Mfw laser weapons got recoil

>Mfw laser weapons got recoil.

They HAVE recoil, OP. You sound like an uneducated redneck saying "got".

Guardsman flashlights got recoil in Warhammer 40k so the expendable mooks using them would feel better about...using them

>laser weapon
>laser travels slower than bullets


>laser weapon
>doesn't reflect off surfaces

>laser weapon
>doesn't completely obliterate every object in its path until it reaches the end of the universe, wraps around and does it again

Weaponized lasers wouldn't be able to reflect off anything less reflective than a perfectly flat piece tungsten with a chrome finish

Loses power

>energy weapons behave identially to bullet weapons but have different color tracers and have to be slowly recharged at a wallcock

thanks TNO

>Weaponized lasers
Yes they would

This is fine

Gimme a thorough explanation on why a laser that's capable of being used as a weapon would reflect off random surfaces, especially rough ones

Are we using visible light or something else?

Show me a better laser gun than the halo 3 laser gun. You literally can’t

We're talking about something using light to cut holes in (probably) metal at an undefined range and what's capable of reflecting it, not refracting it

but what kind of light? microwaves and x-rays are light too.


>that's capable of being used as a weapon
That doesn't even matter.
>reflect off random surfaces
Because real matter doesn't absorb 100% of all incoming radiation
>especially rough ones
Nobody cares if it's diffuse or focussed

>doesn't even matter
>Nobody cares
If you lack the autism to discuss anything, why even start

It depends, microwaves will boil anything alive from the inside as they excite hydogren. Also has fun with metal. Is easily stopped though.

Visible light will be reflected, but you'll still get some damage in as the reflection will never be 100%

X-rays, like Gamma-rays, both penetrate strongly and you need sheer density to stop therm. Unlike Gamma, X-ray won't overpenetrate and will deliver more cancer.

dude, the intensity literally does not matter
And the type of reflected radiation isn't even part of the premise

Fuck getting spartan laser kills was the most satisfying thing in the world.

We will never go back to such raw enjoyment will we