Dokkan Battle

You ready for INT Gogeta and STR Janemba Sup Forums?

They drop in 3 hours.

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Already have an INT Gohan but I haven't played too much, should I reroll for INT Gogeta or STR Janemba?

Get INT Gogeta to go with your INT Gohan

I just spent all the facebook campaign stones on the rising dragon summon and got STR SS Bardock and 4 AGL SS Bardocks.
All 4 of them worked with raising super, so I'm pretty good.
I figured I'm not gonna get either Janemba or Gogeta so oh well.

I have bad luck, there's no chance I'll roll INT Gogeta without rerolling during days.

>playing games that are known to scam players

I broke my phone with the safe data on it and even with all the purchase data and dates they still can't verify my account.

Why you didn't linked your account to a facebook dummy?

I'm playing JP, recently got the base LR Gohan.

I've been trying to pull Syn Shenron this entire time so no I'm not ready at all

i got bored of dokkan and dont really know what to do with the account anymore
sinking 1200 stones for one character and not getting them took a lot outta me

Can't wait for your lootbox cancer shit to get outlawed so you addicts will all go through withdrawal chimpout.

I'll take it off your hands (^:

This isn't a loot box game though.

If i get int gogeta I'm gonna pay up and buy ss3 gotenks and have a pretty good damn fusion team. Might even roll on fusions banner in hopes of getting pandel or barlot for a good 6th

Should I pull for gogeta?
These are my super int characters

>crappy shallow phone game cash grabs


Syn shenron is not worth pulling for. He's something you just hope to get when rolling for something more important. I sure as fuck need him but I'll settle for nouva shenron

>80 stones
W-Will I make it bros


>57 stones
I'm fucked.

I know but I haven't even pulled Nouva and I just want this team so fucking badly

>tfw new player with 500 stones
I'm ready.
yes I know my team is a clusterfuck but it just werks and I'm working on a TEQ team for goku and INT team for metal cooler

I rolled on it 3 times and got trunks, pan and str basetenks as the guaranteed ssrs. Was sorta worth it, hopfully i still get int gogeta

Post box

Have them both on JP already.

>Have all optimal extreme phy characters and a rainbow FP Frieza
>No cooler

Currently running LR Gohan Leader, Android 17, new Raditz, Califla, Kale and kefla

How the fuck did you get the medals to dokkan that Goku?
You're not a filthy cheater, are you?

>not performing the zero mortals plan

Farmable Majin Vegeta when

by new I meant 'grinding for months but not doing anything besides finishing story and saving dragon stones', I should've clarified.
Is this good I just started playing again yesterday

You already got your answer in the fighterz thread

I started playing last week and this what I have, besides INT Gohan there's any other good shit here?

I need more than the opinion of one person

It's ok I guess

>1 hour and 20 minutes till gogeta

>Day of the Rope Gohan
>Based "Where you miscalculated" Vegeta
Why do you even ask?

You got LR broly retard. No other opinions needed. The bardocks are solid and ssg goku and fasha can go on your broly team.
Trunks is great on str and shadow dragon teams, vegeta is good on int team. Both gotenks are great, i would farm his sa with the gotenks event going on. Farm 10 of them.
You're going to have a great int team if you get int gogeta

except they aren't. Fuck yourself conspiratard komastar

If I didn't do the discount pulls on Rising Dragon I would have another pull on this one. Hopefully I can farm enough stones on story with the 3x exp.
It's cool to look back, I've been waiting for this day since the moment I started playing 2 months ago. I could've saved more but I'm kinda happy with the shit I have even though I've no gacha LRs yet.

Who do I pull for?



I'm rolling on it, but mostly hoping for SS4 goku since i could never pull him. Got like 400 stones, here's hoping

Int gogeta

Stone sale is up. Gogeta in 45 min.

>want to pull gogeta
>can already clear all current content
what's the point bros


How the fuck, they literally gave you 42 stones today

I havent logged in yet


Friendly reminder to avoid buying stones

The $1 for 5 stone is a good deal though.

>spent nearly $500 on this shitty game
>all i have to say for it is a bunch of characters that are honestly really good but once the game stops getting supported/the "meta" changes I'm fucked

How the fuck do you not have over 100? We just got like 40 from facebook event and with baby/gotenks you got like 70 stones

15 minutes

>when you aren't going to pull either anyway

Why wouldn't you?

Oh, I'm gonna try. I just won't get anything good, I'm sure.

Hope i get what i want with as few stones as possible, gotta save as many as possible for her

Just reroll for her on jp. You get 300+ stones and her banner has LRs

how do you get that many stones in JP? Just by starting?

Oh i did, i have her there. Want her on my global account too

Should I roll for janemba on for my extreme team is he better than int form?

They gave 300 stones away because of a fuck up.

They fucked up on jp with one of the banners and refunded all stones and gave out 300 as compensation

>still using extreme teams
Fucking why? You don't have a 120% team or even a 70% team?

So was the whole 'seeded rates' thing fake?



Yes STR Janemba is leagues ahead of INT Janemba.

JP just introduced Extreme Z Awakening only one unit has it. The old AGL SS3 Goku. It makes him into a god lead like Super Vegito with an updated leader skill and passive. It's likely all old Dokkan fests will get this like INT Janemba.


Rate this and the following.


Aww shit, maintenance

And the server died.




10 stone multi bois





Really? Holy shit

Why the fuck was buuhan and omega on gogeta banner? They should be separate extreme and super units on the banner

Even worse. At least with the SS4 and Gogeta and Omga the servers lasted a few minutes.

Agl and extreme are a lot funner and I can't find omega leads for shadow dragons even though i have the optimal team

5 seconds lmao

Friend me up senpai, i run omega often. After maintenance post friend code. My omega is sa10 no dupes though.

I told them I tried recovering my ID from a friend, but he deleted me. And some stuff about trying to get it from my old phone, but I was forced to update. 4-5 days later I got the email with my ID and transfer code. I consider myself really lucky.

Damn, the fucking cunts put SS4 gogeta on janemba's banner


>Extreme units in Gogeta
>Super Units in Janemba
FUCK! THEY WOULD SWITCH IT UP WOULDN'T THEY?! No one would pull on Janemba otherwise.

>10 stone multi

What the hell, Omega is in Gogeta banner and SSJ4 Gogeta on Janemba banner.

No, it doesn't work, that's a retarded very bad team. Don't put people on teams that don't benefit from the leader skill (with very rare exceptions like World Tournament).

Not even SS4 goku on this, damn. I was really hoping for him