Why won't blizzard ever nerf these heroes?

Why won't blizzard ever nerf these heroes?

because balance is irrelevant in a casual game for casuals and you are a retard if you play overwatch for the gameplay

overwatch fans doesn't care about gameplay
pixar cinematics and waifus are more important

I'm fairly certain winston did actually get nerfed once many months ago. Pic should actually be tracer and genji. They'll never get directly nerfed because of favoritism from both dps shitters and blizzard themselves.

because nerfing tracer would be homophobic and winston would be racist.

Tracer is very strong but is one of the few heroes that is dependent on your skill.

Winston is fine where he is. He has barely been touched since he had his barrier cooldown change. Just turn around and beat his ass when he jumps on your teammate.

>"Better nerf or change supports to keep the game fresh xD"

Why don't OWfags play Paladins instead? It's superior

Tracer is most likely the first hero anyone plays (not counting weebs)

she should be strong, shes the face of overwatch

Because nerfing the most balanced heroes in the entire game would ensure a shitstorm.

I don't get why she's the face of the game, she's terrible in every way

Best thing to happen to the entire game.
>One of the best heroes is terrible

>balance in overwatch
sorry man, you picked the wrong game to be a fan of if you wanted balance

*presses Q* heh nothin personnel *out skills you with uncounterable instant death because your team doesn't have that one counterpick*

shes gay

Tracer because it would be homophobic
Winston because it would be racist

>10 hp and the worst tank
Why do they need nerfing?

>balance in a Blizzard game


but why?

Doomfist needs buff or pre-nerf build back.

If Blizzard doesn't see hitbox buff necessary
>Successful use of one ability decreases cooldown of already used abilities with second or half, opening more opportunities for combos.

They don't need a nerf, they're good enough for what they do, and they're not "godlike".
Winston gets fucked over easily by a reaper or a roadhog, and tracer, with 150 hp, gets os easily by a headshot.

Mercy was way too op before the nerf, she's fine now.

her res takes too long. Needs to be cut by 1/3 the time.

No, it doesn't.
Such a powerful goddamn ability should still give the enemy a fair chance to counter it, because unlike rezzing, killing the enemy actually takes effort.

Tracer is strong? I was under the impression she was easily beaten because you can predict her time pattern and she had low health

Does Hanzo really, REALLY critically need a nerf?
Should it really come in the form of blatantly removing the scatter arrow, like the Overwatch forums keep saying?
I want actually sensible opinions on this controversial character, everyone on the forums is fucking braindead.

Winston and Tracer are arguably the most balanced heroes, change them at all and they'll be too powerful or completely useless

He needs faster arrow speed, but his damage cut down by half

Only Hanzo and junkrat needs a Nerf. Those two are fine

>Mercy has never used in high-level competitive Overwatch when she had her Ress ult
>Blizzard changes it to a single ress ult as a ability and gives her a steroid ult
>Suddenly she is all over professional Overwatch and not having her is a losing situation

Yeah, she was so OP before :)

because these 2 heroes are hard countered ant they also hard counter other heroes if they nerf them they become shit tier and the heroes that they counter become god tier blizard put themselves in a corner

No, she was fucking shit before, and by shit I mean completely un-fun. No shes perfect.

This. make his passive reduce cooldowns.

if you watch pro matches, it's rare to see a match without Tracer.

winston is fine, much like zen hes top tier because he fills a niche not because his kit is over tuned
genji and tracer are just straight over tuned and can do fucking everything

I would just like to remind you all that Sombra is best girl.

Wasn't genji nerfed a lot though

Because they nerf and buff shit based on the perception the community has on the hero, you need an angry mob of faggots to get something nerfed, it doesn't matter if its actually OP or just looks like it is

Why can't Zen discord through barriers?
Why does Orisa get an annoying shield on rediculously low cool down?
Why not tweak Junkrat's primary to be like Demoman pipes instead of making him spam and chuck braindead mines?
Why is Genji allowed canceled animations with dash when everyone else is strictly prohibited?
Why does his dash reset on assists and not kills only?
Why does Sombra have retarded spread on her primary gun and charge EMP so quickly?
Why does Reaper exist when Roadhog is better in almost every way?
Why is Hanzo allowed an aimless instant kill every few seconds?
Why does Symmetra not have to aim like Moira?

Blizzard said it ages ago, Tracer will be the last character they ever touch because they balance the entire game around her. She is the standard everything getsbalanced relative to her and then to each other.

Thinly veiled waifuthread you say?

If you think Winston needs nerfing that usually means your teammates' competence needs buffing. He's nowhere near the same level as a good Tracer, none of his abilities are broken, and his entire character is completely nullified by Edgelord Edgeman. He entirely depends on teamwork to work, what with fixed damage and limited range and all.

>scatter arrow is changed into single arrow that can go through wall.
how balanced would this be?

>Why can't Zen discord through barriers?
It was OP vs Rein

>Why does Orisa get an annoying shield on rediculously low cool down?
She is a super slow bitch and a huge target

>Why not tweak Junkrat's primary to be like Demoman pipes instead of making him spam and chuck braindead mines?
There is a reason why TF2 only allowed 1 Demoman in every team. It would make Junk severely overpowered. What a stupid question to be honest.

>Why is Genji allowed canceled animations with dash when everyone else is strictly prohibited?
You can cancel lots of animation with different abilties. Mcree can do it with his flashbang to reload faster.

>Why does his dash reset on assists and not kills only?
So that he can keep dashing when he got Genji blade ult.

>Why does Sombra have retarded spread on her primary gun and charge EMP so quickly?
It's so she doesn't outshine Tracer. And without her ult she is useless.

>Why does Reaper exist when Roadhog is better in almost every way?
Because Reaper does way more damage and is picked in maps where the enemy has to come to him.

>Why is Hanzo allowed an aimless instant kill every few seconds?
Because a simple shield completely counters him.

>Why does Symmetra not have to aim like Moira?
Because Symmetra has to get really close and has no escape ability like Moira.

Get rekt kiddo, try again.


it has been over 2 minutes since the last one

>starting with the worst girl in the game
she fucking uggo
from what I've gathered, one thing the overwatch developers think is very important to the game is sightlines.
with the scatter arrow there is a CHANCE that the hanzo might kill a low-health enemy that is trying to run away that he otherwise cannot catch because of his low mobility, however this is not guaranteed.
if he just got an arrow that could go through walls this, combined with sonar arrows would completely fuck over this sightline philosophy

Junkrat doesn't have a sticky bomb launcher though, Demoman having two primaries makes him OP you retard

>Why does reaper exist when roadhog is better in every way
Roadhogs are free ult charges when I play reaper
>Why does symettra not have to aim when Moira does
Tbh they both don't have to aim and Moira has longer range

When i said before, i meant the single instant rez and double rez with ult.

Yeha but they don't really have much of an impact, they're here because the players are OTP,
but it's far from being OP.

>So that he can keep dashing when he got Genji blade ult.
It makes him broken. He doesn't need it to be effective. He already has 3 other mobility abilities. His design is fundamentally flawed, and has triple the amount of abilities + a small hitbox + the fastest running speed + high burst and long range damage. He needs a nerf, badly.

>Because a simple shield completely counters him.
No ability should be 1 shotting 400+HP heroes AND have the hitbox of semi truck. Its broken and the developers themselves have said it's not working as intended. It should only do 120 MAX to a single hero but still be able to damage multiple heroes.

The other stuff I agree with, however they very recently buffed Symmetra's curry beam to 9 meters instead of seven. So lock on matches it's unlock range

Personally I think all Scatter would need is a damage cap on individual characters. I feel it's okay if he can kill a 200 HP hero with a perfect shot of it, but he also instakill any character except what, Roadhog with that?

It's terribly annoying to play Winston, jump on that bastard, and watch him quietly do nothing except draw the bow and look down to play his instant "I win" button.

Just how it should be. Flying the skies with a mercy planted firmly up your ass.

best couple

>Needing a nerf

Git gud son.

Because Blizzard has to keep some heroes at a consistent level to avoid a god awful power creep, but that's happening anyways, nice one Blizzard!

That lesbian is dead in two shots and the nigger has no range or fire power.

Because the can't nerf fags and black people

Are you retarded? Winston actually needs a buff. Unlike other tanks he can't do shit by himself because he does such piss poor damage.

>hero has literally 100% pickrate
>not op

Tracer is in a good place, winston I also think might be in a good place now.

they are the only ones that dont need to be changed from the ground up

I need healing

Nerf genji, he's fucking retarded

>Genji got quite literally nerfed into the ground way back.

As a window main,I hate winston, he´s such a braindead character

Whoops, meant Widowmaker.
>No Window hero.

retard detected

He needs the ridiculous amount of bugs his kit has sorted first. Then we can see what buffs he really needs.

>No Window hero.
not unless you want to play rainbow six siege.

>Not headshotting him midair with his super predictable jump arc then killing him with your far superior damage
Haha get a load of this fucking bronzie

One headshot wont kill him.
And once he lands on you you can´t fight em because of widows miserable close range combat, plus his shield.

Jump off your perch and when he goes to follow you zip back up. His jump will be on cool down and you can dink him again or flee for health.

Or you can just accept your fate, die and complain about it on Sup Forums.

Tracer is the centerpiece of the game that the rest of the cast is balanced around. I don't think Winston is strong enough to warrant a nerf.

I always do that. and still he can chase me around because guess what
his jump is 2 secs lower than widows hook lol.
also his speed is the same despite being a giant gorilla. also his gun doesnt need to aim so he can still focus on following you around rather than shooting.

Doomfist was like a wet fart compared to all the hype surrounding him.

Why is he so pathetic? Is it just his huge hitbox?

Winston is designed to kill backline heroes. He should beat you if you're equally skilled. Or your team should be bailing you out.

Alternately you could stop being widow and be more useful.

That's Soldier for most people, I think. Really versatile kit and is basically a CoD character.
>hitscan rapid-fire gun
>grenade launcher
>regen (but have to deploy it unlike in CoD and also helps teammates)

Soldier is my go to when I don't trust my team. Self sufficient, he can kill pharah, he can pick backlines, he can duel most characters well and he doesn't require a healer.

Tracer is balanced on a knife edge, you try and change her for the people in GM where she can carry teams depending on the players skill and you completely break her at every other level below that.

I can understand people crying tears of fucking blood at the fact that she has to hard counter that you can switch to in order to take her out but the actual hard counter is the amount of shit flying around everywhere that can kill her in one hit. A co-ordinated team should be able to at least make the Tracer back off and come back in again once her cooldowns are up.

Hell if people are actually really starting to think that Tracer needs a nerf then its time for Doomfists punch to reset on eliminations and Genji to have his Reflect hit box nerfed into the fucking ground.

Its not that he needs a nerf its that he needs a re-work because scatter is complete bullshit to die to. Its literally fire it kind of near someones feet and get a kill. It really feels awful to die to that instead of firing off into a room and bagging a kill that you set up with Radar arrow and a previous bodyshot.

Blizzard uses Tracer as a litmus test. They've literally never changed her since release, so how well she does in the meta depends entirely on what other heroes are good.

I want scatter used for around corner kills like intended instead of used for shooting at his feet to get melee kills. I should never be scared of being face to face with a sniper, that's where I should want to be.

Make the damage skyrocket the more the arrows bounce but not do so much off the first bounce. Problem solved.

>It's terribly annoying to play Winston, jump on that bastard, and watch him quietly do nothing except draw the bow and look down to play his instant "I win" button.

Thats just it though, unlike Widow who at least has a chance to escape Hanzo can do fuck all other than try and hit a scatter. Theres nothing you can do if you get jumped on, its pretty much what Scatter is for, right now its his only form of self defense when jumped.

What Hanzo needs is more consistency, which thanks the make up of the character is almost impossible to do. Which means hes either headshotting all over the place or not hitting anything within 2 games of one another. So to mitigate that massive disparity in effectiveness you corner peak and spam the shit out of high traffic areas.

His tent pole ability sends you flying into the enemy team if you miss it, you then have 2 abilities whose only purpose is to get you the fuck out again.

Then you have to wait for them to come off of cooldown. His punch itself does fuck all damage, its being hit into walls, so it feels like your not doing anything even when you punch a Rein straight in the face.

They nerfed his rocket punch hitbox into the ground almost immediately after release. It's literally smaller than Mercy's pistol's hitbox right now.

Tie that into the inconsistent physics surrounding his punch, and you've got a character that's just not very good.

Google doomfist bugs, he has an absurd amount of bugs which is why he isn't being fixed.

Unlike Tracer blink and Genji dash the amount of distance traveled with a Doom punch is variable, only theres no way of knowing exactly where your going to fucking stop.

Its just another thing on top of his already shitty loadout.

There's nothing wrong with Tracer, balance-wise.
Unless you're in silver or some shit and you can't aim two headshots as or track for a second and a half.

Winston isn't that bad, he's countered hard by three offtanks, and most of the DPS.

Why should they balance the game for silver shitters like you?

Countered hard by three off tanks?
I would say he performs decently well against every tank, maybe like a 45-55 matchup or something (not that you should be 1v1ing) except roadhog and DVa - and with DVa you can barrier dance/if she shoots her micromissiles at your barrier up close she'll damage herself. Winston does well against rein if you can just barely outrange him, and shits on Zarya once her bubbles are down.

Also, I find the tracer has the most potential to carry out of all DPS. She's the only one I feel can singlehandedly win games for otherwise crappy teams.

>Flanker does his job and kills the bastion
>Mercy res
>Now, flanker has to do his job twice
>this time the enemy team knows he's back there somewhere
>Now, you HAVE to have a hitscan because fuck anyone who think's they're gonna projectile Mercy during her ult.

I just wanted Hanzo to be a mobile high risk/high reward stealth sniper.
Widow is the classic sniper, she fires once and the entire enemy team knows where she is. She can change locations but as soon as she fires another shot they already know where she is again.

Even GMs mostly just ignore her during her ult. She's unkillable if she's smart.

The res isn't so bad post nerf though.

I'm one of those people who fucking hated the Resurrect ability with all my soul, and even I think it's fine now.
The fact that there's that fair chance of still stopping the mercy before she manages to pull it off is all it needed.

You know what Winston really needs? A Long distance projectile ability, y'know, let his RAILGUN actually shoot a beam or something? or give it to him in some way where it can eat or blast through shields.

Because Winston is really not that useful diving into a group where his Shield gets instantly melted or when he's not up close to someone. Plus his dps is pretty awful unless you're powered up or you're going against Characters with low health.

As a Tank, he can't even really fight off other tanks like they all can, and that's pretty pathetic.

>Nerfing Winston would be racist

can someone tell me why the fuck can moira's diarrhea orb go through fucking shields and suck everyone to death
what the FUCK

Winston is still insanely good, he doesn't need anything like that. Please don't talk about shit you clearly don't understand.

because shields are horrible design in an FPS and encourage turtling so they will have to make some more counters

Yeah Winston is so bad he's the backbone of the competitive dive comp meta.

Fun fact: defense matrix instakills Moira's orbs!