Why do so many people like playing Horde?

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because the alliance is for faggots

Goblins r cool, I was Dwarf all the way before that

Orcs are cool. Fuck Sylvanas. Garrosh did nothing wrong!

Anduin's path is pure ludokino. Horde is cringy.

Horde are the underdog.

Also anyone who rallies behind those pink rosy baby lips deserves to lose.

Most of the people in the internet are children, and children always try to act cool and edgy, which is exactly how slyvanas and the horde is designed to be.

Sylvanas is sexier, just not in that horrible CG rendering.

>61% vs 39%
>company favoritism
>for the horde xD meme everywhere

Virtue signalling

Were those the actual pictures they chose for the poll? Because both of them are incredibly unflattering.

I've never liked the Horde very much because all the races except for Blood Elf have shit posture.
Even fucking Goblins have forward head

>orcs, undead
they just look better, i dont give a fuck about lore

Horde have undeads. Also horde follows at least some honor code with rare exceptions like Garrosh, while Alliance consists of some random landlords, werewolf with his own specific business and bunch of completely forgotten others. Oh, and nightelves, who totally sucked in Emerald dream

>Boring goodie-good kid and retarded furries

It would be the other way around then

Worgons are a stain on the alliance. Genn needs to die.

t. dumb orc

Because the horde is full of social rejects, like the people who voted.


What the fuck no? Horde outnumbers allies 8 to 1 on most servers what are you talking about?

>religious crying fag
>passionately screaming woman

Blood Elves

Inertia, mainly. Been Horde since vanilla because my first big raiding guild was.

I’ve been on the same server ever since, plus most of my friends in WoW are Horde. I rolled an Alliance alt once just to see the other side’s storyline in WoD, but most of the connections and guild stuff I have is Horde.

I bet there is more blood elves than all alliance races put together minus humans

Man children, same reason why the horde is 70% BEs. They want to be hardcore but still play the pretty race. Anyone choosing horde after that cinematic is retarded. Literal acts of God on the alliance side and a halfassed For the horde from the most duplicitous bitch in the game.


>people like playing Horde?
Belfs, it's the most played horde race by far.

makes sense, horde is full of faggots anyway


>acts of God
Literally anyone can call upon the light, even the most evil despicable character imaginable could use it as long as they believe hard enough. The light doesn't give a fuck about how much of a good boy you are.

No it doesn't

What happened to her bangs?

so people who use facebook are horde

Seem about right.

>more layers and belt and spikes and leather and emblems
i fucking hate blizzards over designed "art style"

that faggot was crying

Ive never played wow but from what I can tell the horde is more varied in looks and just cooler in general. Alliance seems to be generic blue and gold wearing knights.

Not one horde character has ever called upon the light in any way shape or form. Horde having priests is a concession for gameplay.


>the open mouth soyboy

Blood elves outnumber even humans, they are the most played race second to none

90% of those faggots are Blood Elves, too. Horde was only cool before Elves and Pandas when it was ACTUALLY the underdog faction of outcasts. Now it's the go-to faction for girls and soyboys.

Which is funny because most play Blood elves

>belfs after sunwell

Goblins are top tier

Blood elves were a mistake

I like how the player base hasn't changed since vanilla.

>edgy teenagers
>kids who think undead are cool
>tryhards who only do it for the racial
>russians who roll nothing but blood elves

>casual players
>college students with no time to play
>furries thanks to worgen

Because of blood elf females

>>russians who roll nothing but blood elves
Most russians I see play orcs

>very small faction of high-elf war survivors
>most populated race on the fucking planet
Nice lore fail, Blizz

Shut your bitch mouth, Greymane is the only hope the Alliance have of not suffering death by being a pussy.

>God tier
>Good tier
>Ok tier
Fem gnome
Male worgen
>Shit tier
Everything else
>KYS tier
Draenei, specially female
Female worgen

>Why do so many people like playing Horde?

old horde under thrall and garrosh was for people who liked playing as the bad guys

nu horde under sylvanas is for tumblrina shitters

Which horde cock does blood elves prefer?

am russian
am orc
can confirm

your list is shit tier

>tfw soyboy
>tfw only ever play blood and night elves
Checks out

What server is this graph from? Because surely there are more trolls and tauren characters than there are worgen.

Yeah that's how it starts then you see the Horde for the stinking savages that they are

>Which cock does blood elves prefer?
Draenei horsecocks

Alliance? Heh, sorry kid *smirks* i dont swing that way :)

I wish they didn't have such a fetish for spikes. Alliance garrison is so much better.

This chart was from Cata when the worgen were more played since they were new

Now it's probably even worse with the Demon Hunters

Blood Elves ruined the Horde. I stopped playing Horde when it became BE and Friends.

Why is she so bald?


I liked Horde back in the Thrall days when it was a band of misfits and beastman banding together in an almost family like culture while also being allied to elves and undead for reasons.

Then Garrosh showed up and Orcs magically because racists despite that having never been part of their character and the Horde as a whole had no kinmanship between them. So I rolled a DK since they are third party and not technically part of the Horde.

Then Legion happened and now Sylvanus, arguably one of the most evil entities on Azeroth has become Warchief. She canonically does not care about the Forsaken or the Horde and DKs canonically want her dead

Thinking of re-rolling to the alliance. Maybe a monk of some kind I don't know. Blizz wont stop shtting on the Horde.

Mad cause your shitty nigger waifu character is shit tier to everyone else but you?

KYS nigger.

I wish I could be a paladin without being a Blood Elf (no, Taurens don't count)

I doubt they'll make either Zandalari or Nightborne paladin enabled, but either would be sick.

I remember looking at top european guilds during Draenor, and the guilds were all nothing but Blood Elves.

Better races
Better zones
Better mounts
Better armor aesthetics
Better music
Better players
Wow, really tough to figure that one out

Which side has the most ERP nowadays?
Those new subraces seem fun.

most slavs I know,including myself :^) , play Dwarves

You always post your nigger character here, fuck off.

You choose the most retarded face for the orc too.

>purple humans
>short humans
>ugly short humans
And they were all ugly as fuck, which says something extra about gnomes. All the people who played alliance to look normal switched to horde when blood elves came out and looked pretty. Conversely, people who played horde became interested in alliance with draenei. Alliance continued to get more interesting races, but you can't undo the original damage.

Because room-temperature pusy is still better than soyboytoy

This is a trash list and you should feel bad.

>better players

>better armor

Faction change and in vanilla the races were more even but I doubt more than a small percentage of those players are still around

They've done a lot worse than that jaina model. The zerg alternate skins for starcraft 2 might be some of the worst examples of blizzard design I've ever seen, they just threw a fuck load of spikes on every single one, pig disgusting.

>Then Garrosh showed up and Orcs magically because racists despite that having never been part of their character

What is Warcraft 1 and 2.

>She canonically does not care about the Forsaken

That changed somewhat after WoTLK. She cares, to some extent, to the Forsaken. That doesn't make her less of a self-centered cunt, she just won't let they all die to accomplish her goal of becoming immortal.

Moonguard blue side has more ERP, Wyrmrest Accord red side has better ERP. Stay away from the Tauen and Elves tho. They are into some weird shit

Stay pleb, faggot.

that is because they fuck all day every day like rabbits

>Better players
lol the ~100 good arena players don't make up for all the retards

WIthout the cape your set is pretty generic and similar to whats already in the game
Guess what. No cape in the actual model.

>better zones

To be fair, it is safe to say the "favoritism" ended with Cata after they did the "Alliance should kill themselves" PR goof at Blizzcon and they been on full apology mode since.

I like the "old" New Horde, but what it has become is pretty fucking irking since it pretty much shits on the "Let's be spiritual together and help these Zomboys redeem themselves", FFS SoO only happens because "everyone" disregards their blood oath, even though the writers try to hand wave it saying that's not how the oath works and betraying Garrosh is A-OK, a OATH IS A FUCKING OATH.

Basically as WoW gone on the Horde has lost its identity outside of "Dindu Nuffin" by having the other "original" aspect revealed to just been posturing.

Not that the Alliance is any better with their "ALL BOW TO THE HIGH KING" nonsense meaning it effectively is less a Alliance and more everyone else is a vassal to Stormwind now.

>Warcraft 1 and 2.
First horde was corrupted by demons, second Horde was trying to claim land to survive. In neither case were Orcs racist.

Wrong. She sees the Forsaken as nothing but a shield to keep her alive and when she becomes Warchief the the first thing she does is to abandone the Horde at stormheim chasing immortality and getting beat up by a worgen with no gear. At no point does the game ever give her any kind of development that suggests she stopped being a self centered cunt.

Redridge is absolute shit Uldum-tier now

Man new Jaina..

Coming from somebody who plays on Moonguard, the RPers here are 95% retarded sjws with edgy mary sues.

>Alliance Armor gives humans a hunched-over appearance when viewed from the front like orcs

What did they mean by this?

>better music
>better races
you have to go back

>pretty generic and similar to whats already in the game
desu you can say this about both

my nigga
m-muh crossroads

You know they're adding a posture slider in BfA

man classic can't come soon enough

all the zones are shit after cata

>retarded sjws with edgy mary sues
>for ERPing
Who cares, I'm here to fuck their character, not them.