Guess how many copies indie game Herald sold after a front page article on Polygon about the "injustice and oppression"...

Guess how many copies indie game Herald sold after a front page article on Polygon about the "injustice and oppression" it tackles?

It sold 13 units on day of the article, 2 more than the day before and the day after.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums always says that people should make their own games if they want to tackle liberal bullshit
>get mad when people do

Looks more like they're shit talking

The point was to show that people who read Polygon don't play games, not that the game sucks.

I don't see anyone getting mad.
Looks more like having fun being right.

>get mad when people do
Who are you quoting? I'm laughing here

I hope that game does it properly. Examining the period decently, without resorting to cheap sympathy-tugging cliches.

t. descended from Anglo-Poo Raj mutts.
It's not funny unless you're invested in seeing them losing. If you don't care about them, you don't care when they fail.

General schadenfreude

Schadenfreude + dislike of SJW-types

Were laughing at them fortrying and failing, idiot.

forced diversity shit doesn't sell literally anywhere in any format.

the diversity hires at marvel comics these days can't even sell 20k copies (to STORES) of their garbage multicultural propaganda. because nobody fucking cares

I'm glad they wasted all their time making a piece of shit that nobody played, even with their fuckbuddy gamejournos shilling them. Maybe, just maybe, it will wake them up out of this social justice cult they've been indoctrinated into

Holy shit man, dat Polygon reader revenue stream!

All that artistic talent, instantly circling the proverbial drain due to social justice fixation.

What a fuckin shame

Can't care less about some literally who dev, just want this cancer purged from the big studios.

Liberals blow at the free market. They can't even make decent shit in Hollywood anymore without monopolizing everything, even if it means less overall profit. They know they'd get BTFO if they allowed conservative actors or directors to stick around for instance. This is why they try to leech into existing franchises like Mass Effect, where they can guarantee some sales even if they inject their bullshit into it... even if it ends up killing the brand they sink their lamprey teeth into.

>They can't even make decent shit in Hollywood anymore without monopolizing everything
Monopolizing the market means you are Too Good at the free market, user. Monopolization is the result of too many consumers choosing your product over others'.

There isn't a single example of diversity hires or Tumblrites making something BETTER or IMPROVING a brand or company they snake their way into.

There are, however, a ton of examples of diversity hires making companies *significantly worse*.

>Monopolizing the market means you are Too Good at the free market, user.

Tell that to Comcast, brainlet

Who really does purchasses based on what sites like Kotaku or Polygon things. Game journalists are over, they dont need to be your information source.

Mass Effect was already a left-leaning game made by leafs.

That was pretty interesting to read, thanks user.

>13 units
Get absolutely fucked. Nobody wants to play a game that advertises itself as a "Journey into the heart of injustice and oppression"

Here's a hint you dumbfuck indie devs; don't ever advertise the theme of your fucking game. The theme should be picked up upon by the player. Do you ever remember MGS2 advertising itself as anything more than tactical stealth espionage? No. So don't avertise your shitbox game as anything more than an "Historic adventure RPG." and you MIGHT sell more than 13 units you pathetic throwaway indie trash drones.

>Release date: Feb 22, 2017
>Owners: 2,134 ± 1,391


no one wants educational propaganda games that are made to teach you important lessons and are as boring as social studies class

>Journey into the heart of injustice and oppression
It'd help if anyone in the western world even understood what actual oppression is, but of course they can't, because America is one of the freest and safest places to live in the world. Even if there were mass shootings in a different state everyday you would be statistically safer here than in any other part of the world, ESPECIALLY if you are a woman, holy SHIT. I'd fucking love to see any one of these tumblr cunts move to Sweden's ghettos or Saudi Arabia or something and try to pull the shit they pull here. Next journalist chronicling their adventures would be the guy identifying them in the paper after they get their face burnt off by acid

Dont forget. People like these indie devs, always get promoted by sites like Polygon or Kotaku. Rason? Cus they probably are friends with someone in the staff of that site. Cus why would anyone care about games like this? Since its always, always, ALWAYS, about opression with them. They live in a time when there is no opression.... IN THE WEST. Whille living IN THE WEST

They already know it. They broke into existing markets and bought up all their competitors. That is being too good at the free market. Buy outs are just another option open to corporations to destroy their competition by absorbtion.

They can try to move to Africa, Middle East or South America. And see actual opression. ..... Not by white people. But by people of COLOR.

Why is the art and graphic so high quality and yet the sales so low?

Huh, so that's what these amazing reviews give you

I'm no artist but something about this art style feels really ugly to me and I can't put my finger on it. I know it's a signature "tumblr" style but why is it so ugly? Is it the big noses? The big eyes should make it cute/anime like. It really puzzles me.

Why does everyone feel like they're oppressed?

Mexicans are here illegally. They're criminals.

Blacks refuse to stay in school. They don't have fathers. They can't stop killing themselves.

Asian fucking STAY in school and have STRONG families. They're accused of being good at math and knowing kungfu. Wtf is that even an insult?

Indians own entire food/gas chains, and are CEOs of all the major tech companies. They commit no crimes other than being random perverts to women on social media.

Women are the most catered to gender on the planet.


That's what we're saying.
It's set in India, they'd have to force out diversity. I guess that doesn't matter to you, though...
It's signature "western". It's a pretty bad example of it, but mostly it's bad because it's generic and soulless.

>elements of Rashomon

>Elements of Rashomon

this is the thing that always makes me laugh, when propaganda is forced in it's so painfully obvious

black people and white people don't interact identically to how they'd interact within their oen race. They just don't. But tumblrites and leftists are TERRIFIED TO DEATH of depicting black people as anything except thoughtful, polite, or wise, or just as a generic white guy with black skin. They are terrified to even mention any conflict or tensions which may arise when two different races interact, even if it's a NORMAL tension, or appropriate to the time and setting. (drove me fucking crazy in stranger things S2 that Lukas is basically just treated like another white kid in the group despite the time period)

It's the coloring. The way the colors are painted in makes their facial texture look awkward and unsettling.

yeah well Sonic Adventure 1 has been described as Rashomon like as well.

Now is the question. Has anyone looking into if there is maybe someone working for Polygon or these sites, that have friendly relations with the devs of that game. Cus i dont trust these sites with anything. Especialy not treating this game how they do... that to me looks like they just copy pasted the basic idea and engine of Monkey Island 5. With some minor tweeks and updating.

They're trying to be "realistic". So you'vee got the big black nose that a normal artist would idealize a bit because it's ugly, and also they are better at faces than bodies, so you'll notice the face has way more effort and the body was clearly just drawn onto the bottom of a headshot.

Buy this game and throw out all the onions in your house. Now.

They're told they're oppressed so they will complain. If nobody were complaining, the government would have nothing to promise them.

Why bother? If they were colluding, it's not like it's working anyways.

>journey into the heart of injustice and oppression

I'm not sure it's possible to come up with a tagline that would make me want to play a game less.

When GG was investigating the collusion around Gone Home, there was a case there because it got a mountain of perfect scores and became mainstream/popular as a result. In this case even if it is collusion it accomplished basically nothing. Thankfully, people are kinda waking up to this shit. A little.

>now is bad for americans to fight for justice and oppression
is your country slowly turning into north korea?

It's not made for you, user.

It's made for the oppressed minority and their numale warriors.

Being happy seeing something you dislike failed doesn't make angry, just a bit of a dick. But you know where we are, right?

All 13 of them.

I think you're mistaking mockery with anger.

Well that's a shame, because my white privileged ass has money to blow on video games, unlike oppressed minorities.

Its still technicly illegal acording to what their job is. If they want to call themselves "game journalists" they have laws and rules they need to follow. Unless they openly claim they are just a rag, well... Influence would be gone. But even then. It would show the big problem in game journalism today. That they CANT seem to STOP geting close to people they are writing about. Leigh Alexander did that same thing. She was asked by the developers behind that game Sunset. What gamers wanted for game.... That is what she told them. And then you see how they rage quit when nobody wanted to pay for their kickstarted Garbage of a game. Who the fuck would want to play a game about a black engineer graduate in Usa... that moves to some South American contry. To be a maid? That isnt fun. I dont find it fun to walk around some rich fucks apartment, cleaning it, whille paying 20 usd/euro for that game. Same like with Gone Home. Pay 20 usd/euro.... to walk around an empty and pointless home. LIke they were showing of their rich and priviliged lives.

Keyword being "minority". What did you expect?

>Lukas is basically just treated like another white kid in the group despite the time period
Why though? It's in 80s, away from the big cities. Why would there be any problems?

Gone Home and the Depression Quest "game". I refuse to accept those as games. Cus they arent. But they were geting massive praise by them. Especialy when they were not only friends, like in Gone Homes case.. But in a relationship when Depression Quest was put out.

Take your name off, dude.

>the body was clearly just drawn onto the bottom of a headshot.
damn, that's what it is. Thanks.

Because he was getting really close with a white girl whose family look and behave like exactly the type of people who would LYNCH him for getting chummy with their little angel.

It might be collusion, but these game journalists don't need to collude to promote these shitty games. They will promote them anyway because they think they prove games are "important", thus making their jobs important (they are very insecure about their jobs). I'm not writing about children's toys like you think, I'm contributing to world peace!

I'll never understand this episodic bullshit. Anybody who pays for 1/5th of a game at a time is a retard.

>Women are the most catered to gender on the planet.

I'd change that to "in western countries".

I dont believe these people know what a minority even means. Counting people based on skin color. White people are a minority in the world. But somehow its these places, where the majority is white that somehow.... just somehow. People of color seem to find more interesting. But they forget. Skin isnt the only thing that makes someone a minority. If we take France as example. If there are more people from lets say.. Uganda in Paris....than people from Spain. Who would be the minority? Would the black people from Uganda be that.. or the Spanish people? Right answer. Spanish. Cus a minority is the one that there is LESS of. Not based on skin. But the funny thing they dont seem to remember. There is the door. If they feel opressed they can just leave. But they DONT want to leave. Why? Cus they love being an "Opressed Minority" cus they get all the good shit cus of it. They dont get actual opression, they just get treated better. Cus. Erhhmagheeeer... RACISM:

Her brother story arc is literally trying to keep that nigger away from her. He literally says "one of those people" or something along the line when describing Lukas.

>revolting mulattos characters
>doesn't sell
noggin = joggin

>The 80's
>In a small town
>Mainly white
You have no idea of race relations, people tend to act in group mentality and race is a social and physical group. So interacting with someone outside of your group in a different way is normal, but kids dont do this much, they learn it from experience or in group teaching.

Oh yeah, it's a pretty amateur move to advertise the theme of a piece of media in general. Themes are something you figure out after you consume something, going into something with preconcieved notions about what the theme is makes it feel like an academic exercise in school, not entertainment. When you read To Kill a Mockingbird in class you talk about the themes, no one gives a shit when you're reading or playing a game for fun.

the dev team
fucking pottery

>they are very insecure about their jobs
If this past year has taught me anything and games journalists, it's definitely this.

They are terrified that one day the light will be cast on them and send them scuttling back under the fridge. As soon as it looks like their ineptitude might be revealed, they scream harassment or claim empty internet comments drove them to flee their home, or something.

>white males and one dyed hair goblin

We never said we wouldn't ridicule them when the ideas we told them would fail, failed.

You are literally parroting typical SJW garbage by acting like all of America was like the Jim Crow South until the current year. Kill yourself.

Which is what they seem to believe, somehow. Yet that is their job. Games are still not a "childrens toy", Its a medium. Like movies, books and so on. Just this one is interactive, much more than movies and books ever could be. Is what i believe anyway. but what these people are doing. Is just harming video games. By allowing these unqualified people who try to pedle ideological garbage... as games. Are they fun to play? No. They make you feel horrible cus you wasted your time trying to find something to enjoy in these shit.

Source for the comic thing?

Well it must've not cost them much to make so it probably made some profit

wow i'm not seeing any blacks on their dev team. what a bunch of fucking racist nazis. their diversity hiring quota is fucking terrible

They clearly need more SOY MILK LATTES. That they spend most of their money on.... instead of actualy working.

>What if we make a game for people who don't play video games
>What if we don't market our game to gamers
>What if we don't pay to even have it on steams front page
>What if the only coverage is a single article on a failing website
>WTF why is noone buying our game

Imaging e how often they tried to convince each other their characters were interesting and how often they had to pretend they could relate to them all while believing they were changing society in some way. Then realize they did not earn a single paycheck between the three of them for this blunder they deluded themselves into pursuing.

Minorities are NOT relatable and even minorities prefer whites subconsciously.

What would be a good number of sales for a game costing around $10? Asking for a friend of course.

So you think a black kid in the 80s would be treated indistinguishably from his gang of white friends AND handled with kid-gloves by a super traditional white family with a psycho possessive father whose daughter he is constantly being caught around, AND a psycho brother who is being made to suffer due to Lukas luring her off on dangerous adventures in the woods?

>4 men on the front cover

That chicken is obviously symbolic about how much the devs like smoking cocks

Next thing you gonna tell me is that they're in the general San Francisco area

That's not how I remember it.

Don't forget that white people feel oppressed by minorities claiming they're oppressed. And Jews. Oppression Olympics will always be a thing that the subhuman members of races will always cling to because it's easier than accepting they're in the situation they're in because of their own shortcomings.

>white people make shit games

In other news, fire is hot.

Nope, they're not even in North America. They're in the Netherlands.

Like some people have said for years now. That the game journalists are behaving the way they are behaving right now. With trying to justify their shady behaviour and practices. As the screams of a dying and bleeding animal. Because they KNOW, for a fact. That their type of medium. Wall of text medium. Blogs. Are over. Youtube videos are the future. And you see people trusting more the youtubers who do video game reviews, than these old media, as some call them. Can you really judge a game when you read a wall of text that usualy is 60% about the author trying to point stuff in the game and blame it on people they dont like? "Resident Evil 6 is TRUMPS AMERICA!!!"...How they feel offended about this and that, how this and that is making her/him feel unsafe. Is this a psychological review of a psychotic lunatic or a game reviewer? Or would rather maybe just listen to a review in the background, and see some gameplay from the game? To me. A wall of text doesnt really do anything to capture what the game is like. A video explaining DOES. To me anyway. But i also cant just sit down and read a wall of text, from someone that uses buzzwords all the time to hide the truth about a game. Good or bad. That is what i want to know. Not if its good or bad for me as a lefty liberal soy fagget or a neo nazi right wing mass murderer. Games also get more sales based on the opinnion of youtubers.... more than people writing wall of texts on those shit sites.

A company full of white males is okay with you?

Billy was going to tear up Lucas' asshole before Steve the chad saved him.

Nice try, polsmoker. They're in Utrecht.

Well, now i'm just plain disgusted that hipster trash is in my europe

-...... resident evil 7..... not 6... sorry

I love watching SJW cucks fail, almost as much as I love watching them die.

why does seeing colored people trigger you so much?

well it is an indie game that had no advertising
what would you expect?

I don't see anywhere OP was "mad" about anything. I think he was just pointing out that a shitty indie game was shilled by Polygon and failed spectacularly in sales so we could all laugh at it.

I'm all for liberal retards making their own indie games like this, and making them as sociopolitical as they desire. Indie games are where that crap belongs and should be regulated to, rather than mainstream AAA franchises that have been around for decades that shouldn't be at all topical or political.

depends on what it cost to make

September of this year. Most videos talking about sales figures have similar placements for everything. The diversity hires like Alanah Smith and Gabby Rivera make garbage, America Chavez is a comic headed by a black gay latina girl just because the character is also black, gay and Latina. Sells literally nothing, nobody reads it, still not canceled though (because it's propaganda, and propaganda doesn't work if it's not on the shelves being seen)

Black Panther team up comic: canceled
Captain Marvel (who was slowly turned into a man with short hair and legit no breasts): canceled and rebooted multiple times in the past couple years, sells nothing
Ms Black Teen Muslim Marvel: sells like 10-20k copies (these are "copies stores have ordered" btw, not copies sold to fans)
Squirrel Girl: ditto, sells like 15k on a good week, written by Ryan North (the guy who does Dinosaur Comics)

Marvel's sales tanked so hard that they had to have events on top of ongoing events to continuously "correct the course" because nobody there has any idea what to do to salvage their brand. The offices of Marvel Comics are pretty much entirely newfags now who don't read comics or know anything about comics, likely keeping their jobs by fucking Tom Brevoort

Hawkins isn't fucking Chicago, LA or Baltimore. Get your head out of your ass.