Why does such a successful game need a free trial and a 50% off sale?

Why does such a successful game need a free trial and a 50% off sale?

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It dosen't


>look mom I posted it again
also you can't bump your own threads user

What does BJ taste like? Blood and Gunpowder?

Why do you feel the need to keep making this thread?

Because it wasn't
Also what is that ad

Did he ever get his ring back from Engel? I feel like that's a massive plothole.

like high-T, sweat and aftershave

Don't most Bethesda published games do this now? Dishonored 2 and Prey had a free trial. I think Doom did too.

Stop posting this thread please

does anyone have the "steam://" link to install the demo? when i click the 'demo' on the store nothing happens.

This is Sweden BJ doubtful

More like Soy

Because it's antifa recruitment propaganda game.

It's the taste of a liar.

You'll have to find out in the sequel ;^)


>singleplayer game
>even worse, singleplayer shooter
>got a lot of negative press for story reasons
There's plenty of reasons for it to not do well

what the hell is a free trial it should be called a demo

Weren't Prey and Dishonored 2 commercial failures as well?

relative to what

South park also had a free trial a few weeks

>Post yfw Sup Forums won


>got a lot of negative press for story reasons
You mean actual negative press outside of Sup Forums and it's subsidiaries?

I swear I've seen this thread before

>Prey debuted at No. 2 on the weekly sales charts of the United Kingdom, trailing the Nintendo Switch port of Mario Kart 8.[58] These figures were considered disappointing due to a lack of competition from AAA new releases and the fact that the opening week sales were 38% down from Arkane's previous title, Dishonored 2.[59] Additionally, Bethesda's decision to hold review copies until the official release date was mentioned by outlets as a factor for the weak launch.[59][60] However, Prey captured the top spot in its second week of release, besting Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, a rise partially attributed to the positive reception the game received from critics, though sales were down 32% from its debut week.[60][61] In doing so, Prey became the first Bethesda game since 2016's Doom to reach number one on the United Kingdom weekly sales charts.[62] In Japan, Prey debuted at #5 on the weekly sales charts when it released in late May with 7,105 copies sold for the PlayStation 4. The Xbox One version did not make the charts.[63]
I mean it didn't do amazing but that's not a commercial failure by any means.

>Dishonored 2 was the fourth best-selling game in its first week of release, but the launch week sales dropped thirty-eight percent when compared with the original game, although only sales of physical copies were recorded.[105][106] That same week, the game had sold the most pre-orders on Steam and was ranked sixth in overall sales.[107] It was the seventh best-selling retail video game in the UK in its second week of release, according to Chart-Track, a fifty-two percent decrease from the first week – similar to that of its predecessor.[108][109] After a reduction in cost, Dishonored 2 re-entered the UK charts in the fourth week of May 2017, ranked in 8th place with a 1,267 percent rise in sales.[110]
That's not very good.



No one cares faggot.

you gotta go back

Its a shame they went for the political marketing.
Truth is wolfenstein has been selling quite bad for some time now.

If they just make a good game about killing nazi`s...


Didn't the story end up making the Commies look bad in the end? Or am I wrong


Futurama head in a jar fluid.

soy and semen


There is only 1 commie in the game and the second you meet him BJ gets in a huge argument with him about the man being a coward and is the reason why the US lost the war.

They dont make the commies look good or bad. Maybe you could claim they make the Commies look bad but the character you meet look good but thats it because anything dealing with Communist is dropped after that scene minus a small cameo later where the commie is wearing a hat with the hammer and sickle

Haven't played the full game, but the only thing that bothered me in the demo was that they decided to demonize BJ's dad. He was mentioned in a positive / neutral light in TNO monologues. Is this explained in the complete game or is it a direct retcon?

Ya he gets it back and proposes to Anya on TV. Its like middle way through the credits or something

Sup Forums was right


You didnt stay after the credits did you?

>it's come to a point where Sup Forums - Video Games is not allowed to legitly discuss a title because the threads get deleted

Who is in the wrong here?

Why is Sup Forums so butthurt about this game? Is it really because it's set in a hypothetical Nazi-accepting United States? Do you guys know what "fiction" is?

>b-but it implies Trump is -
Trump is objectively a faggot. I guess Sup Forums's approval for him is a sign that many of you are genuinely retarded, but come on. The guy is cancer, even if a handful of his core ideas are sensible. The guy tweets like a 12-year-old girl and speaks like a mental case.

>inb4 "haha soyboy Shillary cuck feminist Jew nigger!!"
No matter how much you claim you "won" everyone still sees you for the losers you are.

Sup Forums butthurt made the game worth it :^)

Nice projection here commie.


Like a White cuck who is confused about what National Socialism is really about.

>mfw kikes and Sup Forumsirgins soygoys are btfo

It has nothing to do with Sup Forums. People are just trying to deflect blame. The game is just fucking bad. The story tries to be deep and emotional while at the same time not take itself to seriously. While taking itself seriously. The whole story reminds me of something I'd write when I was an edgy 14 year old. And all of this wouldn't even big a deal because most games have shitty stories and writing anyway but there are like 20-30 minute cut scenes fucking every where.

The game play doesn't help it either. Since it does nothing new and everything okay. Gunplay is meh, level design is meh, enemy a.i is just meh. You just end up walking through corridor to corridor shooting NAZIS.

The game was nice graffics and runs well on my machine. Thats the only nice thing i can say about this product. I bought it 50% off and i still feel like that was a waste of money.

Why the FUCK won't these fucking cis white males buy a game about killing cis white males for being cis white males?

How the FUCK is this fair?

I hate this game because it's making fun of Nazis. It's like grow up you know?

>for being cis white males
Wrong you kill them for being racist idiot

>Trump is objectively a faggot

Uh-oh, soyboy went politically incorrect!


They're called demos
We used to have them all the time

we did it reddit

Heh, Drumpf is finished any day now you fucking right wing bull

>mfw we didn't even have to do anything



t. loser hanging out with losers

I give this thread a 56% out of potatoes


>big videogame company who owns tons of billion dollar franchises gets defeater by a bunch of nazi mutts on a vietnamese basket weaving internet forum
really makes me think...

>didn't have to do anything

There's about 3 different pol threads active on here right now. Most of them, including this one, have been reposted 4 or 5 times today.

You've done plenty. Now fuck off

Sup Forums has taken over Sup Forums
they use Sup Forums to recruit kids to the alt-right

Did it really flop though? Don't care about Wolfenstein that much, and I wasn't gonna play it anyway because it looks so....vulgar. At least RTCW had some class, it didn't need naked black womyn shooting nazis with two machine guns while shouting MOTHAFUCKA.

communist propaganda

Just calm down and have a sip guys.

keep telling yourself that
maybe you just made a shit game, ever consider that?

>gets defeated by
No they just made a terrible game.


Sup Forums isn't. There's 2 or 3 autists constantly making "le Wolfenstein for cucks" thread. It's practically constantly on here in one state or the other. Today it's game trial what a failure but yesterday it was sales and a few days ago it was that stupid "cuckenstein" image getting posted all day.

They legitimately have autism and have attached onto the whole Trump thing. Just let them have their hissy fit until they find something else to complain about

Is there any more pathetic than low test Sup Forumscucks who have never seen a vagina use the word soyboy to feel masculine?

What does that shit taste like? Also people who drink this must have liquid shit only


>wow there's like 3 threads on some obscur anonymous board
>meanwhile, every fucking movie/video game/comics/tv show is more and more heavy leftist propaganda


I've seen your mom's vagina

Probably not, no.

The whole trying to diminish people's masculinity thing is obviously linked to a lack of masculinity in their personal lives, not getting any pussy, no job having to rely on their mother for food, etc.


Were going to have this fucking Sup Forumstard posting this shit over and over again arent we?

>nu-Sup Forums is literally the pewdiepie audience
Really activates my almonds.

Do you not think it's weird as fuck that someone is making the same post over and over again?

What's the fucking point?

>Were going to have this fucking Sup Forumstard posting this shit over and over again arent we?

as opposed to what though? /leftypol/ posting shit over and over again?

As opposed to what m8?

How in the fuck was Sup Forums right? The game is nothing like they thought, nobody who has actually played the game would believe it's "commie propaganda" or some shit.

Do people actually drink this shit? Does it taste good? Because I doubt people drink it to become an effeminate little fucktoy? whats wrong with steak?

Moot was right to kill it the first time..

Sup Forums was a mistake and it needs to be wiped off this site.

>muh leftypol

You didn't answer my question

Also stop implying things

this is the LOG threads of Sup Forums and just needs to fucking stop

PewDiePie is /ourguy/ you newfag

False dichotomy, you subhuman brainlet

I drink Soylent a fair amount, but strictly because I am dieting and it's a useful method of counting calories. It's also an already prepared meal and I am lazy as FUCK. Useful for drinking at work and doing other shit instead of going to lunch for like $15 and 45 minutes of waiting.

I still eat meat though. Meat's too good, if turkey wasn't meant to be eaten it wouldn't taste so fuckin good. Vegetarians/Vegans are retards.

As for the taste, the default taste is like "unsweetened milk left after eating cereal in the bowl"

>complete meal
>20% daily nutrition
>20% protein
Is it 20% protein or 20% of the protein you need in a day? I usually only have breakfast and dinner, so seeing that it's a complete meal but only 20% of your nutrition is strange to me. I really wish there was more of a focus on the science and customizing meal plans for individuals instead of all these fad diets. And I kind of understand wanting instant food that's actually healthy for you, but it being a drink means that the muscles in your jaw will weaken if you don't eat actual food. And I also understand it's only supposed to be an occasional meal replacement, but it would be pretty cool if we came up with something that could be quickly consumed if we just don't actually want to sit down to a real meal while not weakening our jaws. I'm pretty lucky that all my wisdom teeth came in since that doesn't happen for most people, I wonder if that's because my jaw was stronger and used more of it's just down to being lucky with genetics. Soy protein is supposed to be a complete protein like animal protein but I don't think our bodies absorb as much of it which might not make it too healthy. Some people say we have intestines like herbivores and are supposed to be vegan because of how fat and sick we are today but they ignore things like vegans can also be obese and unhealthy and that some people have literally evolved to be able to digest lactose past infancy, meaning animal foods are a natural part of our diet. Hope we get cultured/lab-grown meat and milk available soon as long as they don't alter the nutrition of it. They're trying to say that red meat without heme iron and milk without lactose is better but that's not true if you can digest the lactose and don't overconsume red meat, in which case the heme iron is a good thing in small doses.

literally stop with this dumb political shit, it's just a video game

>New game with hype gets 50% off for holidays
Makes sense to me. Not interested in the game myself desu

Why do you need to post this thread every fucking second? Are you really that triggered?

I posted a reaction image you retarded faggot

Is pol still butthurt about this game?
Its failing go back to your BLACKED porn already and save the white race.