define artificial difficulty in less than 7 words
Define artificial difficulty in less than 7 words
When the game cheats
dark souls
The game breaks its own rules
random number generation and nothing else
Emphasis on luck over skill.
when she say she trying to fuck but her parents are home
dark souls
when I can't admit I suck
I can't beat it it's not fair.
cheap tricks and memorization over skill
Stat raising content locked behind lootboxes
leaps of faith
Any game PCbros can't beat.
Outcome is beyond player control.
how about memorizing something that takes skill to execute?
makes me rage, is not fun
when im bad at the game
enemies level up with you
I agree with this user
Scale or they level up when they kill you?
Enemies can change game rules
any game that Sup Forums thinks it's hard
All difficulty outside of inputs are artificial.
>they level up when they kill you?
wtf name one game that does this.
all games have artificial difficulty, a game isn't real
Shadow of Mordor/War
Dude just give them x5 stat multiplier lmao
Star Wars Galaxies
The games rule are it's programming. It cannot follow any other rules. Only humans can cheat.
What's artificial about that?
So is skill over lucky artifical easiness?
How is memorization not a skill?
Isn't that every game? The outcomes are predefined from the start.
What if the rules so they are allowed to do that?
meaningless buzzword
Csgo with its inaccurate guns
Literally nothing wrong with it
Bad AI, but lots of enemy health.
>The games rule are it's programming. It cannot follow any other rules. Only humans can cheat.
They mean the rules that the game laid out for you and told you that "This is how the game works."
damage sponge
>The outcomes are predefined from the start.
Not the outcome of the story, but the outcome of actions or encounters.
RNG is a perfect example of artificial difficulty.
If me and enemy can both kill each other in one hit but he has 90% chance to land and I have 10%, then it is beyond player control. And they'd probably need to repeat the encounter several times before succeeding solely because of RNG.
Excuse by shitters who can't get good.
>Only humans can cheat.
play Forbidden Memories fucko, let's see how fast you change your mind
Rubber banding, one shots. Time limits. Mana.
Poorly designed controls.
Can easily be circumvented by making controls customizable, or with a different controller. See Hitbox/Meleebox.
Easier to script than to beat.
Obscure lore, needing to understand it.
What I mostly mean by this is equipping certain items or using them in certain places that makes no fucking sense unless you really read between the lines that may or may not even be there to draw some shitty conclusion as to why you needed to do that.
>Time limits
thats not artificial difficulty you fag
two whose
Your mother's botched vag lift
But actually, "Forced trial and error"
Difficulty: opposite team uses smarter tactics when playing.
Artificial difficulty: opposite team has players with boosted stats while your team plays worse than in a lower difficulty.
It's retarded to bring this down to "less than 7 words" because it is much easier to see some examples.
dark souls 1 2 3 also bloodborne
So if you want an "artificial difficulty" definition in less than 7 words, here's one for you:
"Poorly designed difficulty".
Nioh's "difficulty" balance
an obstacle that the player can't see coming until they have already died to it
Do it in 3
op is a faggot
>rubber banding
Another good example that fits into my definition Rubber-banding is poorly designed difficulty because instead of giving the player a logical and fair challenge the dev decided it was just much easier to fuck with him by making the opposition magically catch up with him.
"Artificial difficulty" usually goes hand in hand with lazy developers.
World of Warcraft had one boss with that gimmick.
Rubber banding / early bosses now normal enemies.
Cheapness due to lazy game design
Bulletsponges, lower damage, no reward for risk
Difficulty that is artificial
Look at a game like nioh
Increased health and damage and that's it.
No such thing exists
what about RTS games where the ai is just given resources for free because resource management is hard?
This. The game establishes a set of rules the player can follow and when it has to break those rules to beat you, it's cheating. For example, in Soul Calibur II, the cpu can dodge attacks that are impossible to dodge for players. This is because it's programmed to dodge x% of attacks.
When your success isn't determined by your skill.
So basically RNG.