Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying. Eh, lass?
Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying. Eh, lass?
all i can see is his big sword... its so big
>playing as a woman.
>Thieving is honest work
I wiped that sewer out as best I could.
That's not even a sword, It's a dagger.
OP, you know me too well
You like big swords baby? Want to see mine?
turning noble thieves guild into common thugs, never forgive.
actually i've scoured countless ancient tombs and forts, defeating draugr kings, archmages, and clan leaders, cleansing skyrim of any and all threats that i lay my eyes on.
Curved swords. Curved. Swords.
Making NPCs essential was a mistake..
there's been an awfully lot of skyrim threads lately
is Sup Forums actually admitting they liked this game despite of its flaws?
or maybe there are literal bethesda shills trying to viral marketing this for some new re-rererere-release
>being an independent agent
He said HONEST WORK, not some millenial freelancing.
hey as long it doesnt devolve into Waifu posting i ain't complaining
it's just something that everyone has played
Restoring the guild to its former glory is literally part of the quest chain. Pay attention.
Because it's the only sandbox RPG with any lasting power. For example, Witcher 3 is a better game in every respect, but what is there to talk about? You beat all the finely crafted quests the same way everyone else did, and then it ends. Skyrim has mods, emergent gameplay and true roleplaying. It will remain popular until TES6 comes out.
Mjoll best girl.
She never fucking shuts up and she always telling the same stories over and over again.
Yeah but she's a warrior of justice. A selfless wanderer who just wants to help people.
I look like fucking Beowulf, who the fuck are you calling lass?
But I'm a girl.
Bethesda fucked this game up so much. It's kind of unbelievable. There were so many great ideas and then they managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on every one of them.
>edit config file to allow killing of essential NPCs
>kill this fucking faggot every single playthrough
Essential NPCs is the most retarded concept in the entire history of RPGs
>this fucker calls me a thief
>can't kill him
great game
I think it's a result of radiant AI. I'm not going to lie if some NPCs ended up dying because of a random act of god I'd be fucking pissed.
>your noble defender of Skyrim can’t be outraged at the insult to his honor
I suppose if you’re looking to actually roleplaying you wouldn’t be playing a Bethesda game
Radiant AI can suck my fuck.
I never realized how nice riften is without this faggot trying to sell you a slightly used guild at top volume all day
You mean Lydia?
>most overrated girl in the game
Playing as a merchant is the only way I have any fun in this game. Most of my goods comes from killing thieves but it would be nice if there was an actual economy more than making someone your friend for better prices.
yes with mods
>Npc is essential unless specifically attacked by the player character
holy shit it took me 2 seconds to come up with this. You would think the team of professionals working at Bethesda might have given it some actual though.
Yeah you would think. I'm not saying the system could not be improved, I just think that's why essential NPCs became a thing. I also think it's because Bethesda clearly spent more time on the Thieves Guild than any other guild combined, so they want to railroad you into playing it.
That's not Serana
>I think it's a result of radiant AI.
Not quite, most of them are set essential by a quest. When the quest ends the essential flag is removed. Some quests, e.g. the "quest" that handles jarls and stewards, never end so that's why people like Maven Black-Briar are permanently set essential. I think they did this simply because they didn't want to have to write enormous amounts of NPC death handling code for all the quests.
>You would think the team of professionals working at Bethesda might have given it some actual though.
They did. That's in the game. There's two levels of NPC "immortality"; protected, which means only the player can kill them, and essential, which means nobody can kill them. Followers, for example, are usually set to protected, not essential.
For spending the most time on it, you’d think it would have more content than a handful of story quests and a billion radiant ones
That DOES exist though. There are "essential npcs" (can't die, ever) and "protected npcs" (upon "death", goes into CoD bleedout jellyscreen until their health regenerates).
If a protected npc starts limping around waiting to come back to life, they lose ALL aggro, but will still take damage. Meaning enemies or the player can still accidentally kill them.
The real thing here is Bethesda thought it would be bad if a player had to suffer consequences of their killing sprees. It also takes a fuckton more effort to make quests that don't break when NPCs die.
Why can't I kill protected npcs you fucking retard. I'm not going to be pissed if I'm the person who kills them.
did you read my post? I said why don't they make it so npcs aren't protected or essential if the actual player hits them.
learn to fuckin read
I feel like Skyrim was just the unfortunate guinea pig for Todd and his Radiant Quest system.
The fact that there's an alternate hidden questline where you assassinate all the members of the Dark Brotherhood for the Empiee leads me to believe that it was the one with the most work in it
>vampire with a motherfucking Elder Scroll falls out of a tomb
>can't kill it
>The real thing here is Bethesda thought it would be bad if a player had to suffer consequences of their killing sprees.
Doubtful. There's still quite a few NPC that can die and it will lock players out of content in the game if they do, e.g. Eorlund Gray-Mane.
>It also takes a fuckton more effort to make quests that don't break when NPCs die.
Almost certainly the truth. I got sick of it myself when modding and just started setting aliases to be essential rather than writing death event handling code for every fucking stage of the quest.
Idiots do not know how to read AT ALL
I want to kill quest related npcs.
When they take a knee after getting damaged they NEVER die. I had a greybeard on his knee and I spent 20 minutes just slashing him, why didn't he die dipshit
>SKSE for SE
>rerererelease for switch
Or perhaps both.
>enter city
>NPC with quest to give dead
>killing an NPC with a quest removes the quest from it's quests to give, meaning it own't repawn
That's some real high-level programming. I understand why Bethesda didn't do it.
That quest-line it self was so clearly thrown together in a fucking afternoon it's legitimately insulting to me.
>kill Astrid, the player is completely unaware that they are the leader of the Dark Brotherhood
>go tell a random guard about it, they give the usual "Duuurrrrr by Shor ur serious!!" and point you to the Pentius Oculatos outpost
>Maro gives you the same "durf ur serious!!" dogshit and the in his infinite wisdom sends you alone to wipe out the entire guild of assassins after just saying him and his men have been trying to track them for months
I honestly never do that quest anymore because of how insulting it is, it's the most obvious "thrown together in 5 minutes" shit in the game.
>. There's still quite a few NPC that can die and it will lock players out of content in the game
Not really though. There's only one or two and the fact that those NPCs can be killed and damage a quest is probably an oversight.
It's probably the also that Skyrim was a rushed and unfinished game. It's clear to me with the advent of the Radiant Quest system the TES team didn't know how to implement it and balanced hand-crafted quests. Skyrim with mods is really enjoyable but the base game is so god damn rushed it shows in strides.
>join vampire hunters
>escort a fucking vampire with an elder scroll back to her home
>can't kill any of them
What is the fucking point of Dawnguard? There isn't a word strong enough for how completely, absolutely fucking retarded it is
>Skyrim had the community fix the game with a unoffical patch with a fuckton of fixes
>rerelease the game years later
>same patch has to be applied because the TES team cant be bothered fixing it themselves
I honestly still can't understand the point of the Elder Scroll. Doesn't Vurthur admit he's the one who created the prophecy? How the fuck did a Snow Elf create a fucking Elder Scroll if they are supposed to be artifacts outside of Time? They should have scrapped Dawnguard, taken the Civil War out of the vanilla game and had Skyrim's first expansion be a more in-dept Civil War.
I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking. At least with the base game they have the excuse of trying to do so much by that stupid release date, it's understandable, but infuriating, everything is unfinished, but there's no excuse for Dawnguard. I just can't wrap my mind around it.
yeah, I steal shit and I'm gonna go back to stealing shit my way while you starve to death because I can say no to every NPC that gives me a shitty reward.
No idea, I never got that far. Uninstalled and never looked back. Played Morrowind again instead
Of course. They love that shit in Skyrim and Fo4 because it lets them have “more quests” in the game without having to do actual work, and who gives a fuck if the “quests” are just being sicced or sent to fetch like a fucking dog.
>Re-release a game fifty times
>never add in or finish any of the shit you cut for time
>never fix the glaring bugs
If Bethesda even gave half a shit when they released it in the first place, they stopped sometime since then
Don't forget, If you take her to the Fort Isran will tell you to take home and see what happens.
Retarded beyond belief.
Modding in slutty clothes is like the only reason to play this game anymore. Got any more like that?
Gotta hit that snazzy 11/11/11 release date user, they announced it before finishing the game.
Six years and multiple re-releases since, and it's still not finished. This is why they wanted a cut from modders too; let them fix their pile of shit and get paid at the same time.
Why anyone is excited for the next one is fucking beyond me. Fuck Bethesda and their bullshit.
>is probably an oversight
Considering NPCs have dialogue acknowledging their deaths I don't think so.
My favorite thing about Dawnguard is that no one's even tried to fix it with mods.
Let's take it outside
>Why anyone is excited for the next one is fucking beyond me.
M-m-m-mmm-mmmmm-ma-ma-maybe it'll be different this time.
People who actually care about functional games and elder scrolls lore don't give a flying shit about dawnguard
>Killed hundreds of people.
>People everywhere walk around shittalking you about being a thief.
>start new game
>this guy asks you to drink with him
>drink 2 times but say no the 3rd time
>guy rapidly asks you again each time you take a step
They really did not expect people to say no.
Post most hated NPCs.
Funny, since Bethesda clearly didn’t either
>Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying. Eh, lass?
I had actually obtained all my money legally at this point, and was deeply insulted by his insinuation. Despite this, I couldn't tell him to fuck off, or kill him.
Any of the children, Nazeem and Fugitive
justin roiland pls go
that mongrel girl in whiterun
>killing people and raiding tombs is honest work
The entirety of riften except Madesi
>when someone talks shit about Skyrim
I hated the Theives Guild in this game. What a bunch of faggots. Actually I just hated the entire city of Riften in general.
>Restoring the guild to its former glory is literally part of the quest chain. Pay attention.
They are still common thugs when you done with the questline. Just more succesful ones.
cleanse them all, user
There was an Oblivion master trainer of a combat skill that in everyone's playthroughs would be dead because her Radiant AI package made her get to close to bandits.
don't hurt sapphire reeeeee
Does anyone have that copypasta about user's imouto who played a serial killer in Skyrim?
There is no option to say no to the third drink. You canceled the conversation window, this is not the same thing as giving a dialogue response to an NPC, but his current package is a force greet so he's just going to start the same conversation as if you were still on the second drink for as long as you are near him.
This. Morrowind and Oblivion’s Thieves Guilds were classy and professional. Skyrim guild is a bunch of arrogant pricks that threaten to assault you every time you go to turn a quest in
Oh I did. I just wish it had an impact story wise. But Bethesda being the retards that they are made half the city essential.
Kill Paarthurnax.
>earn coin by buying a good citizen and selling your sword to the local yarl
>still get that line
The Thieving Guild questline was shit.
What if he made all his money from mining ore and cutting wood?
>do Thieves Guild
>be Nocturnal's bitch
>be Maven's bitch
Yeah nah.
Take the waifus and blob goblins to /tesg/.
Fuck off, cunt
I kill who I want