Horizon Zero Dawn screenshot thread

Horizon Zero Dawn screenshot thread.

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Only screenshots allowed because the gameplay is shit?

have ya played it buddy?

but the zelda screenshot thread up right now is okay because Nintendo

OP are you trying to make people hate the game by forcing it?

>b-but nintendo!
there's a load of posts in that thread too about the game being shit


I really wanted this game to be better than it was.

why didnt you play it then?

how did you arrive to this conclusion, this is the most innocuous thread lmao

The game is so ugly when it's not at night, misses bloom, blur and sun blocking the view.

Man, that desert looks so much better than BotW's.

The material shader is fucking amazing in that shot.
Also that is the least detailed enemy in the game btw.

Looks barely ok.

I did play it. I got to the giant sun city and then dropped it because the majority of the fights were underwhelming, including the thunderjaw and the giant hawk.

So you didn't kill them in Ultrahard eh?
Specially not the storm birdo, because with that one you need a weapon that is sold in Meridian.

That's the place I got to. The entire game becomes a cycle of kill packs of enemies to get part drops that are nearly useless and 80% of them are just used to replenish the ammo you just spent on killing the enemies. Not to mention there are so many packs on the map that just feel in the way so travelling around feels like a chore.


You can glitch the graphics in any game mate.
This is just the texture LOD that is messed up because you climbed up at a certain place.

namai calle

>shows screenshot of hiding every texture behind dark shadows

Holy fuck why is she so ugly?

Textures you say?
Maybe get up close to the textures to see them properly instead of this shit.

She's cute as fuck, you mean.

Can't see shit.

If you're attracted to potatoes maybe

Is this worth playing if you don't give a shit about the story?

Person who loved this game here, no she us ugly as shit and i hate her ape face


Why are you posting these images that are compressed to shit?


there aren't Horizon threads every minute, there's barely one each day

fucking garbage graphics.

Stop posting screenshots that show literally nothing

>Being this assblasted over a video game that is successful and accomplishes what it attempts to do

superior graphics coming through

those are some blurry ass rocks


stop fucking showing your shitty HZD shit
no one cares about your touched up webms or your shit photos

How can one be this assblasted over something they could ignore?

>there will never be a hzd gameplay thread

>Horizon baabies still saying anyone that doesn't like the game didn't play it

Of course not, people don't want to discuss the more flawed aspects of the game.

>"u can just ignore it :)
I'm sorry I just get annoyed by shills showing the same shit over and over

t. Insecure nintenshills feeling threatened.

Delusional as usual Sup Forums

>threatened by a game that's been irrelevant for months

t. irony

you can actually see when the texture detail of her face lowers

I never said it wasn't gameplay, I said it was flawed.

>I-I'm n-not t-thretened, i-its i-irrelevant.
Mmm hmmm.

>Doesn't know how to properly use t.

>that hairline

Find a live feed of PS4Pro footage in 4k and you will see it doesn't disappear.
Sup Forums has limits to how much detail there can be in the webms.

I'll also add that the PS4 has plenty of good games, Horizon Zero Dawn is not one of them

>damage control this hard.
w e w

>when you try to bait so hard but the fish just aren't biting.

It's true but you're just here to shitpost, no one actually likes this game, not even you

>Find a live feed of PS4Pro footage in 4k
can you link one then?
I highly doubt this, as you can clearly see the textures get swapped, they don't blue due to the low quality webm they physically change to a smoother, simpler, version.


The webm comes from here. And you can see 0 quality degradation here. But it is still a 720p downscaled from 1080p

>muh nintenbros
>y-youve never played it

I mean, breath of the wild is years better then Horizon but that doesnt really have to do with anything, nor does nintendo or nintenbros in general.

Horizon has virtually nothing going for it that sets itself apart from the crowd except for gorgeous visuals

Pic from the last time I saw someone make these stupid arguments

dude you can clearly see when the texture quality lowers as they zoom out, are you actually blind?

>100$ Ultimate Edition without season pass
>loot boxes

No you can't stop lying. You literally can't see anything like that. You have to go way far out before they switch the model.
Besides they don't load in a new texture for no reason. The model textures are always loaded in memory.

the wrinkles under her eye literally disappear by the 0:25 mark

>ingame screenshot

I can't really make that call. A 4k feed would prove this.

then post a 4k feed