
Why was there never a battle like this in any other Pokemon game?

Shit was dope.

they were gonna do it with black in black and white 2 but went back on it the last second.

Probably gender differences made it confusing? They could have just made the champion whatever gender your character is though.

The timeline being kind of crazy probably stopped it though.

>Not positioning yourself center left so you and your opponent are inside the middle of the poke ball when it starts flashing

Can't you battle Red in Sun and Moon?

Surprised he's a grown man at that point


I really liked memory link too bad they backed out on that.
I would have loved it if I could fight my team that I beat the leageau with.

Source? I’m still dissapointed. The Memory Link was the perfect chance to upgrade the Red at Mt. Silver fight with Hilbert/Hilda using the exact same team they finished the game with (or most recent Hall of Fame). Also sad since you can battle Cheren and Bianca with their original B/W teams.

No, because companies are too scared to put content that could be missed in a game. What made Red a great encounter is just that. You encountered him. By all intensive purposes the game was finished after you beat the elite four with all 16 badges.

Pokemon is too linear, gamefreak and most game companies in general would ruin the surprise as soon as they could to generate hype.

>by all intensive purposes

>Pokemon is too linear
Too linear nowadays

>>by all intensive purposes
Yeah I fucked up all intents and purposes.

Sorry for being a grammar whore.

But yeah part of the reason why Red was so mindblowing as a kid was because I played Pokemon Crystal blind and didn't look up anything on the internet.

Modern Gamefreak would've spoiled it or someone else surely would have.

>Content that could be missed

How could you miss that huge fucking mountain plastered right there in the map since the very beginning?

If they did it in every game it would lose its effect, I'd say

The final battle against N and Ghetsis especially were really good fights in Black/White. Especially Ghetsis, he really pushed my shit in even when I had the box legendary. Helps that both fights had kickass themes.
>mfw when I realize that the movepool of Ghetsis's Hydreigon counters all of N's Pokemon.

Easy. You're not forced through it, it's 100% optional.

Data mined PWT dialogue indicating Hilbert would be an opponent and he actually talked.

Funny how Dennis's bit part in USM indicates that they're gonna turn Colress into child friendly Rick.

So is beating the elite 4

At the end of the day it's just fanservice. There's no point in having a mute player character as an NPC. His team is most likely not the same you used in RBY either.

repeating things in pokemon games would be bad? really fires my neurons, user.