Have you ever built a deck in YGO because of how aesthetically pleasing the cards are?
Have you ever built a deck in YGO because of how aesthetically pleasing the cards are?
That's the reason most petdecks are made really.
No, but I guess I'd be Kaiba.
I would but they're probably expensive
>10 stars
>pay 1000 lp and hope that the card you draw is a related card
Sometimes they make such a shitty card, while on the other hand they make cards like monarchs with "summon, kill something".
VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Cannon turbo when I came back to ygo in 2012. I switched it to AtoZ Dragon Buster Cannon turbo when the new cards came out
No, bit i did just put a bunch of 4 star monsters with high attack, and traps to deal with the strongest stuff, its surprisingly effective for what it is
>want to draw card outside of the start of your turn
>pay 100000 life points, send your hand to the graveyard, remove 5 monsters from play, draw 3 cards, and put two back in the deck, then shuffle it
You can in Duel Links for free.
I for one building an Ice Barrier Deck even though it's not the current meta.
That's why i made a Dark Magician deck.
>nugioh cards
It's a very cheap draw for a non-destruction, non-targeting spin. The cost means nothing with cards like these, and there are other cards that allow you to somewhat stack the deck so you can use its effect somewhat reliably. Gishki's aren't relevant anymore, but Ziel is a great boss monster.
How can I deal with monarchs?, its a pain in the ass to play against them, the only deck more annoying I've fought i against is evilswarm
I've always wanted a deck with nothing but cute girls.
Madolche deck.
Dumb dessert people.
Side deck Mask of Restrict. It also works with Kaijus.
so trickstars or traptrix?
Made a Nekroz deck pre-nerf, basically thrashed everyone I played against.
Fun times.
user the last time I played hardcore ygo was with ygo online 2 (best card game imho).
But I donĀ“t think there is now even lesser shit to counter that. I mean, use book of moon and kill it.
good taste user
gishki is the best petdeck
If there was no banlist, what would be the best deck? Dragon Rules with 3x of all the broken early power spells? 3x Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, One Day of Peace Exodia? OTK shenanigans?
Spyrals with pot of greeds.
>buster blader will never be good
Ghostricks were always awful, but god I loved em. Madolche were alright, but never god tier. Wind Ups had their time, but RIP. Also liked Sylvans for the art, but their playstyle is fun.
My inner little girl loves the chibi ones. But I'll always be an Evilswarm lover most. Glad they got new support.
>this card cannot attack directly
That's why Dark Paladin is the superior fusion.
Oh baby
Noble Knights
>first turn, opponent dumps out half their deck into the graveyard
>pendulum summon Buster Blader
>normal summon level 1 tuner of choice
>synch into Buster Dragon
>entire field and graveyard is now dragons
>revive Buster Blader with Buster Dragon
>fuse with Destruction Swordsman Fusion with opponents monster
>get 15k beatstick with pierce and effect negation from anywhere
>attack once and win
I try to build normal monster decks because of the flavor text they get
First cardfus were the charmers, but I never really knew how a deck around them would play. Knowing my luck, absolute garbage tier.
Most of the cards I like effect-wise are luckly pretty good aesthetically, like the yubel trio
Most banned ftk decks that would not get as disrupted by handtraps(including exodia).
Made a deck on Magician Girls, I get my shit kicked in alot because people remove me instead of attacking me
I tried making a gradius deck ages ago
i have a buddy who runs them as well. he tries to make me attack with final attack orders or battle mania, but they tend to backfire on him more often than not.
Zielgigas turbo doesn't stop at one ritual. Any gishki deck never stops at just one ritual. The goal is to get out three Zielgigas, clear the way through their effects, make sure you have something like trap stun if they have too much backrow, swing in with all three for game (or two if one gets removed), second main xyz into superdreadnaught rail cannon gustov max, and burn for the last 2k if they're not already dead.
Wasn't there a card with a guy similar back in 03 ygo?
Im thinking of neo
I wish I could do this one but I only have this girl
What is the point?
You die turn 1-2 to some OP XYZ/LINK/Pendu combo anyways.
I really miss old yugi.
That card reminds me of the anti-aircraft things from Wachenroder.
Why do you think im memeing it up with D-HEROES? not because they're good
the d-heroes kind of remind me of SMT, especially doom lord and the departed
>liked 5DS
>absolutely despise links, game is dead to me now because if I want to fusion/synchro spam, I now have to jump through the hoops and resources of Links.
>would rather have zexal formats to this because I could still actually play what I wanted, and I absolutely hated zexal.
>mfw I realize I'm the nostalgiafag now.
>I really miss old yugi.
where everyone had the same 30 magic/trap staples and 10 beaters?
>tfw liked 5D's
>legit too much of a brainlet to understand pendulums
>still collect the cards sometimes because I really like the way they look
>mfw I realize I might be retarded
Magic swordman archetipe when?
Pends are easy. Set the scales in the pend zones (pend monsters in the scale are treated as spell cards and can be blown up by MST/Twin Twister/banished with Cosmic Cyclone; they are treated as monsters anywhere else), then you can pend summon monsters between the levels of the scales set (if you have scales 1 & 8, you can summon monsters with levels 2-7 from your hand). Pend monsters go to the extra deck face up instead of going to the grave if they die. It's all pretty simple.
The only change is that post-Links, any face up pendulum monster summoned from the extra deck can only be summoned to either a zone pointed to by a link monster's link markers, or the extra monster zone. If you summon pends from the hand though, you can still just vomit them all over your field though.
Maybe he means when rescue rabbit could dodge any response shy of the solemn brigade and still get his effect for free. Those were interesting times.
Literally my kozmo deck
Do they go in your deck normally if they aren't dead or are they always extra deck?
Can you just throw them into the scales or do you need to use an effect first?
You can throw any pend in your hand into your scales if the scale you're using is free. in the scales, consider them like continuous spell cards. You can't remove them unless you actively use spell/trap removal.
The pendulum gimmick is basically: they're main deck monsters that go to the extra deck face up when they die.
The only exception is stuff like Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, which is an XYZ pendulum, and starts out facedown in the extra deck like a typical XYZ monster until you XYZ summon it to the field properly. After that, if it dies, it goes to the extra deck face up like a regular pendulum monster. From there, it can only be pendulum summoned back, not XYZ summoned.
>Do they go in your deck normally if they aren't dead
yes. the only reason they would enter the grave is if they enter from not the field ( discarded from hand, milled from deck, summon negate, etc.)
also things that banish stuff sent to the grave takes priority like dimensional fissure.
I built Ritual Beasts because they're cute, and because their storyline has a lot of suffering.
The playstyle is sorta interesting too, although some of their longest combos are a pain to think through (especially with the new link monster).
What is their story.
Lol why even bother? If you're not playing to win you shouldn't play at all! Besides, if it doesn't fit in the meta it's trash.
I see, thanks. Feels weird missing out on an entire gen of YGO, I used to be on it like a fly in shit.
Also completely missed Arc-V except for some very nice lewd purple ruris.
Yeah I made a madolche deck a while back. Fun times bricking and shit. I get way better results from my incomplete mermail deck. I wish Megalo wasn't 20+ dollars right now, I still need two more.
That's the only reason i still have an IRL deck. I gave all of my cards to my bro besides the ones I was attached to. Funnily enough because of all the different bullshit in it and like the tons of different types of cards in it it plays like a fucking anime characters deck where if I draw the right cards it does some wild shit but in actual play it's basically worthless because you'll never have the cards you need.
magician girl decks struggle pretty bad, i tried for a while to make a playable deck, but in the end i just put a DMG and choco in my dark magician deck
How was that other card game Takahashi made a few years ago (Drump)? Haven't heard much about it so I just assumed it died out while he kept on with the YGO money.
>Chaos Dragons
>Gladiator Beasts
Pretty much all of the time
Nigga that card is like 8 years old
>tfw my yugioh cards got stolen two separate times
can't get over seeing certain cards in duel links now
>5DS turns 10 next year
>nostalgiafags no longer able to call it new garbage
I got my cards stolen once but that was 100% my fault because I left my cards alone with a bunch of kids
The age of 5DS is irrelevant, you can't fix stupid.
To clarify, the "stupid" are the people crying about Synchros and the like. I like Duel Links so I can prey on people like this with Glads.
>Want to get a full set of Lunalights
>None of the hobby stores around have any
I mean I guess I can order online and all but damn it would have been nice to build and pay on the spot
>bought into LLs because friends were sometimes playing yugioh between rounds
>One's a Dark World fag
>Get out Leo Dancer T1
>He's unable to do anything because Leo Dancer is at 3500 and Grapha never gets over 3k, he can't pop it, so he scoops, and never plays against me again.
Suck my dick, Brandon. That reaction was worth the cost of the deck. God I hate Dark World faggots.
Your friend sounds retarded
>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "*holds up summoned skull* let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate kozmo" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaugheting my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "*flips Despell* you activated my trap card!" thread
ZEXAL was the greatest. It literally felt like you could run anything and be competitive
He didn't have an XYZ toolbox.
Then he must be retarded. Can't be poor because Zombiestein is like a dollar.
My niggas. Neo was my favorite card as a kid.
Also aesthetics are the only reason I'll play a deck in the first place. It's why I ran pure HEROs well past their viability. Igknights and (Mostly) Pure metalfoes without Qli or Zooooodiac splashing.
imagine if the card had it's manga ruling.
>not playing a viable AND aesthetically pleasing deck
Asthetics are the enire reason I built Noble Knights. Too bad theyre awful in competitive. Luckily theyre getting new support tho so they might not be so bad anymore.
I agree that you could basically run what you wanted, but the T1 decks really left a dent on me.
>wind up loop
>dino-rabbit. pre-priority fixing meant that if you did not negate the rabbit summon, you cannot stop a laggia from coming down
>chaos dragons
>dark world
>shock master and 5 billion R4 decks
>fire fists
>lmao, 7 honests
>drulers and spellbooks
>splashable engines in everything
It was more of a "I'm going to dust off my old deck" thing. Seeing as how me and 2 others bought new ones, I don't know why he didn't at least upgrade his extra deck.
oh boy
I want to fuck Worm Queen so bad dude
I fucking love Dark Worlds so him losing to something like that rustles me a bit.
>Drulers and spellbooks
Oh man I forgot about those. God what chaotic, max length turns
>t. worm king
Can't Dark Worlds reasonably easily go into Utopia the Lightning with that level 4 Darkworld monster with the spear? The Lightning just shuts down Lunalights completely and shoves his chad dick right into leo dancers ass.
They were nothing compared to the bullshit we have now with spyrals. Fucking 20 minute solitaire turns that end on unbreakable boards unless you have hand traps.
Also in consideration, a Leo Dancer with Blue Cat's effect laughs at Lightning. On my turn it's not that hard, on the DW's turn it's situational at best, but it's not completely hopeless once Lightning comes down.
>that one card you loved as a kid but now realize is pretty bad
I ran this guy simply because he could kill my brother's Obelisk
>tfw accidentally looked at his armpit
That can never be unseen.
Can't wait to see how they butcher the EU/USA Artwork
Yes. The gishki cards are pure kino. Same for gem knights
Get ready for glowing barrel ends, lightning, and recoloring the guns to turquoise or purple so they look like toys.
US version will add more guns, anime will add lazers or some shit
Damn so that bullshit Yugi pulled against Joey in the anime was actually legit.
>still no good support for my waifu
feels bad
Well the card was made after he pulled that shit as a nod to it
She just doesn't have a home.
I just wanted a Revolver Ocelot deck
all the cards I like in the yugioh show actually suck in the real card game.
RIP fusion decks