How come old pixelated games look so much better than modern pixelated games?

How come old pixelated games look so much better than modern pixelated games?

Has the art and skill to make pretty pixel art died out?

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Why, whatever do you mean OP?

Old games had actual ARTISTS doing their job, fighting against the technical limitations of the era.
Modern games have lazyass ""indies"" cooking up something in MS Paint within 5 minutes, and then call it "pixel art".

It's not just indie & 2D shit that has suffered; many big budget 3D games these days have a damn flat visual design, where nothing pops up, everything looks generic as fuck, and tends to be over-designed as hell - resulting very busy image and nonsense designs.

Elevator Action II was the shit. A damn shame the arcade perfect version costs 200 fucking burgers.

>posting exception to the rule
thanks for proving my point

Seek for "photorealism" killed vidya graphics, and most of the small indie devs just lack skills to deliver high quality pixel art.

Games are not the only art form to suffer of this phenomenon.

Shows what a decade of dedication can do.

The majority old "pixel" games actually looked like shit bag then as well, just like how most pixel-art games today look like shit. Just like how most of any medium is usually shit.

>The majority old "pixel" games actually looked like shit bag then as well
t. millennial cuck

you do know that if he's a millennial, he most likely knows damn well what he's talking about?

Millennials were born roughly between 1985 -1995, +/- couple years depending on the source.

source video? who is that?

What modern games do you guys consider to have good pixel art then?

Old games were made by dedicated nips

New games are made by westerners with too much estrogen

dis + Shantae games.

Indie devs choose pixel art not because they like the art style, but because they're short on money. And really good pixel art is not cheap.

There few good pixel art indie games though. Owlboy, Hyper Light Drifter, Rain World and etc.

Because generally nowdays pixel art is used because its cheap and easy.

all of them are shit

kill yourself


I really like Momodora

>That pic
>Implying the sublime works of the peak of the realism age were worse than shitty simplistic impressionism and such garbage

Such a shame the fifth game is going 3D.

because those were done with AAA development teams and an equivalent team of artists nowadays would be way more expensive, outside the realm of a small team.

I love you user. great video

a game that took years to make high quality pixel art ends up being poor and easily forgotten, while shitty 1-bit '''retro''' graphics in undertale and VVVVV or whatever don't hamper the gameplay or narrative too harshly
thus it's way more logical, profitable and sensible to just make shit graphics and a good game than a meh game with amazing graphics

>listening to Jean Renoir
heh, the old fart was a literal cuck

Have you ever played Owlboy.

>Exception disproves the rule
is it opposite day?

Dead cells, but it;s still in EA