I got it at launch. There are still no good games. I am not into Zelda or Mario. Where are the games, Sup Forums?

I got it at launch. There are still no good games. I am not into Zelda or Mario. Where are the games, Sup Forums?

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b8 thread.
No one just buys a Nintendo console and NOT be into Mario & Zelda.

>there are still no good games
>i don't like the two best games on the system so they don't count

I have yet to meet a person that disliked Zelda/Mario and was NOT a complete irredeemable autist.


In your ass faggot.

Gr8 b8 m8. I R8 8/8

>I am not into Zelda or Mario

Why are you still posting this you dumb fatass
You too dumb to take any new pics?

>I got it at launch
>I am not into Zelda or Mario
ultra reatrd user

okay :)

>I am not into Zelda or Mario.

Why the fuck did you buy a Nintendo then?

No you didn't. Until you post timestamped proof, don't even BOTHER replying

I have new pics though.

>don't like nintendo games
>buy nintendo platform at launch

Every adult I have met that likes zelda is an overly feminine autist with zelda merch everywhere, house, cars, clothes, you name it. They always exclusively play nintendo games, too.

I haven't meet anyone that dislikes any of those, and I know some autists that rival the ones from here. Those franchises are like puppies, everyone likes them specially normies.

I buy nintendo handhelds for the RPG's because I can't seem to get into them on home consoles. The trick is to wait until near the end of it's life cycle. I just got a 3DS and the rpg selection is almost overwhelming.

>neck beard avatar

Puyo Puyo Tetris my fuckin tard

sorry, did that offend you?

stop playing jrpgs

there are like a billion good games

Ya should have bought a multi-plat machine instead, ya shitter.

Make me faggot. I'll play all the RPG's, crpg, jrpg, srpg, even a few wrpg. Try and stop me.

Confirmation bias.

>I am not into Zelda or Mario.
Literrally the two only reasons to own one.
Why would you buy this int he first place, if not for those ?

you bought Sonic Forces? Are you fucking retarded?

>buys a Nintendo console where the biggest Nintendo games that year are Zelda and Mario
>doesn't like Zelda and Mario

Are you retarded?

I can't wait for the lenogaems bullshit to die, it's finally settled down for PS4 at least. You people are fucking retarded.

When will they make gotyay?

Did you even notice fat hairy lardo a few posts above

Today I cleaned up the dust off my Switch, I only used it for Zelda back in April, my brother got me ARMS this summer but I stopped playing it in about 2 days, the ""campain"" was a joke and I'm not into that much into fighting games to enjoy multiplayer.

I've been thinking on getting Oddysey, my only BING BING WAHOO was SM64 back in the day, I'd like to play Sunshine and Galaxy but they emulate like shit, should I get the switch one?

where did you get that shelf its nice



why aren't you rangebanned?

fuck off retard

Doom and Skyrim???

Fuck Mario and Zelda.

>tfw you bought it for Splatoon, just like you did for the Wii U
I picked up Mario and I might pick up Zaldo down the line but I just really like Splatoon


thanks user, I was going to play xenogears but now I'm going to play E.Y.E:Divine cybermancy instead

I can play Galaxy downsampled from 5K to 1080p with Anisotropic x16 filter and it still runs at 60fps, no drops.

specs? I got a bad processor for emulation, Wind Waker works flawlessly tho

It's a low budget PC, an A10 at 4 GHz, and a 1060 3GB.

Then why did you buy it in the first place, you fucking retard

>Getting a switch when you dont like Mario or Zelda

That's like getting a PS4 if you don't like Yakuza or Bloodborne, why?

Newer FG is actually better btw

I have a AMD 8350 4 GHz, but it seems that processors with lots of cores are worse for emulation since Dolphin and co. only use 2


Splatoon 2 my negro