*Blocks your path*

*Blocks your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


>garrotes you
>mutilates you
>kidney shots you

heh nothin personal pal




Honestly kill yourself

and there goes the thread


Nothing in WoW has hit me quite like realising the Alliance nobility quite literally paid me off to assassinate somebody they were too cheap to pay what they agreed. Ultimately it was their fault for what happened to the queen and because of it you are now responsible for ruining a childs life albeit unintentionally. Its stuff like this that differentiates a good mmo with true worldbuilding and a shitty themepark mmo where youre just THE DUDE who kills the EBIL DENIMS with MUH BIG GLOWING NUCLEAR BROOMSTICK OF ALLAH.

How the fuck did you mutilate him without gouging to get behind?!

>5 murlocs
>file name starts with 5

Put me in the screencap


Throw yourself off a bridge


>implying this thread was any good in the first place


>mfw i witnessed

>tfw his daughter is about to join a secret elite society of assassins and you beat the shit out of her, take her place and make her your errand girl

>do the defias escort alone

*Loots your mask*

>80,000 murlocs


These guys are getting removed for Classic right? I think we can all agree they were poor design.


people already want 1.12.1 talents from launch, might as well remove anything else that makes the game a challenge

Oh shit

I try to make up for my crimes by giving her lots of love and cummies

I cringe whenever this is posted




Didn't Blizzard release stats of which monsters killed the most players, with this asshole at #2?
Way above every fucking instance boss in the game save one?

*pulls three mobs*



Caster mobs have always been op compared to their level in mmos because unlike the player, they don't give a fuck about mana or interrupts for the most part.

>find a group has cleared the area
>this nigger walks so slowly that they all respawn
He may as wel have had an ability where he commits Hari Krishna

They also invariably had melee attacks that were nearly on par with their normal counterparts

Wasted. This place is fucking doomed.


>drek 45 k
>stormpike 16 k

fucking shamans man

drek had a higher killrate because alliance actually got to him often, horde were stuck on the fucking bridge of balanced map design

To be fair that was like 90% Onyxia's fault

It may not be the get we want, but is the get we deserve.
