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My dream RPG doesn't have guns. Guns are gay as shit.

you do minimal damage because your stats are too low

>dream RPG

Your accuracy would determine the bullet's effectiveness. This is old hat.

Anu rpg with guns is pretty much shit except kotor but guns are useless in them.

Assuming they don't have ballistic protection they should die, because a bullet to the head will kill you most of the time.
RPG mechanics should not affect weapon damage in a direct way.

>levels in 2016

I don't play video games.

doesnt that create bullet sponge enemies?

>dream RPG
>numeric level progression
ayyy lmao

elf sex

In a gamer with guns your skill with the gun should determine it's accuracy, not it's damage. So obviously he'd get killed and die in 1 hit.

maybe he takes a critical but not enough to kill him.

Well that's a really fucking stupid question, OP.

It would do nothing, as in my dream RPG if there is more then a 7 level difference no damage is dealt to cut down on the annoyance of trashmobs, and to prevent exploits along the lines of super debuffing high level enemies to use them for exp.

Why would I bother raising my stats if they didn't anything? Just headshot everything bruh

is he wearing a helmet? does he have any sort of natural resistance? how powerful is my gun?

NV handled gun mechanics better than any other ARPG.

Screen shakes. Dude I shot starts losing his shit. Writhing. Throws his body to the floor. Seizure. Spitting blood.

Deformed mutant with blades and hooks and shit bursts through his skin and hunts me faster than I can run.

If I was the proper level, he'd just die. If I was a little bit lower than him, a smaller parasite/monster would take control of his body and attack me.

>But whyyyy?

[ insert plot ]

10x damage based on your weapon and stats, and based on his helmet ar and stats

It oneshots him because he isn't wearing a helmet.

90% for instakill

It should bring the foe down to low health, even assuming there's a damage reduction multiplier that accounts for the level difference. However, you yourself take more damage from those enemies.

Status Effect of blind
its an RPG. not a shooter

He takes bonus damage and suffers a penalty to accuracy and intelligence.

is this an "all games are RPG because you role-play as someone else" thread

Look at this post and literally tell me straight to my face that most weebs aren't cancerous shitposters worthy of death.

Look just copy New Vegas

He blocks the bullet with his katana, the best weapon in the game desu.

Blaster Jedi is as effective as lighsabers.

If the enemy was 10 levels higher than me than my ACC/HIT stat wouldn't be high enough to achieve a headshot.

most weebs aren't cancerous shitposters worthy of death

Just to clarify about the game, think about something like Cyberpunk 2077


even if its a headhsot it doesnt mean it should be an instakill. maybe just do more damage than the average you already do.


>having higher HP
>in a shooter
has Kyle ever played a video game in his life? He seems to be confusing RPG mechanics with shooter mechanics.

So the bullet just goes through the enemy?

RPGs don't have guns

>Shooters don't have HP

There are no levels in my dream RPG. It's all about gear and skills. If you can land a headshot with a piece of shit starter pistol on an enemy without any kind of head armor, he's dead in one.

i would assume higher leveled enemies would have better gear, so it would most definitely have some kind of bullet proof helmet and face guard
so you'd have to either wear down the integrity of the helmet or aim somewhere else

It helps if I imagine them as an ugly nerd girl with cute features that just wants attention.

Slightly more tragic but much less infuriating.

Since it's my dream RPG, it doesn't use forced level scaled maths. This means I do not do almost no damage to an enemy purely because of level difference. Additionally, it also means there is no level restricted gear.

So what happens if I shoot a human enemy in the head? He probably dies. But I'd expect a higher level enemy to be more difficult to fight so shooting him in the head isn't necessarily as easy as pointing and shooting at him.

My Dream RPG wouldn't be a fucking action shooter to begin with. The example he makes is the exact reason why ARPG's are often fucking stupid.

Either you make a good Action game with customization. Or you make a fucking proper RPG, stop trying to shoehorn in retarded vertical progression in horizontal progression games.

It misses basically.

he would take massive damage because if I was able to land a headshot it means my accuracy stat must be really high or I just got extremely lucky

They don't. They have red points.
The redder your screen the deader you are.
Red points decrease over time.

His skull explodes, allowing the demon possessing his body to crawl out, chase you down, and fuck you to death.

What if you shoot him at point blank?

It does little damage because enemies have thicker skin at higher levels.

Assuming the enemy isn't immune or resistant to physical damage for whatever reason, the gun deals appropriate damage based on its stats and the stats of the wielder and perhaps gets an automatic crit from the headshot since headshots are obviously a mechanic in this game.
This is then deducted from the enemy's HP.

>your dream RPG includes guns, headshots, level scaling
No. Fuck off.


>has guns
it's shit

>gun to the head should kill
>smashing a 7 foot long sword into someone’s head does minimal damage.

Ya’ll fuckin stupid.

>bullet sponges
the absolute fucking pathetic state of nu/v/ nongamers talking about game mechanics from an imaginary pedestal, everyone.

Only good answers ITT.

>what if my rpg plays nothing like a rpg solely because I don't want this epic win OP fro redddit to be laughed at.

He uses the forbidden technique

Source of this?

Depends on how you factor in the scaling and what exactly I'm shooting and how I'm shooting. Assuming its a mixture of FPS with RPG elements here.

If its an enemy with some type of plating I'd ideally want it to stun them momentarily. Maybe have the head shot effectiveness boost with repeated shots, or eventually break the plating if applied. Bare bones enemies I'd expect to kill immediately unless they're built specifically to withstand massive trauma as brutes or something, in which cause they should be stunned to more effectiveness.

>Gun parry

He dies

If we're talking dream rpg with guns, levelling should increase your skill and accuracy but even with every single point available put into defensive shit you should only be able to take 2 or 3 bullets more than a normal person since being shot is being shot

Dream rpg wouldn't have guns though to be honest

>be level 1
>drop mega nuke on city where everyone is level 50
>"hey did anyone else just feel that faint rumble and a slightly warm gust of wind?"

In the second one, in the first they suck.

he dies
but it's a very slim chance

if my dream rpg has guns either characters take cover constantly or have better dodge the more leveled up they are

i have deep hatred towards paper bullets in games

the human enemy 10 levels higher than me is armored to the teeth so the bullet doesn't deal that much damage

In the first one all builds suck.

>be level 1
>run to the final boss and headshot him
>roll credits

>SMT is shit
I disagree with you.


No more worthy of death than posters that don't contribute to the board and just bitch about others such as yourself.

He dies instantly if he isn't wearing a helmet.
Because just like in real life, guns fucking kill people.

what if he's naked?

Your hand moves as soon as you click to have the shot either miss or graze the opponent for minimal damage.

>Can cut a steel bullet
>Can't cut a steel gun

I never said a long sword to the head should not kill.

>enemy level 20
>wears a decent helmet
>player level 10
>carries a glorified pie shooter, because a gun that could penetrate the helmet needs level 20

guns have stats and enemies have defensive stats.
Just like you can't head shot an elephant with a regular rabbit hunting weapon.

>having levels in a rpg

Dream RPG wouldn't have levels because those are dumb.

Levels are dumb. It should only depend on armor/gun/bullet.

well if it was my dream rpg it would be a pair of tits on a hot woman who loved me unconditionally and not an rpg at all

My dream RPG doesn't have the antiquated bullshit concept of "levels".

Mass effect did this right

>dream rpg

I don't think so.

>having a level
The levelling system should be for the player, and the party members if applicable.
Enemies should organically become more powerful as you progress in the game
New Vegas does this well, and incidentally New Vegas is my dream rpg with guns.


's cool

Can we all agree that 'levels' affecting weapon damage should be restricted to ARPG's only?

>>Can cut a steel bullet
>cut a steel bullet
>a steel bullet
>steel bullet


lead is softer than steel

Projectile is lead, my guy.

If my dream rpg had guns, levels wouldn't affect bullet resistance, but aiming, reload speed, stamina etc.

Why did the weeb just stand there like and idiot when the american blocked his cut? All he had to do was angle the tip of the sword downwards and push, or twist and try to bring the gun out of his hand

you think bullets are made of wood or something?


>enemy dies
>put ironsights on next enemy's head, shoot, they die
>realize this """""""RPG""""""" is a shooter with stats
>exit game
>Sigh of relief that I pirated this shit instead of giving them my money

My dream RPG doesn't have levels.

DEAD. It's actually an RPG about higher lifeforms, and human beings are mere one of thousands of various enemy types. Humans are actually level 1 enemies. You actually have to harvest the brains so killing it with a headshot defeats the purpose.