Webm thread?
Webm thread.
Webm thread?
>Triple AAA trash
>No actual gameplay
Why did you even make that webm or save it. Did you really think that was impressive?
>Triple AAA
Webm threads are usually started by one single faggot who shills incessantly for HZD
Chill out nintenkid.
Anyone else just think this looks like a bad Breath of the Wild?
>b-but Nintendo!
>posting popular games is shilling
Thanks Sup Forumsintendogaf!
Lol okay faggot, you're totally not an autistic shill for a CG movie producer. You win.
They both look like shitty farcry remakes to me.
> Popular
How is he even shilling when there is no gameplay? That user has issues.
I'm just saying it looks like all graphics and no substance, like a poor mans Breath of the Wild.
OP here. Please do not derail the thread with your hate and just post webms.
Because he's a shitposter and constantly reposts these threads with the same five webms of the game.
this is the only console game from this gen that I hope gets ported to the PC.
BOTW is shit graphics and no substance.
Trust me, you don't want anything from Guerrilla Games. They're one of the worst developers around. I'm now realizing that Death Stranding is probably going to be awful thanks to them.
And it won't happen, period.
It isn't fair, innit?
trying too hard friendo
I notice how after posting several HZD webm's you appear to no longer have webms to post.
I wonder why that could possibly be.
Though most assuredly you are not a shill. Nope, no way, nuh uh. Inconceivable.
How could you possibly level such horrendous accusation at user? Obviously he a saint who dindu nuffin. You must just be a nintenbabby who thought botw was better. It's so obvious you don't actually browse this website and have never seen this exact thread with these exact webms 30+ times in the last month.
How very dare you.
eh? it doesn't matter, I usually end up buying consoles at the end of their lifespan. i'm in no hurry to play, I bought my ps3 and wii when the wii-u and ps4 launched.
it looks like a lot of fun. i'm probably only seeing the good parts, but I'll eventually get a chance to play it.
Can't mods do anything to ban the people derailing the thread?
I made the thread to watch some game webms.
Stop samefagging.
>like a poor mans Breath of the Wild.
Then get some new webms to show off.
wtf I'm team sony now??
Breath of the WIld has perhaps more depth than any other video game. Its subtle so I get that people miss it, but even now people are finding new secrets about the game. Its a gift that keeps on giving. Can you say the same about Grand Theft Au- Oh, sorry, Horizon Zero Dawn?
But Breath of the wild is bad game that is also ugly and runs at 12 frames as second when there is more than 2 enemies on screen.
>Someone who has autistically put time into mastering the terrible controls means the game doesn't have terrible controls
I bet he took weeks to make and clear that level.
>runs at 12 frames as second
Upgrade your toaster
That was nice. Going to pick up the Complete Edition the 5th of decemeber.
>this much samefagging
But user, a Switch can't be upgraded...
you can stop baiting anytime now
Get it now, it's super cheap on PSN.
the irony is you can clearly see the platforming is floaty as fuck in the webm. I love me some LBP1/2 (fuck 3 though), but as a platformer it's not that good. It's at its best when the levels are less reliant on platforming. Notice in the webm the lack of momentum physics unlike any dedicated platformer game would have, including non-nintendo ones since that webm is directed to nintendo fans. Heck, look at the arc sackboy makes during jump, that's not a normal platformer jump.
Didn't know that. Thank you man. Gonna have a blast this weekend.
I mean they did find a new way to use a boomerang just a few weeks ago
Its not about how many frames you have, its about what is and isn't art. Running at 60fps wasn't the artist choice Nintendo wanted to make. The game is better for it.
I think you must hate HZD because you could have a webbum of machine infighting or taking out a Thunderjaw or Deathbringer, not random environmental stuff.
Show me the samefag.
>totally not shilling I swear
>all this butthurt over HZD
>post raptor animation
>don't include idle
One job, user.
What if I enjoy both HZD and BotW?
Oh no why would you let it just die like that.
No sound but I can hear the cringe
is this the power of virgin wizardry
Cool thread, guys!
I was just in this area. Three fucking rockbreakers is too damn much.
What game is this
I have to give you credit, youre the most dedicated shill I've seen on here. Sage.
Blame the drones baiting and trying to ruin the thread
Calling out a blatant shill ≠ butthurt about hzd.
You know I always thought that "shilling" was just an extension of "stop liking what I don't like" but every single webm thread is filled with HZD webms and stuff like this.
Alloy a cute.
The other one made me cringe but this one is fucking great
died like a hero ;_;7
Or maybe its just a discussion about someone wanting to pick a game up and someone tell him that he can find it cheaper right now on PSN
>those hand motions
my sides
What the fuck is that thing? Dlc enemy?
It's nothing like botw though, I don't know why people act like they're similar games. Horizon is more like witcher 3 but with bow and arrow
Are you sure about that? I see like 3 outright drone posts
>0.02$ have been transferred to your psn
Why did she let her robodoggo die?
is this with any graphical mods ?
Why do you cunts get angry about Horizon? It's a decent western game
It's one of the best western games from the past 10 years. Not that it can compete with jap games but it's quite decent
They are pretty hard the new ones.
What game
Online still active?
The guy posts the same webbums constantly.
Hover over "title."
>Why do you cunts get angry about Horizon
Not horizon, but that one shill. The game itself is fine, but this blatant shilling is amazing.
Also, I am pissed at Sup Forums for giving witcher 3 a pass as well with shilling.
Would have enjoyed the game more if it wasn't a clunky first person shooter disguised as a Free Roam RPG.
I've just started Horizon. Is there a forced in romance plot with the kid you save at the start?
>seconds since sonygros shilled shitty games: 0
some gaffer admitted he's editing the pictures to make them look more real aka cinematic.
Thought it was just a generic webm name, lmao
Why in the world do they call her Ayy-loy and not alloy as in a metal alloy? That's the entire joke and they ruin it with their pronunciation.
What game is this?
That's the power of the Havok engine baby.
that kid is like 10 years older than Aloy
Jesus Christ.
I threw up a little in my mouth.
the DLC for that new Horizon game