I have never ever played Half Life games

I have never ever played Half Life games.

Should I go with Black Mesa or HL1, or just start with HL2?

If I choose Black Mesa, will I miss something? I'm not gonna lie, it looks way better

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Black Mesa adds a little more to a good few dozen spots of the game to distinguish itself and for an extra layer of challenge/to remove somewhat bullshit parts. The big problem right nkw is that Xen, the finale of the Half Life, hasn't been completed for what feels like 2 years now

say whaat, so the game... doesnt have a proper ending?

play HL1 dummy

Right now it doesn't, they say they want to make Black Mesas Xen more enjoyable than HL1s Xen, which was complained about for being really boring and linear. we've seen snippets of what they're working on, but it just seems like any Valve related project is going to be afflicted with Valve-Time

Start with HL1, but not the source version.

play them all in sequence, man.

black mesa changes the combat for the worse so play the original or just skip to hl2 if you can't deal with the old graphics

just watch the end of half life once you beat black mesa, it's not like xen is worth playing

Just play OG Half Life 1. It still holds up really well.

black mesa is great. seriously. it's way better than the original HL1.

both games have a serious lack of ferns

Blah blah blah, mister Freeman.

the majority of people saying black mesa is bad haven't played it, or have only played the 5 year old beta which wasn't nearly as good. i bought it and finished it and can tell you it's fantastic.

If you aren't some faggot who whines about >muh graphs, HL1 is better. Plus it's the OG ver.

After that, play the expansions as well, including Decay, which you might need a friend since it's a coop.


HL1, all three are different games, and black mesa is mostly for fans of hl1. Its a great little doomclone, and still holds up.

>Should I go with Black Mesa or HL1
Black Mesa
>or just start with HL2
BM is supposed to finally fully release in december, just wait a few more weeks
>If I choose Black Mesa, will I miss something
No, quite the opposite, they improved the game overall, don't get fooled by purists

For the first time experience play every game in release order including expansions for HL 1.

Never played black mesa but you can't go wrong with the original

Xen is such a minor part of Half Life that it doesn't even matter that it's missing.

Alright so if I buy BM now I'll get the update in december? Its on sale for like -70%

Avoid the black mesa, they completely ruined the enemy AI and remade most of the encounters making some areas larger for no reason.


You should play the original GoldSrc version of HL1 first, then play HL2.
THEN go back and play Black Mesa. Never play the remake first.

HL1 has better art direction. The environments in Black Mesa are too cluttered and ugly

Dude I KNOW I'll get turned off by it. I'm 25 but I'm not gonna enjoy 1998 game in my free time anymore, Ive got job and just a little time to play, tried Daggerfall so I know what im saying

whatever dude let him decide for himself


>Xen is such a minor part
>the climax
>minor part

HL1 all the way.

HL aged waaaaay better than Daggerfall and it still feels great to play today.

>tried Daggerfall so I know what im saying
Well daggerfall aged much worse than HL
Try Half Life Source it's running on updated source engine

>Every game from 1998 is just like Daggerfall
Are you retarded, by chance?

play the original, but thats a steal and Im not sure if xen is going to be stand alone or patched in. Definitely worth it. the originals like 5 dollars.

>HL Source
recommending the worst version of all

Damn, didnt see that.

So should it be HL1 or HL1 Source or BM?

>i have no time because i have a job
you're a fucking retard

>rainy weekend
>have all the half life games
>fuck it
>play them all day back to back in one sitting
>absolute vidya kino, dat atmosphere and dose secrets, dat hidden technology that's impressive even now, dat lore, dat nuanced gameplay
>end episode 2
>"man, I know its been so long, but I can't wait till the day episode 3 drops!"
>literally that same fucking week epistle 3 happens

Black Mesa is better. Xen is pretty shitty compared to the rest of the game and BM improves on a lot of levels, particularly Questionable Ethics.

>play them all day back to back in one sitting
>literally that same fucking week epistle 3 happens
underage detected

no, I'm just a grown man that works and pays his fucking taxes

HL1 or HL1 Source for sure. Probably the GoldSrc version. The source version changes some stupid things for no good reason iirc.

Nah, I just never bothered to play them before cause I'm typically not into shooters. Bad reflexes. But half life was nice cause it was kinda casual and was more atmospheric.


Play HL1. You can play Black Mesa after and compare.


Play HL1 Gold Src.

When you play, youy must pay attention to everything, because there's a fuckton of brainlets who didn't understood the lore or didn't bothered themselves to listen to Black Mesa's VOX system, which gives away 50% of the story.

Play the original HL1 and Opposing Force, Blue Shift isn't that great so you can skip it if you want
Black Mesa is ok, but you should play the real thing
If you skip those two there's no point in playing HL2 at all

You can always read the comic, user

Blue Shift is good. It's better than Opposing Force, in fact

What kind of a fucking question is this? Imagine if we were talking about movies
>hurr do I watch the original movie or the remake
god damn

Blue Shift it literally a imporant part of the entire HL1 lore. How do you think Gordon was able to go to Xen? Barney activates a portal relay in Xen

Never play a remake without at least trying the original first.

please be bait

>black mesa changes the combat for the worse
haha ow wow, really? I never played BM but it's not like the combat in HL was especially enjoyable (that horrible sound of guns and bullet spongey enemies, blah)

>horrible sound of guns


it would be easier to hear the announcements if the voice wasn't so stupidly distorted
caring about lore in half life is just lol, the story is hot garbage who gives a fuck shoot some aliens

you're gonna tell me the MP5 didn't rape your ears with a metallic clusterfuck every time you fired a burst? the shotgun and glock weren't muffled and unsatisfying?

>non-canon expansion is important for the canon
what did he mean by this


How? I I liked all of the them but I found it to be the weakest one, did it even have a final boss?
And If he likes HL1 and Opp For he'll probably play it anyway

how fucking expressive of you, I'm pretty sure it was a glock yeah but it was a long time ago

Source: user's ass.


Did they ever fix the soldiers having 100% accuracy and ungodly reaction times?

it's glock, he's retarded

>i want to play half-life should i play half-life or skip it

It's a beretta

Well, he helps Dr. Rosenberg to escape, which is a character of hufe fucking importance in the lore. He's the one who designed the spectrometer which Gordon blew it up and he helps Gina and Colette to activate the radar dish so they could call for military help and launch the rocket that Gordon did

>works and pays taxes
hehe. wagie wasting his life and money working for mr. goldstein

play the original game you child

>playing the hd pack
you disgust me

No, it didn't have a final boss, which isn't really a problem in my eyes.

To me, the absolute best thing about the Half Life series is its level design. Both in the sense of creating great gameplay, and also creating atmosphere with excellent visual and sound design, scripted events, and the illusion of believable environments.

Opposing Force may have new weapons and gameplay mechanics, which Blue Shift doesn't, but it lacks in level design. The level design isn't bad, or even below average, but compared to the standard of HL1, I find it pretty disappointing.

Blue Shift, though it has fewer weapons and is shorter than HL1, has some of the best level design in the entire series. Hell, in some ways I find it a more satisfying experience than HL1. There are parts of that game that get overlong and repetitive, but Blue Shift is so tight that that almost never happens. Even the Xen level is good.

you know what to do

HD models - Beretta
Original models and black mesa - Glock

The author of this comic came up with shitloads of concepts for EP3 on his twitter like Blast Pit Map with Striders and challenging squad AI for Combine soldiers, utilizing machine learning and healing classes etc to defeat the player.
I've never seen a guy so stoked about Episode 3 in my life.

Play the original and then Black Mesa, it will be enjoyable to see what they have changed.

gearbox devved OF and BS marc laidlaw said only half of the things that happened are canon.


unless you have kids already i don't believe you. i work full time but still have plenty of extra time to pretend i'm still a retarded NEET and play nothing but games all day so this is bullshit.

play HL2 and the episodes first then the original (NOT BLACK MESA) when the time feels right. you don't need to play the original to know what the fuck is going on in 2. valve designed it this way knowing some people were going to be playing the second game before the first. the earth is fucked and that much is pretty clear throughout the entire second game and episodes and little by little it'll start making more sense as it goes on. the first game is just the story of how and why. plus it'll make you recognize how much the source engine was an improvement over gold source, but still appreciate how similar they were and how greatly goldsrc influenced source.

i played them out of order and still enjoyed them and think HL is a GOAT franchise, but keep in mind i played black mesa dead last.

Half Life Source is a terrible port with all sorts of problema. It used to be free back in the day.

Black Mesa came out like over 5 years ago? It's been a lot longer than 2 years since we have been left without the ending.

play HL1 u dumb faggot. black mesa doesn't even have the end chapter or boss fight


If you only play Black Mesa, you'll miss a lot of stuff. Great part of BM's appeal is seeing what was changed, revisiting old areas with new graphics. You should play both. If you want to start with HL2, that's perfectly fine too. You can go back to HL1 afterwards without suffering any lack of enjoyment.


wow, good job. Now find some free time for yourself, dumb dumb

lol at being so young that you haven't even played hl

maybe he could take some time out of his chan posting

it'd be nice for everyone

The original holds up well enough and it's worth it. Seriously you have to finish the original one at least once. It's still a good game

Play whatever you like.

HL1 (original) is great and didn't age badly.
HL1 (source) just has an updated physics engine and some minor visual changes that were for the worse.
Black Mesa is a complete fan remake that changes parts of the game.

No matter what you choose you're going to have spergs scream at you, so just pick something and play. Hell, buy all 3. Half Life and Half Life Source are both 99 fucking cents.

that wasn't a bug dingus. it was meant to be hard u filthy casual