>make sequel
>go againt everything the original game stood for
Make sequel
>Dungeons billed as difficult
>Game billed as requiring skill rather than just remembering rotations
>Game only caters to casuals, fanbase pushes out anyone who tries to play the game elitist.
gw1 was the only mmo i actually liked
What really excited me was the idea of just how deep the zone progression could be for all the events that were there. I remember seeing some map that detailed something like a 27 step progression for "event A success leads to things happening at spots B and C, succeeding there opened up quests at D, E, F" and so on. It was supposed to be this really cool thing where this huge long chain of stuff could happen and alter the zone if people kept doing the events (or even failing, or doing in a different way).
What did we get in reality? At most they'd maybe be chained 2 or 3 times. Kill some mobs in one spot, friendly npcs invade, defend the camp, then there'd be a quest to gather some shit. And that's it. Either the last event would be hostiles pushing back to undo a step or the whole thing would just cycle. Very small chains and almost no branching.
buy it
GW2 is not even a bad game on its own. Yes, it has nothing to do with GW1, but from marketing standpoint naming it GW2 instead of, say, Tyria Online or whatever the fuck, makes perfect sense.
>mfw I spent $90 on this glorified dress up-chatroom game
I just really wanted a game to fill that Warhammer Reckoning void in my heart.
I agree, I like GW2
This shit looks absolutely disgusting. Like a fucking DaS2 smelter demon's dog.
Tfw friend made me reinstall it, so i say fuck it and reinstall remembering the pretty cool down to earth armours which i really liked, with only elementalists being a bit flashy.
Suddenly fucking rave party with neon wings everywhere. Literally eye cancer tier chinese mmo garbage everywhere.
I dont think i ever noped out of a game harder.
>Understand why Sup Forums is so booty bothered about this game
>Like it anyway
GW1 didn't mean that much to me I guess.
are they on a fuckin spaceship now too
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Please make it stop
The only good thing i saw was the mount bug when it had the skin of an npc, that at least gave me a chuckle.
Looks like an Asura town to me.
it's Rata Sum
I know what you mean, I try to have a nice grounded looking appearance but then I walk past a living disco ball and it brings the whole thing down.
I wish we could disable other people's obnoxious shit, but then the whole skin selling thing wouldn't be as profitable I guess.
I like how living disco balls is not even an understatement since is literally dual wielding disco balls.
that'll be 120 dollars, sir.
>I wish we could disable other peoples stuff
>what is reduce player quality to minimum
Doesn't disable everything.
hehe doge
Why can't I be a mounted lancer in any MMO with mounts, or most RPGs anyway?
Why doesn't anything ever used based 15/16th century aesthetic?
>you will never have the same feeling as exploring pre searing Ascalon for the first time
Fucking kill me
it looks like it didnt make it on time, when thaumanova reactor exploded
Because no one will buy it
god damn ot even generickchinkmmo#102938 is not this flashy
Whats next?
>Wings the size of a building
>Flying mounts with gems
No one will buy a game if it includes mounted combat where you can use a lance?
Regardless of other features, that alone would stop people buying the game?
Where is the male human on female charr romance?
Pretty sure Braham is fucking Rox.
Well, it's because that's what everybody asked for. Or the most vocal part of the community at least. That's why they gave us a rushed EotN instead of GW Utopia.
Like it or not, people wanted a real MMO and, as good as it was, people shat on GW1 everywhere online, at least as much as they do with GW2 now.
I was bored of GW1 after having played it for 5 years and I'm bored of GW2 now, after having also played it for 5 years so I'm ok with what they did.
No, not that part. The 15/16th century aesthetic part. Historical games have a tendency to not sell well or retain high player bases
>always played norn because their racial armour was GOAT
Worst possible scenario
>play gw2 and level a few classes
>both expansions were on sale so I said fuck it and buy
>get two 80 boosts
>boost elementalist to 80
>just running around doing events and shit
>no fucking idea what is going on
Tips for a newfag? I've started the Crystal desert quest with my buddy for the mount but otherwise I am a lost puppy.
Using that aesthetic doesn't mean the game is historical or non fiction or fantasy in any way
It's just that it's a nice era of arms and armor design that is not done much
How so?
patrician taste
The extra thicc female Norn NPC body is also unavailable to players. I would use it and nothing else.
>female monster race done right
Oh so today is the day I get mad about GW again.
Lads when will we be getting our /vg/ general back again
This botspamming lowlife needs to kys himself
Oh well in that in case its probably because the general audience doesn't know shit about that era. Its always the popular time periods that are used. Anytime a company wants to make a pre-gun era game its almost always medieval Europe, if they want to make an early gun era its either pirates or american revolution or civil war. Stuff you KNOW normies would think they know alot about and might be interested
Hopefully never and your shitty game dies off.
Kek i know the one you mean
>boots and gloves are too wide and not tall enough
How can they fuck everything up so badly? It ruins the whole flow.
Even if that's true, they could have made a GW mmo that was still something remotely resembling GW. Also as far as I remember the only people who shat on GW back then were wowfags.
Kys botspammer
The controller IS dead.
He died right after he turned it on.
Now no one will ever be able to end it.
Story romance between a big, angsty norn baby who somehow thinks the commander is the sole reason everything went to shit in heart of thorns expansion and a charr ranger whose done nothing memorable value since ls1 and feels like a background character most of the time. Having a romance between them would feel like if they didn't know what to do with rox so they just threw her into a relationship with braham to give her drama
Yfw Braham the conflicted soyboy will be ushering a new xpac centered on jorlag and his expansion into the deldrimor front soon
>elbows too pointy-tier criticism
Female version of Stag Armor is objectively the best armor in the game. It looks way better in action.
Yeah but even then it does actually appear and is popular, especially for designs, look at the Empire from warhammer
I know what you're saying, but I think as long as people are exposed to the designs they can appreciate them all the same, or they wouldn't give a fuck about a races aesthetic design anyway
It's not an unkown and unpopular design, it's just forgone a lot for trashy standard fantasy plate
GW 2 is for soyboys, degenerates and soccer moms.
>one person in a MASSIVE MORPG says spastic shit in LFG
No wonder the guy has such issues, it's been statistically proven that mixed-race people are prone to emotional fragility and self-destructive behaviour
Seeing this pic always makes me wonder whether she catched a cold afterwards
Maybe, but it looked even better in the concept art. The boots flow with the legs better, and the gloves look like extensions of the shoulders.
It may be the best in the game, but it could have been so much better...
Almost bought this so many times
Glad I didn't I don't even play and mmos I'm sure I would not have liked this casual shit run by fat chicks
How much DPS should a weaver be doing? I just picked it up and haven't played ele all that much since 2015 and I'm pulling 33k dps on the 4M hp Golem.
What is considered good?
Any1 else feel like they nerfed the griffon already to hell and back
You can barely go above the clouds now after the patch and they also added lotsa invisible walls all ovah the place
There's supposedly a trick to gain infinite griffon height via the map boundary but for me it's not working since it always pulls me down automatically soon as i hit said boundary
The fuck is that mount? so disgusting.
fuck Archeage straight in the ass - people complaining about BF2 lootbox babyshit have ever touched a real P2W gambling system like Regrading
yes i mad
Autism incarnate.
Boosting a character instantly to 80 is the best way to ensure you have no idea how to play the class. Like I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with most of my alts because I've just boosted them with tomes and scrolls.
Doing the story is a pretty good way to get started, I think. Most of my gameplay goals revolve around WvW and nice skins. WvW, sPvP, fashion wars and for the PvE side high end fractals and raids are the main endgame things in GW2. Just go for whatever interests you most.
>one of the few games in existence with a good necromancer class with shit ton of fun builds
>Necromancers are suddenly some gay confetti masters
Lazy kikes:
Literally worst game I ever played (and played almost all games reviewed on AVGN) and biggest buyer's remorse.
Everything I played of it you just found a big death zerg and murdered everything in a big clusterfuck without any real effort . I don't know why I bothered buying HoT.
Any game with both femnorn AND femcharr cannot possibly be the worst game ever.
Holy fuck GW2 aged like milk. Even the first game looks better
He's not a human
Just cut your losses now and don't waste your time.
>norn aren't just big humans
Fuck right off.
>Norn are just big humans
Fuck right off.
>be nostbull
>test out gw 2 endgame
>its only dont stand in the fire mechanics
>0 good gear
>leave game
Who is the target audience of this game?
Fat lesbians and soyboys. Not even being ironic.
>fat lesbians and soyboys like PvP
I don't think so.
Where's the tweet from a female dev confessing she never actually played the original guild wars?
When entire PvP is just getting into a gay parade and following others then it is.
Its a great mmo if you like playing solo. Only two pve pieces of content you have to absolutely play with people (raid/fractals), so you can enjoy tons of content without having to directly interact. Real nice. I dont mess with sPvP because I cant stand faggots, but WvW is pretty fun too.
The raids,t4 fractals,and spvp are elitist if thats how you want to play. The open world PvE is pretty zergy but if you explore solo, the content can sometimes be challenging.
Turbocasuals. The ones who's epitome of fun is running around all day with a fuckhueg blob and never doing anything
There's no reason to play an MMO for solo content.
Join the /vg/ guild guys. It pays off. We are pretty chill and only talk about weed and rick&morty. X-D
Add me: PepeWarrior25xXx
>monetization producer
No idea what that job is, but it sounds like the biggest cancer I can imagine.
>gay parades result in massive property damage, looting, and swathes of violent deaths
I never knew.
Google gay parade Beograd.
The more you know.
Yeah nah.