Whatever happened to video game demo versions, Sup Forums?
It was always so nice to test out 10 different games and see how good they are.
Whatever happened to video game demo versions, Sup Forums?
It was always so nice to test out 10 different games and see how good they are.
Are the frag dolls even still a thing?
People nowadays just preorder the game before its even finished, no need to let customers try them out first
They still exist, but mostly on consoles.
It’s just money management. Putting a patch for a game on Xbox love costs $40,000. I can imagine a demo isn’t any cheaper.
Industry decided they weren't popular and moved into a pre-order culture in an attempt to bait and switch their audience instead.
Now instead of a game demo, you get an "open beta" a few weeks before launch that is used only to build hype.
There's more than one way to skin a cat, user. It's nothing to do with financials.
you get the demo when you pay full price. The actual game comes after 6 months of patches
With the hype culture we have demos are unnecessary, people see a CGI trailer and they want ten copies of the collectors edition.
>It was always so nice to test out 10 different games and see how good they are.
Why would the company want to risk you buying a different superior game?
Ashley Jenkins is fucking based
cause kids these days don't know the joys of subscribing to a magazine. they think the internet is better but they don't realize that magazines used to give you physical prizes for subscribing to them.
I thought the same shit.
>We are like le girls lol
God why do women fuck up everything guys do to have fun on our own.
>the joys of subscribing to a magazine
>the joys of getting the same shit that you get online filled with the opinions of highly biased reviewers
SSDF desu
are you implying that the internet isn't filled with biased reviewers? at least magazine reviewers were obligated to play the game in full and on the hardest difficulties, or they'd get fired.
Not at all. How the fuck did you read it that way? SSDF stands for same shit different format, you fucking mong.
There is no such thing as a review that isn't "biased". The whole point of a review is to give an opinion.
I'm glad you took the time to point out something so obvious. Any point at all to your post? Just looking to pass the time?
well excuse me for not being a teenager but i've never seen that abbreviation before. working at a magazine is much different than working online. your colleagues can physically see if you are fit for the job or not. you go to work in an office and you have a supervisor who makes sure you're not a pink haired little cunt trying to push politics rather than gaming info.
More like the industry discovered that demos hurt sales, so they stopped making demos.
>magazine reviewers were obligated to play the game in full and on the hardest difficulties, or they'd get fired.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Ashley Jenkins has unreal genetics, id sell my soul to have her and that other black girl tag team my milking dick with nothing more than their kissing tounges until it makes me cum on them.
You want the actual answer to that question?
Women can't take care of themselves so they need men to do shit for them. This is why they can't leave men alone and just be at peace with themselves; they need men to provide for them which is why they bitch, moan, nag and infiltrate male spaces. They do it so that they can have us fight eachother to prove who is the best provider for her to pick.
Unless they don’t and then we make fun of them as alone and cat ladys until they die.
Redout has a demo version on steam and came out last year. So it's still barely around, albeit only with indie devs who put the craft first and the money second