The hero we needed

ITT: We admit Jack Thompson would of stopped the degeneracy of games that exists now

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at least come up with your own ideas for threads retard

never should have come here

>tfw we could have befriended jack and hung out with him playing fun vidya
>tfw he would have stood up for us as long as we didn't show him violence

Get out before Zappa kills your faggot ass

>nu Sup Forums thinks Jack Thompson was a good guy now
Gamer Gate and Sup Forums were both mistakes

>when Jack sent a whole bunch of gay porn to a gay DA and thought he was accomplishing something

Literal who

Spot on. even lit is rampant with godfags now. This site is toast.

This has to be fucking bait.
He isn't as retarded as the pearl clutching legbeards who hate vidya now, but he is still a shit head


>would of
stopped reading here.

holy shit

>You must be 18 to post on this site.

>a milf probably called you a faggot

>Better than Anita and the very liberal cult they like to criticize = Good
Sup Forums really is tumblr. Calls out falseflagging by making more falseflagging.
All Thompson was doing was making mature sales harder in consequence, he wasn't actively out to corrupt the entirety of gaming.

We need a Sup Forums that is like 2007-2010 Sup Forums with no stupid Sup Forums garbage. People used to type NIGGER in all caps on this site because it was the most offensive word they could think of and they thought it was funny. Now having Hitler as a villain in your video game is controversial. God that reddit post...FUCK ALL OF THE TIMES THAT PEOPLE SCREAM REDDIT ON THIS SITE, AND THEY ARE PROBABLY MIDDLE AGED TRUMPERS THAT LITERALLY CAME FROM REDDIT

why are they called lady-pede?

Fucking figures, boomers always type like straight up morons.

I hated Cuckentsein II not because Hitler was an enemy, but because he wasn't an enemy. I didn't care about a 6 hour "game" (half of it is cutscenes) that had a crazy old man piss Hitler with communist, sjw black pals "saving" America. I wanted a mecha Hitler fight on the moon in modern graphics. That's what you disingenuous neogaf retards ignore. People don't have Cuckenstein II because Nazi killing is bad. They hate it because Cuckenstein is politicized garbage made by Swedish cuck developers who somehow ruined a fun, pulpy game setting with modern politics. FUCK OFF YOU FAGGOT NIGGER.

>All Thompson was doing was making mature sales harder in consequence, he wasn't actively out to corrupt the entirety of gaming.

Right, making it harder for developers to make money off games with any mature content surely would have no impact on gaming.

It's wild that Sup Forums has Sup Forums trained to suck conservative politician dick so hard that we now have Jack Fucking Thompson apologists.

It's wild that you defend predatory practices by multibillion dollar companies for free

The real degeneracy wasn't recognized. It's not graphic violence like Jack whined about. It's not retarded titty monsters like Anita says. It's not the lootboxes that Sup Forums_TheReddit whined about. These are just a symptom of the real problem:
>Skinnerboxes, grinds, reward system for playing, progression systems, etc.
Every game now is designed to keep you playing forever and turn you into Angry Joe/DSP/Boogie, make you a crybaby bitch, kill your physique, kill your mental health, kill your social life, kill your other hobbies, kill your fucking creativity and will to create.

>One politician causing an impact that barely affects anything but mature games is the same thing as a game company itself enforcing a pricing strategy that will influence all of AAA gaming
Oh boy, now we have PROJECTING cocksuckers.

Jack was always right.

>not should of

It's difficult to take you seriously when you can barely get through a single sentence without saying "cuck."

sure is wild having opinions

let me guess you're one of those #notmypresident types

>Are defending Jack "ban this sick BTW filth" Thompson.
Sup Forums is Reddit tier

Fuck off, soyboy.


defending a company like EA who would literally enslave you and your entire family if they could get away with it is not an opinion. there's something seriously wrong with you if you do this. it's almost exactly like seeing a maimed factory worker from the 20s rail against workplace safety proposals while his kids are supporting his family in that same factory.

lol have some self-control.

reddit hates him though?

you might have some sort of bipolar disorder newfriend


>Better than Anita and the very liberal cult they like to criticize = Good
But he's not, you shitcunt. Thompson took game devs to court and tried to hold them accountable for murder. Anita made a couple of youtube videos.

>Barely affects anything but mature games

That's like saying "I'm barely going to hurt you, I'm just cutting off this limb".

>So you're saying that it's okay for game developers to set their own prices???

No, because that'd be a completely different discussion altogether.

Why do you hate capitalism and video games so much?

I do. I play videogames for an hour a day or less, engage is fitness, socialize, and pursue my other hobbies, but videogames are a plague upon men. The fact that were here says it all.

GamerGate began massive redpilling of the normies and you need to fuck off to NeoGaf

We are in the middle of a culture war, if you don't like it fuck off

*tips fedora*

Cancer killing Sup Forums


>there could be grannies itt

Oh no, 6 year olds can't buy gta and cod.

>Reddit has an obnoxious atheist board, so we have to be obnoxious christfags!
Why doesn't it work that way for r/T_D though, I wonder

Get a new strawman, Sup Forums. This one isn't even relevant here.

I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.

The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.

Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.

What a filthy nagger.

3/10 too obvious

because capitalism doesn't work without heavy regulations.


You're not supposed to take the bait, as such. It's rather meant to poison the well. It's taking a number of reasonable positions and lumping them together with obviously ridiculous claims. They don't want you to get mad at this copypasta. Rather, they want you to act just as dismissive to anyone who brings up the fact that Sup Forums wasn't always an alt-right hangout as you are to this copypasta.

When did Sup Forums start to unironically advocate for censorship?

I miss the days when Jack Thompson was the biggest threat to video games.


From what I've seen the "video games cause violence" narrative still gets around while "video games cause sexism" tends to stick to sjw circles.

No one says video games cause sexism.

>there could be boomer redditors in this thread right now

Yes they do. It's pretty much Anita sarkisians entire career. She argues that video game developers are sexist and put sexist things in games that reinforce sexism in society. Where the fuck were you for the past 2 years or so?

I urge you to view her videos for yourself.

How about you fuck off to your containment website you niggerfaggot.

The fuck does centipede mean?

I have. That is her general argument. Sexism both conscious and subconscious is put into media and that reinforces traits in others. Are you saying that isn't her argument?

>your opinions could've been called shit by a milf
mommy gf when

define degeneracy

>even lit is rampant with godfags now
Yeah but only in the kind of special-snowflake way that lets you hate other Christians.

t. Gnostic special-snowflake
Also want to know this. I thought they were ironically calling themselves pedos or something.

This picture

There's really no reason to watch her videos, they are incredibly misleading and often outright lies.
If she was able to back up her views she'd allow discussion or debate on the topic. This isn't the first scam she's been a part of and it won't be the last

During primaries Trump's campaign style was referred to as a centipede. Meant really aggressive. I guess it stuck and they all think they are little Trump's or something.

Sup Forums is literally the Reddit embassy

I challenge you to find one game dev she called sexist.

"The game encourages you to attack these innocent women "

> Shows footage of points being list for killing Innocents

Lost *

You mean other than the fact that her saying these games are sexist that that implies that the people who made it are sexist? She constantly mentions "the Patriarchy" is responsible for these tropes in gaming that she thinks are sexist. Honestly I don't feel like rewatching her videos from like a year ago to search for specific examples

>NPCs that don't offer 47 a outfit
>Game has options to knock out people instead of killing them
>Game is focused on stealth and staying out of sight, discourages killing or using violence
>47 and the player have zero reason to attack the women
>"No! The game encourages you to kill them. SEXIST!"
>People take her videos seriously

People take her videos seriously because they aren't the people who play games as a hobby.
All regulationfags are like this and shouldn't be trusted.

Up up up, wouldn't want to break the rules now, right faggot?

>Sup Forums liking any Neocon
Lurk more newfag
he was a bretty cool guy

Reminder that if Jack Thompson succeeded, not only would there be NO degeneracy in games, we wouldn't be playing them constantly and browsing this shithole for the rest of our pathetic lives.

Truly the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved. Welcome to the Sarkeesian downfall timeline.

what would stop sjw games to be made. Australian tier laws dont belong in a free country.

It's hard to take you seriously when you're from Neogaf