Do you have online friends that you play games with?
Do you have online friends that you play games with?
Yeah, you starting tomorrow. Give me your steam ID
No. I don't have any at all and after the last friend I had I've given up.
Nigger, I don't even play games to begin with.
Yes they were from a dead forum :(
No but i have real friends that i play video games with. One even jerked me off and let me finger her when I was 17, can’t do that online now can you?
Used to when I was 19. Times changed.
I have a grand total of two steam friends that I never play games with or talk to.
Online friends are awful
Whats the point of having a friend that you cant go out and have dinner with or see face to face?
Nope. I ride solo.
Made the mistake of adding a dude two days ago.
First shit I notice:
>Female chink name. Seita Hakhiri or some shit.
>Female chink cartoon avatar.
>Profile says he likes anime.
D E L E T E D .
Fucking faggots never learn.
your mom doesn't count, user.
Just online folks I share porn with.
Our tastes in games don't overlap in the slightest.
i have a lot of friends who i play different games with. having online friends to interactive with on a daily basis is neat
Very funny user
What games can you find friends to play with?
i have friend who i share fetish picture with
>tfw no online gaming friend who you slowly grow close to and learn you actually live close to each other and live happily ever after
Play FFXIV, join a small or medium sized Free company and just b urself
Most of my current online friends are people I met in my FC this year alone
are there any good ones that don't require me to buy a subscription?
The same group of guys for 7 years. Still play daily with them.
yes, we usually play on Saturday nights.
Haven't joined them that often this year
Not sure about good ones since I'm not a huge fan of the genre, just enjoy FF. Tera can be fun to play and it's free
yes, my boyfriend we play fighting games online
>treating degenerates like degenerates is edgy
Degenerate spotted
nope, its always s/he lives on the other side of the globe
Same. When I was younger and really into TF2, I joined a team to play small TF2 tourneys casually because I thought they were fun. It was but we weren't cut out to really play that well since we all preferred dicking around rather than practicing. After the team disbanded I stuck around with the members and play various vidya with them.
I've been friend with them for like 5-6 years now. It's weird how time passes.
Yeah, I have 1 friend who I play all coop games with. And a bunch of acquaintances I try different mmos with. Met first irl few times, but all others are pretty far from me.
I don't know if I should be happy about that or not. I'm usually only playing single player games anyway.
>tfw this happened to a irl friend of yours
kill me pete
Two of them are online friends, two are irl friends.
If I have to I'll play with other people, but beyond that I hate interacting with other people. Not because going solo is inherently better but because I'm just not a social person. I don't hate people or anything, I just hate the stress of trying to maintain friendships. I don't even join guilds or anything in MMOs.
i met dude in mmo in other day, helped him with something, we played
bunch of times more after, was fun, then a bit later after our sessions he invites me to his discord with his others friends to play together.
I dont mind all that, its just sometimes i dont want to be disturbed by all these little things, watch this, come play this, go there, what ya doing, and all that. But i also dont want to be rude to people, they are just trying to be nice
Fran is cute! CUTE!
Not a single friend in real life, not a single friend on the internet. No matter how active in chat I am, I never get added. Are there any games that are good for making friends?
Apparently I have a somewhat saintly personality considering one friend once unironically compared me to Jesus.
I never attempt to piss people off or offend them in any way, even if they try and piss me off, I'm always drawn to trying to finding good in people for whatever reason, so it's fucking awful when someone actually starts talking to me and it inevitably ends in "hey man add me to your friends" and I just spill my spaghetti everywhere. And people always start talking to me for some goddamn reason. I don't even say anything. It might as well start with them telling me to get cancer and die and it still ends in friendship.
I don't want to watch their streams, I don't want to play games with them, I just want to do my own thing but I don't want to be a jerk. Fuck. They're good people and I'm an awful person for pushing them away.
This post was incredibly gay but it's hard to put all this shit into words because it's all so conflicting.
>wanting other people to be for them at their beck and call, but when it comes to returning the favor it's "nuh-uh"
Your kind is the worst.
I don't really have any friends. I get close to someone and if we stop talking for a while or if they try to get closer than I'm comfortable with, I have a bad tendency to never speak to them again. I want friends, I just don't know how to change.
>wanting other people to be for them at their beck and call
Except I never reach out to anyone. I have NEVER actually started a conversation anywhere.
People in this thread with internet friends, where did you make them?
On this board, but not through dedicated friend threads.
Then why are you even here?
It's anonymous and I don't have to form any connections here?
I don't mind discussing things if it just doesn't lead to anything beyond that.
Well the first step is to acknowledge this. Just try to let them closer I guess, even if it does make you a bit uncomfortable.
Not anymore, they stopped going online or we stopped talking. But I play with local friends still, weekly even.
Yup, There's a group of about 10 of us that all met 10+ years ago on a now pretty much dead forum.
We hang out and play vidya over discord pretty much every night, and meet up once a year in a central location to play games together irl.
and there's no gay shit that happens.
I guess I should've been more specific. It's more like I'm not in a great spot in life and I've had people get close enough to me that they want to try to help me, they become very adamant about it and for one reason or another, I can't or don't want to accept whatever help they're trying to give me and I kind of drift apart from them. It also doesn't help that I make a grand total of like one, very rarely two friends a year.
>Play with friendly people and have fun.
>Act laid back and try to have some fun.
>After a few days they notice I'm just boring and stop playing with me.
Just being myself!
Like me you bastards!
We should be friends, I never tried to help anyone.
What if they just don't invite you?
I'm also very quiet and I always keep to myself until spoken to first. I don't make a good friend.
No skin off my bones.
Have you perhaps considered that you are stubborn? I act the same way.
You can damn well try to help him but pride is one hell of a thing.
>tfw no bear friend
I am aware. I refuse to accept help unless I absolutely need it. I was raised to believe that accepting help for any reason is one of the worst things I can do.
We seem very similar so i know you will indeed be a terrible friend.
Not like it was actually going to happen anyway.
This is wrong though.
If you go out in the woods you can probably find a bear or is that not what you meant?
Not him but.
Doesn't sound wrong to me, having others help you just costs them time and effort because you're too much of a failure to do it yourself.
I try to be a good friend up until I end up out of touch with my friends.
I'm aware that my life may be easier if I were to accept help from others, but I'd rather they put whatever effort or resources they'd put towards me to someone or something more meaningful. I can't stand taking advantage of people and I always feel like if I accept help for anything, I'll be taking advantage of their generosity.
Plenty, and a few have become real-life friends.
I don't know if its the same for him as it is for me but accepting help so freely makes me feel even more worthless than I know I am. If I can't even do what's expected of me, what use am I to anyone?
Also , I don't want to unwillingly profiteer from others kindness.
I did, but then I told them I'm suicidal, and they started avoiding me.
Yes. Don't you?
So don't be edgy and an attention whore?
Doesn't matter anymore now does it.
frankly i would avoid you too so i don't have to deal with your fucking bullshit crying and fake depression
I have one friend I play a lot, but he travels a lot due to work. There are months when we play each day, then there are some when we don't play at all. I don't know how can he still tolerate me, I know him at least for 10 years.
No I'm actually doing it soon. It's all planned.
I wonder why that happened
Do it.
Yeah, cause I'm not a loser.
then just do it already, stop fucking waiting you weak cunt
So you two are "friends eh?
I said it's planned you illiterate retard.
Do you understand the meaning of that word?
Planning is where it stops for weak minded losers.
Do it.
then change your fucking plan and do it today instead of whenever you had it planned
judging by everything you post you literally bring nothing worthwhile into this world and it's better off without you
>being this retarded
I wish you'd kill yourself too. You're insanely stupid.
That was smooth user
No. I've pretty much isolated myself from all of my friends online and offline. I much prefer single player games like the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Fallout IV.
I've got a cousin I play vidya with a lot, but that's about it. Everyone on my friend list has either added me from Squad or Arma, but I don't really reach out to them. I'd fucking love some more permanent friends; some peeps to play all sorts of vidya with.
Ya i know some australians for few years.
I think i go hang with when the usa breaks up in 2019.
Fuck you Darian I told you to stop visiting this site
>spend your last living moments calling other people retarded
i'm not the one committing suicide, pal
just get it over with already
Why are you only replying to the other guy, I'm telling you to do it as well, don't ignore me when i am trying to help you!
I just want someone to love me
I usually just play with whoever, I'm not brave enough to have a set group of friends.
I love you, user.
You're the literal retard that can't comprehend that when I say it's planned, then it's planned.
It's time you met someone.
And his name is God.
I have no interest in meeting that faggot.
Well he has a funny way of showing it.
I have two
One that is often busy and has pretty different tastes than me, but i do banter with him a lot when we do play together which is fun
The other is very timid and unfortunately has a hard time taking the lead when he needs to do so and isnt as entertaining but i'm trying to get him to be less timid