

Probably Rocky and Bullwinkle on the NES. I played that shit as a kid, just getting through stage 3 was a nightmare because you have no idea where it is safe to stand since its all just powerlines. The hit detection was terrible, the controls were terrible, the music was terrible, the graphics were terrible. I can't believe I beat that shit.

Umbrella Corps

Conception 2

Gonna anger people but banjo 1 was pretty dull.

Boring answer, but Ride to Hell Retribution. Bought it for £2 knowing it would be bad, but I thought it would make me laugh at least. It just annoyed me and made me sleepy.

Legend of the Sunfish

One day for Ched

The Last Rebellion

Forever Kingdom

Sonic adventure 2

Mercenaries 2 on the PS2.

Spider-Man PC. It's one of the buggiest games I've ever seen.

Le So Hardumb :^D Dark Souls

PUBG solo queue

Ninja blade. There was definitely a lot of shovelware on my ps1 days but can't remember distinctive names.

Breath of the wild

Silent Hill 4


Bubsy 3D. I actually played it long before the internet discovered it and actually owned it.

Clive Barker's Jericho

Dragonball Z Sagas

Red Ninja was pretty horrid, but it got my dick rock solid. Same for the first Bullet Girls game.

Got that for Christmas once. Was pretty disappointed and never completed it

Real Life.

Dark Castle

That really popular, well respected game.


project cars

fuck you

Dark Cloud 2

Dragon's Dogma

You can't remember the worst game you ever played because the worst game was so bad that literally nothing stood out.

Damnation. I got a lot of fun saying YAKEEKAN at least

The game I had the worst time playing was Life is Strange, the actual worst one, in terms of how poorly made it was, was probably some shit on Newgrounds.

The void. Is the only instance i can recall of playing a video game and feeling physically ill afterwards.

I actually bought and played the Aquaman game for Gamecube. Was trying to enjoy it by getting together with friends to laugh about it and pass the controller around while drunk and was still deeply upset because of how terribly it controls and how repetitive it got.


Did they forget to add in a story and quests? Felt my IQ dropping as I mindlessly ran around mutton mashing monsters


Virtua Tennis 2009


25 to life

How? I'm not especially fond if the game, but it has its redeeming qualities. It's a 5 or 6/10 as far as I'm concerned.

at least the game paid itself with those expensive as fuck case drops
people buying 40$ cases lmao

Shit game bad graphics bad gameplay 0/10

Demon Gaze II

Your favorite game.

this game was fucking weird



I know it is cliche, but I loved Supersman as a teen and I was so excited for Superman 64. The game is completely unplayable

Megaman X6 is a close second, maybe X7.

Lol no


What was this game called?

blah blah blah shit taste blah blah

Bullet Witch.
Fortunately the world forgot about it, it was shit.

Underground Man. You don't know what bad is until you play a game that's nothing but Russian youtube memes and trying to hide its flaws under the guise of IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SHIT XDD.

The Getaway Black Monday

We are going to fight user.


Wow, dude. I was going to say Maize, but yeah, rocky and bullwinkle was a terrible game.

>people naming popular mainstream games that are commonly considered at least decent
How to spot underages who have only ever played Sup Forums core.

Try NES licensed shovelware like Muppets Chaos at the Carnival, there you have actual unplayable puke.

Bad rats the rats revenge

This, most people here are stupid faggots

If this is the absolute worst you've played, you're not trying hard enough.

Mass Effect 1

Try Atari 2600, faggot. Even the most popular games on there are pretty much trash nowadays.


Sorry buddy but SH4 is fucking trash. Even Homecoming is better.

>Not liking something subjectively
>the worst game you've ever played

MGS3 and MGSV, MGS3 tried to hard with the james bond parody shit, lacked any real change over MGS1&2, you needed to go into the menu every few seconds to change camo, the survival mehcanic sucks its too easy to regen stamina and you never seem to run out except for bosses or some enviromental factors, givin gthe player both the M1911S and tranqS and a host of other weapons both S and loud yet penalizing them if they use any lethal weapon, blowing up stuff in a small base gimmick even though there where only 3-4 of them and made the game really easy if you just took out everything, annoying ass CQC pressure buttons hold for grab hold harder to slit thier throat and the pressure button combat, whole game has a hype up of snake fighting his mento yet you can just CQC her a few times to death, no VR training or real training course, started all the shit story that MGS4 gets the hate for, ocelot has to be the coolest thing in the game with mecs and nukes, no crouching, no PC port, runs like shit on PCS2, some improvements that should have been in the base game given to the Sub ver even when kojima complained he didnt want them and felt sick at 3rd person camera behind snake, the game is realtivly short, escorting eva mission, the shagohod and motobike chase with the PS2s shit framerate makes it a blurry mess, gameplay sucks with the original player view, constantly need FPS view. has autist snake and caused people to make shitty LE SNAKE EATER memes and lust over the boss and her will. MGS3 was fun when it came out but didnt really evolve and feels like a fanmade MGS2 mod with slopes and different height gameplay without the proper camera angles.MGS4, PW, PO, ac!d atleast did something different and evolved MGSV suffers from the same lack of innovation as 3. i dont give two shits about the story but it was quite shit with all thiose DOUBLE CROSS cliches like im watching a bad spy parody movie, it feels like a proto dark night rises where CIA has to fight the big guy

Amazing Spider-Man 2 the Videogame. Fucking piece of shit

Fuck off newfag I will lick the shit out of you if you disrespect MGS here ever again. You've been warned.

Prison architect, Superman (N64), Watchdogs 2, Halo 4, Saints row 4

Where have I said that I like any of the games named in this thread, based retard? I'm just saying that if an AAA game from the last decade is your idea of the worst ever, you seriously need to play more games or stop being hyperbolic to stir shit.

Those are shit, but it's evident how shit they are a minute in, which makes it less offensive. Some more recent games are not as bad, but they still have no right to be as bad as they are, and are a worse time as a result. NES shovelware is still objectively worse, but there are games that I've had a worse time playing than them, even if the newer games are objectively better made.

>MGS3 babies
go spout some globalism ideology created by a woman you omega male manlet

Maybe one of those budgetware shooters that were all over the place in the late 90s

I remember Media Play carrying numerous no-name shooters that eroded my enthusiasm for videogames back in the day.

i dont remember the names those shitty trash games from snes and nes anymore mate

The PS2 version was incredible.
The PC version is fucking awful.

Rocketeer on snes i had no idea how to beat the first level

summertime saga
its like 90% incest and 100% sameface

Have to be Tekken 7. Regret every second of it, could have been playing better fighting games.

Dragonball Z sagas, it made me so fucking mad

Sonic 06 also

Fallout 4

He said The Amazing Spiderman 2, not Spiderman 2. Also, I replayed Spiderman 2 recently and it's a lot worse than I remember it being. I didn't even get far in because of my disappointment. Maybe it's better later.

After playing this game I realized RTS on consoles are just not a thing meant to happen. And it proved true ever since.

Superman 64

Kids these days don't know real kusoge


Shadow Harvest

lmao avgn is funny

DLC Quest


Dark Souls 2

Sonic unleashed. I fucking loathed the werehog parts so much like niggah I just want to run fast. I'd repeat day stages several times just because I didn't want to play as the werehog which I needed to do anyway to progress. Worst of all I couldn't even finish the game because on the last level during the werehog phase there was this long as jump I couldn't make to a ship or something and I gave up

World of Warcraft: Legion.

Rogue Warrior on the 360

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, specifically the gamecube/PS2 game based on the movie
It's something to behold

Watch Dogs 2.

it's a bad GTA ripoff, driving is worse than GTA SA. the hacking gimmicks are reductive and meaningless, seem to be nothing more than a marketing after thought to differentiate the game from GTA.

there is nothing in the game that's enjoyable. which based on steam reviews, either im missing something everyone else gets, or they're simply blind sided by the gimmicks and marketing.

i don't believe if an indie dev released this game without the marketing budget of Ubi, they would be endlessly castigated for making a shoddy GTA clone.

dark souls 3

Maybe because I had huge expectations about it.