Alright, Sup Forums give me your comfy winter games
Snowy vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
does this count?
max payne 1
>using the word "comfy"
Kill yourself you dumb fag.
>Don’t day that word!
You first faggot
Woah looks like Jimmy here forgot to take his medication again
Skyrim is kinda comfy
Arkham Origins
Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason.
Rather than snow, there's ice, lots of it.
Is the game any good? For some reason it's in my Steam library but I never bothered to give it a go.
mafia 2
indigo prophecy
shadow of memories
Jak 1 has areas that are snowy
First off. Do you have an Nvidia vga card? If no, don't even try it, it will work like ass and you will miss half the effects.
And regarding the game itself, it's different than most horror shooters.
I really wish we had a GTA fully in an area up north.
This is the comfiest song I've ever heard
Fucking CRINGE.
I don't have a pic, but Tom clancy the division
super underrated! great pick
Never finished it. Stopped playing after the Military hanger flash back Or whatever that was.
Little Inferno
GTA Online
The Long Dark
SSX Tricky, Steep
The Division.
>Mafia 2
My nigga.
They need to do something with this part of the game online. It's big enough for missions.
That's about the time when everything goes to complete shit. Everything after the insane asylum and the old crow lady is just retarded, feels like some schizophrenic on acid wrote it.
>feels like some schizophrenic on acid wrote it.
But it doesn't last, user.
>Don't Starve Perma Winter
>Stardew Valley in Winter
>Long Dark
Not SNOWY, but atmospheric for Winter
>Any S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game
Its quiet comfy with an eerie atmosphere and not a long or hard game, you can finish it in one afternoon. dont expect anything great but its for a playthough.
>saving and posting .png
>doing anything
Japan best level
Looks like a mobile game
Skyrim, obviously
if there's a mobile game like that then I want to play it
Played the shit out of that with my dad when I was younger. Good times.
Those environments are wasted on The Division.
My whole experience was getting down because they'll never use it for anything other than fetch quests and grinding.
Oh right it is a mobile game.
Well not entirely winter but still the focus is on the winter xpac
It was still a great section, and I still had a blast with Mafia 2 either way.
I really want to replay The Division but I hate the Destiny style of gameplay they went with. Its a shame since it looks and runs great.
I guess by technicality, although these aren't pics of the switch version.
The epitome of comfy
Damn, I used to love Christmas time in Azeroth. I might just download WoW again just for the fuck of it.
Imagine if Nintendo didn't intentionally kneecap their hardware and software
given that the switch is a portable system it's got great hardware tbqh. I'm a bit skeptical on whether they should release a PC-like (in the sense that the architecture is the same as most PCs) console similar to the PS4/Xbone, given the annoyances that it's brought to this gen.
Why does this game seem to feature such a lack of contrast? Where the fuck are my blacks and whites?
wii u has limited RGB range, it's a known technical problem. Not nearly as noticeable on a TV.
>he plays DiRT 3
blech yourself for trying to derail a comfy winter thread. It's a good thing I have plenty of cold images.
Wasn't trying to derail- It's just so awfully washed out and uncomfy!
Just run em through 300% contrast befor you post any more.
How is Kona? Is the driving free or on rails?
>tfw Summer
I hate hot weather
dont forget the colour filter too
BF : BC2 yo
Is the emulator good enough to play the game now?
Yeah, but fuckin just make it available as a locale for creating races or something ffs
Just found this game called infinite air...
or you can just use cemu with contrasty or clarity pack, I just prefer playing it on wii u since I don't like allocating all my ram to botw. Although I genuinely do not like how looks, that's overdone but is a good edit.
yes, only real issue is framepacing and you likely won't notice it.
best I could do with this one
Holy fuck, thanks user. gonna download it right now. I was looking for a new snowboarding/skiing game and I don't really want to deal with ubisoft bullshit and that free to play game Snow kind of sucks.
What gayme?
reminder that this is how good the game could have looked with out the shitty green filter, and how many more people would have bought a switch if it did
>Racing game is arcady.
>Therefor it is bad.
tell me if its good!
oh man, yes this. the score/environmental music that goes with it is pretty great too
still hoping
Never my kind of game, but top notch atmosphere.
To this day I am an annoyed that no GTA had snow as a normal weather condition.
At least there was Bully.
shits and gigs
there's no such thing as "the green filter", the game has different color filters depending on the weather conditions and time of day, on top of the fact the wii u has a limited rgb range issue like I mentioned before. Also, like I said before as well, you can emulate it on cemu to avoid the problem so you don't have to say "could have". I don't even own a switch so I have no idea why you brought up its sales, you know, besides to shitpost.
shadows are way to black there imo, not as good as the other edit.
that one's literally already edited with the contrasty pack, the reason it has an orange hue its because it's in the middle of a sunset you utter muppet