Lots of famous celebs are enjoying the Switch. What went right?
Lots of famous celebs are enjoying the Switch. What went right?
Nintendo paid them to enjoy their product
imagine being as much of a corporate orbiter as OP
The absolute state of impressional ninten year old minds
>Hollywood prostitute
>Show tits in a magazine
The state of western society
this. tweets and insta posts like this are clearly paid advertising. like the "fuck you buy the game" dude. they're supposed to subtly influence consumers
>Haha, she’s just like us!
>famous celebs
Literally who?
>take care of her daughter comes last on the list
>my crush didn't have sex with me so all women are whores
nice one Sup Forumstard
>the state of Nintendofaggots
This. There exists an industry of "communication bureaus" who make money by paying celebs to endorce their clients' products.
There isn't really anything wrong about this, except that these endorsements aren't clearly marked as being paid, as as such look like the celebrity's personal opinion.
post your penis again
are you new to the concept of humor?
>christine teigen
Only if it's shaved this time. Looked like Chewbacca's middle finger last time, fucking shameful.
Just like OP was paid to make this thread
Deflect all day faggot. Hollywood is a cess pit
This is someone famous? I’ve never even heard of her.
Literally who? Nintencloppers are really desperate
I'd like to discover her secret caves if you know what I mean
fuck off and kill yourself.
John Legend’s wife
>Lots of famous celebs are enjoying the Switch
has there ever been a more cringy brag then that who gives a fuck about 'celebs' playing videogames
Does Nintendo even have the money to pay them?
I'd like to take care of her daughter if you know what I mean.
no, but apparently bing bing wahoo toddlers have none
So hollywood's opinion on video games matter now?
Archive pls
I say taking care of your daughter should be your priority
>being important to vidya
No fucking idea
Lose some weight fat ass
Capitalize you fuck.
Also, who?
source for uh science
What's wrong with being fat
what isn't?
Based disgusting bellyposter confirming the stereotype.
What was wrong with your education?
>What's wrong with being fat
>caring about celebs at all
>famous celebs
>sites one person who I have no clue who she is
okay user
>muh celebs
Shill or drone
post ass
Completely turned off. Gross. Thanks I guess
Not him but I think uncut dicks are better than cut dicks
t.guy with cut dick
>Christine teigen
You should be reacting that way to cut dicks you fucking kike. Most repulsive shit I’ve ever seen.
>mutilating your precious dick
Sadly, yes.
All because Sony was too retarded to support Vita and tranny/SJW journalists in the West shilled Switch like it's the second coming of Christ.
i want peanus weanus
>a lot of shills are enjoying a product that gives them free hits
you tell me
okay so what if I somehow become famous through whatever means and I tweet about a video game I'm enjoying, which I already do now when I'm not famous. Am I suddenly a paid shill? maybe these people really like video games