
Haven't really played an FPS in a few years, been looking at Doom since it's on sale. Worth?

General consensus is that it's pretty cool.

Personally, I played it for a few hours and haven't touched since. Same with Wolfenstein.

I guess pure shooters without some sort of interesting movement mechanics don't interest me that much anymore.

No. It is trash, and you will get bored of the repetitive, sloggish gameplay, that's nothing like in originals. Not too surprisingly, it's already practically dead.

Grab the Serious Sam 3: BFE instead.
It's cheaper, actually developed for PC, and does not suffer of console AAA cacner.

It's a good modern shooter.

Certainly better than Halo.

some of these complaints are so fucking whiny and pissy
>everything glows
>bosses have HP bars
>spider isn't hitscan anymore

it's fun just not in a classic doom way. There's a lot of more platforming kinda stuff and secret finding makes replay a bit more entertaining. Action is satisfying but you'll find yourself wanting longer fights which take a while to get to. Don't expect some halo level plot or world design though.

the game is bombass

Doom is worth a playthrough, it starts out slow because of a lack of weapons but when you get more and can customize them in numerous ways it becomes satisfying. There's also an arcade mode if you just want to play the levels without a story. It's fun but the multiplayer is just very bland and I never bothered with snapmap.

you have terrible taste user.

>this autist again
Go jump off a bridge

Anyone over 20 that still plays shooters should neck himself.

fun gameplay and cool environments but not much else

it's shit

>all these casuals that think D44M is bad
Disregard those fags, get it and play either on Ultra-Violence or Nightmare and have a blast. It's by far one of the best shooters you can get in current year.

It's okay for a single playthrough, which is about 10 hours on the hardest difficulty - the real hardest one you only unlock after playing through the game once. After that you only have completionist grind for 5 more hours and then that's it. The multiplayer isn't good and the map editor too limited to allow for interesting custom content. If that's worth it depends on what you are looking for.

BFE is good and all but I don't think it's some kind of dream classic shooter throwback at all.

Serious Sam as a whole tends to forsake good level design in favor of specially designed hordes and ammo management. The more enclosed levels of Serious Sam 1 kind of sucked, honestly. BFE's with the spider-monkey dudes are mad obnoxious, too.

DOOM isn't a 1-1 classic shooter and it isn't absolutely perfect, but it's pretty dang good. Does close-quarters fights well and leaves room for smart footwork and tactics.

I hope when they try to do DOOM 5 they try to do some larger crowds, but I don't think it's a dealbreaker at all in 4. An Imp can still kills you in like two fireballs on nightmare, it's not easy.

Every once in awhile I try to do a few Ultra-Nightmare runs.

Just play Brutal Doom, it's better

Worth every penny, my dude.

Know what you're getting into. It's a standard 8-hour single player game with limited replayability. Multiplayer might as well not even be considered.

Serious Sam 3 is worse than TFE and TSE though?

At $15 thats not such a bad deal though, right?

Do you think that 8 hours of your time is worth $15?

This isn't work, it's entertainment.

an 8 hour game is not worth the 50 gig download

>50 gig
Lol, im never gonna play this trash.

apparently almost 80 gigs installed

That is a bit of a dealbreaker

>I guess pure shooters without some sort of interesting movement mechanics don't interest me that much anymore

New doom was fun to play the first few minutes. Endless ennemy waves gets boring real fast. Don't know why I expected the new doom to be less "arcade". I think it could've been an amazing game if they went more towards spooky/creepy themes

i mean if it were a 2000 hour MMO or the ultimate dwarf fortress/mount & blade hybrid it might be worth it
but no
it's a short fps game
can't be assed to shuffle around my already full 1 TB ssd