettyboy race for the horde
oh boy
I'll be sticking with Gobbo's, maybe I'll try Zandalari
funny, there hasn't been any real character progress since the sunwell patch, what with every single fucking patch resetting the bar for good gear with catchup mechanics and ilvl bloat
any reason to have any character loyalty completely vanished the second pets mounts and achievements became account-wide
I like what I see
>Last two races added to wow
>Pandas and worgen/goblins
Aside goblins i fucking welcome these six over the previous fur-tiers.
>xpac is literally 2 small shitty islands
remember when expansions had massive sprawling continents you could get get lost in
i love Northrend so much, call me wotlkbab all you want, leveling through that place was an adventure
i remember at the launch of BC people were crying on the forums about how the horde npcs had killed a felreaver and the alliance didnt have any equal. good times.
They have all ready stated you can change an existing character with a quest line. Expansion still looks shit though.
You'd need to be a special kind of retard to get lost in Northrend
Probably belf female hunter since they finally unjusted the firing animation
>t. user with no mythic clear
>quest line to make a normal dwarf into a dark iron dwarf
the fuck?
true enough
I main a new character pretty much every expac.
sometimes i'll switch mid-expec.
None of it fucking matters.
I think the user meant it felt like a world. Like MoP island do feel like a good sized island to travel around and has atmosphere. Legion and argus do not feel that way, it feels small, cramped and does not feel like a world. Argus is the worst.
>the only challenging content is current content
The content scaled for higher gear levels is harder than the content scaled for a much lower gear level?
What a surprise.
(It isn't though, because it has always been this way.)
It involves black iron hormone therapy.
Any retard can go into EN and clear Mythic. That’s how pathetic this content is.
You have one raid right now that’s remotely challenging, and that’s mythic Tomb of Sargeras. Everything else in this game is piss fucking easy and requires little thought and no skill
>edgy teensgers din't play undead rogue
>sometimes i'll switch mid-expec
Must feel really fulfilling playing the game but not accomplishing a single worthwhile thing with your time
the uninstall wizard
>blizzard never removes content before the release of an expansion
Race unlock quests start at lvl 110. Sylvanas/Alduin gives you the quest to go at local race "npc" and you get to choose one race to unlock. You do quest chain that gives you content and story for why they are joining alliance/horde and than it becomes playable. After that you can unlock others. Similar to artifact quests.
>roll a Nightborne
>somehow be transported back in time to Cataclysm era Orgrimmar
>quest through Stonetalon, this Garrosh guy seems cool
>reach level 60, be transported further back in time to Outland, suddenly this Thrall guy is Warchief
>man this Garrosh guy used to be emo
>reach level 70, Lich King out of nowhere, who the fuck is this, oh well better go kill him
>oh Garrosh is Warchief again but he seems a bit more like a cunt. Anyway there's this big dragon who's fucking shit up, best kill him.
>okay now there's a magical land full of pandas wtf, and we rebel against Garrosh now? And who the fuck is this Vol'jin guy I never heard of?
>Outland again? Huh, it looks different. I've sure been killing a lot of orcs since joining this Horde thing. Oh look Garrosh got fried.
>Gul'dan? Isn't that the guy who tried to control our Nightwell?
>this is some weird shit, now I'm freeing myself from demons
>helping out the rebels, get a disguise to disguise myself as myself
Mythic+ dungeons are fun and challenging.
They should've get the Draenei to join the Horde and Blood Elves to join the alliance if they wated to give both factions access to all classes. Blood elf shaman and Draenei paladin make more sense than what we got
>hoping to accomplish "worthwhile things" in a fucking videogame of all hobbies
having fun generally is fulfilling, yes
Did you even play in Burning Crusade?
Because you never saw pugs for anything outside tier 4, except for the occasional Void Reaver run. No it hasn’t always been this way. Content has never been made this fucking retardedly easy one tier above the next. Even in MoP it’s not like you could just walk into Throne of Thunder and clear the whole instance ignoring mechanics with SoO gear. You couldn’t even do that on LFR
>any retard can go into EN and clear mythic
And yet you couldn't even manage to do even THAT! Hilarious.
>No crooked back
I wanna try zandalari trolls, but honestly I think I'm just gonna skip this garbage like I always do. I love leveling a character in WoW, but really. I'll live.
>going to both Outland and Northrend after the leveling scaling changes
i played legion for like 1 month, the leveling was such an abortion, they just railroad you through the entire zone like you're sitting in cart in a mine, like they only bothered to do the bare minimum and ensure you can never get off track and there's no quests that are hidden or just you have to find yourselves, it's "do quests in this square area number 1", oh you're finished, lets send you to square area number 2, and on it goes, fucking garbage
>mythic Tomb of Sargeras
It's challenging in the wrong way though. Almost no one on my server wants to do it, even the few raiding guilds left. No interest or enthusiasm.
Quality over quantity
A necessary sacrifice,
Day one of Burning crusade was hell in the general chat of all the alliance talking about the "pretty" horde race being their favorite.
>Playing ActiBlizz games
>Playing WoW
>Blood elf shaman
who cares, as long as humans keep their bullshit racial trait there's literally no reason to play anything else, other than putting the player at a disadvantage.
gonna roll what ever my gf (male) needs.
Still better than Draenei Shaman and BE paladin
Zandalari Master race
i dont have sub money
>there's no quests that are hidden or just you have to find yourselves
There's actually a whole bunch of such quests but it's not like you have to play the game to shittalk it on Sup Forums :^)
To my knowledge, they have a toggle for their 'voidform' which is basically how Alleria looks when she's fully purple. The image of void elves in the OP are their normal state and they go full purple in combat, kinda how worgens go full wolf mode in combat.
The only reason you never saw pugs was because a consolidated and streamlined raid invitation tool didn't exist.
Trust me, if BC had Legion's pug finder tool, it'd be just as piss easy.
And one shotting ToT and ignoring mechanics was the norm by the ass end of SoO
I liked the undead one the best honestly, I will probably roll an orc though because my tastes changed from liking the dickass-rogue archetype to big meaty 2h wielding tanks