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He lets your party argue for a minute on how to reach Notre Sagesse before telling you he has a deux ex machina teleporting tome
Why didn't he tell you right away?
>Makes the same thread twice because nobody gave a shit the first time.
Just give up sweetie
I didn't make this one.
hes gay
like OP
I don't remember him doing anything important in either BR or CQ
He will never win a gauntlet, much less make it past round one.
How many playthroughs is Conquest worth?
Why does he wear a headband?
He's really underpowered compare to his Nohrian siblings. Marx has tanking and Siegfried, Camilla has mobility and phenomenal stats, and Elise has staves. Leon doesn't have much going for him due to magic being nerfed and magic units not named Ophelia usually needs to be reclass into a class with physical/magic weapons. Even his personal weapon isn't that great. In a way its good that he isn't essential, because he can easily be switched out with another unit on lunatic without much loss.
Because of how the maps are designed and overall good unit balance Conquest has lots of replayabilty. Two I would say for the average player (Hard, Lunatic) 4+ for veterans.
He killed a guy once I think
Not rinkah.
I can't. He's perfect.
Headbands are for girls.
Literally flawless -- I played as a girl just so I could marry him.
No homo, though.
I always thought of Leo as fujobait, is he as popular with females as I thought he would be?
Leo clearly wants to fuck Camilla onee-san, why won't she reciprocate?
He's otomebait you dumb namefag, the only fujobait in the game is Niles
His son
He said flaws.
Yeah, it's a shame you can't marry him when you're playing as a guy.
Pretty weak even compared to non-Royals ingame. Went to Valla in Birthright but didn't bring up the hostile kingdom full of invisible soldiers and an insane, eldritch dragon in any way.
Speaking of which, is it just me or is late game Lunatic basically balanced around using Ryoma? In maps like the Hans one, all but a few of my units just have stats that are flat out too weak to compete with the horde of enemies the game throws at you, even when using Attack or Guard Stance.
Even interesting maps like 23 seem to prefer just tossing dozens of high stat enemies at you rather than allowing you to employ good strategies to win.
Does anything happen if I fill up my lover's hearts a fourth time after I've already filled the three big ones?
No, you only get the Love Bracelet after the second big heart, and nothing after.
>good unit balance
>game encourages lowmanning lategame and gives no new recruits besides shitter kids, so using anyone outside of Corrin/Camilla/Xander for combat is shooting youself in the foot.
I wish pair up gains didn't scale and enemies couldn't make attack stance useless later on. Earlygame was perfect with you being able to have bad stat units contribute and being forced to use attack stance to go fast/hit hard.
Thracia is a good example of how to make it so that more units can actually fight late into a hard FE game.
Attack Stance is amazing early on, but it starts to become useless as you progress, since there are so many enemies who'll use Attack Stance on you. Guard Stance auto blocking all enemy assists is just too strong when you're being swamped by enemies.
Exactly. I wish the whole game was as well designed as the early chapters. If so it would probably be my favorite FE game to play. Instead lategame is royal stomp, gimmicks, and cheesing maps like Endgame and Hinoka's.
Can Pegasus Knight Selena carry her own weight? Is it worth the Heart Seal early on?
Having another flier seems useful, but Selena herself isn't too great of a unit.
It mostly sucks because you're forced to keep your units in Guard Stance most of the time later on, unless you're preparing for an all out assault on the boss or something. Because of that, your backpack units barely get any exp, so they just keep falling behind while Xander, Camilla, and Corrin keep growing stronger.
I really do enjoy Pair Up as a mechanic, but I hope the if it appears again, the maps are designed as to accommodate both stances.
He killed Iago who was begging for his life. Popped him cold gangsta style.
>game encourages lowmanning lategame
No it doesn't. I always go full deployment in every map while I play Lunatic. Late game lunatic (chapter 20 +) requires guard stance since enemies get outrageous skill and stat combos. You can use generally anyone because of reclassing. Want to use Nyx? Reclass to archer and give her the shinning bow. Odin? Samurai. Mozume? Archer. etc, etc. The game never requires the use of royals, it just makes the game easier. Lowmanning is a cheese strat and possible in every single FE game.
>Make him marry Azura
>Both of his sons are gay little fuccbois
if you really want rally speed you can go for it. Alternately, capture a generic and kill her later for the stair map.
As for the other point, I'd like to see a new mechanic for FE switch. Pair Up with support boosts has broken both games its been in to some degree.
Just put her in feh already.
Revelations was the worst for this, I did the last four or so chapters using only Xander, Ryoma, Corrin, and Sakura (who was paired up with Corrin as a stat stick until I needed to heal someone) and it was easier that way than actually bringing a full army to babysit
>shining bow nyx
Yeah maybe if you use castle rewards and other stuff. She starts at E bows with shit tier strength. Its tedious as shit and totally not worth it. Royals aren't required, but everyone else can randomly turn out shit due to bad bases. Its bad balance.
And lowmanning is literally impossible in Thracia, and a bad idea in FE12. Meanwhile Fates encourages backpack units and high stats.
Dread Fighter or Archer Mozume?
Dark Knight is a shit class with shit bases, shit caps and shit skills.
>As for the other point, I'd like to see a new mechanic for FE switch. Pair Up with support boosts has broken both games its been in to some degree.
Fair enough. What kind of mechanic could they add that’d be balanced though?
Nyx joins at chapter 9, and its very easy to give her a few kills in chapter with attack stance before chapter 12. It fixs her skills also which is the problem with her as a mage. Its worth it if the player wants to use her, which is why reclassing exists, so people can use would be bad units. Unlike other FE games with actual bad balance like Binding or RD, the only way to make a unit with bad bases and bad growths is to pump them full of stats boosters and RNG manipulation, which literally isn't worth it.
>lowmanning is literally impossible in Thracia
There's a reason that LTC warp runs exist, which are all about lowmanning. And FE12 is also a game with outstanding bad balance, you get an insane amount of units but majority of the cast are jobbers in manic, Lunatic, and reverse lunatic.
Discount Marth by character design.
why would i want to train up a unit with 4 base strength that has no defenses and can't fight on enemy phase. Just because you CAN train up shitty units doesn't mean there's any point in doing so. I can make Oujay pretty good in FE6, he's still worse then Deke in almost every way. FE12 has awful balance, but at least you actually use a full team rather than 3 combat units, a dancer, elise, and other utility units. Maybe Kaze if you're lucky.
Homosexual son
Good in concept, poor in execution. I’d rather FE Switch have a new mechanic instead of bringing back an old one anyway.
>Reach Endgame
>No incentives to keep people alive anymore so just rush the boss and let half my units die
Ugly shit thing.
Mediocre Prf.
>reach Endgame
>try to keep everyone alive
>one unit dies
Probably into Futa.
>reach Endgame
>purposely let characters I don’t like die
>they technically survive because of story importance and/or children and IS couldn’t be assed to write alternate scenarios if Nohrian royals died
>Reach Endgame
>Almost everyone not named Corrin gets doubled since Anna was not kind to me
>Corrin dies in 2-3 hits anyway because his defense is shit
Karma's a bitch, Leon. Like how Nohrfags keep comparing Camilla to Hinoka, you pale in comparison to Takumi.
>no special ending where you and Elise are the only survivors of the royal family
Feels bad
So you can use her if you want to? It doesn't require much training to make her decent, and Conquest is player phase oriented, letting the enemy go first is a death sentence. Having an adventurer is useful for their weapon types. There's no viable way to make a jobber in Binding as good as Conquest because you at nothing out if it, and requires too many limited resources. Hard mode already cuts down on your deployment. You have more then 3 combat units in Conquest: Benoit, Charlotte, Elfi, Zero, Mozume, Lutz, etc. Just because a player is bad doesn't make the balance bad. If you had to lowman then that's on you.
Never been able to complete this on Lunatic without rescue. Has anyone done it with rescue.
His collar is inside out
Who's that on her lap?
Corrin was literally the only survivor in my Hard run.
>Everyone lived
Who should I S support in my next Conquest playthrough? Characters on the right are those I've always done, those on the left are those I'm interested in trying out. I want characters who's support and My Room lines are good tough, I don't know if they're all great (I really liked Sakura but Camilla and Scarlet disappointed me)
For all the shit she gets, Azura honestly isn’t that bad outside of her stupidity in the story.
Flora is pretty good on both ends too imo. If you care about her whole unrequited love for Jakob though, it might be an issue.
Oh, for BR
Oboro is pretty good, and she has a really sweet marriage convo in the untranslated DLC.
Femui x Rhajat in Japanese is good, and Mamui x Rhajat is nice too, on account of JPRhajat’s somewhat different personality, but if you’re playing with the official localization, it’s nothing that great unless you liked Tharja.
In fire emblem the blazing blade. If you want to replay the game with Hector route, do you go Lyn her route first and then pick Hector in some kind of menu? Or will that force you into Eliwood his route after Lyn?
Xander without eyebrows!
shit game
It gives you a choice when you finish Lyn mode
No, the game lets you choose what route you want to go though at the start. You don't have to play Lyn mode again. Its generally advise to do so though if you what to use the units on Lyn's mode in Hectors. As they become useless otherwise.
Complete Eliwood's story. When selecting a story, Hector mode will be available. If you want to, you can do Lyn mode first if you want to, but you can go straight to Hector's mode.
Well yeah thats why I asked, but I didnt know whether it would need some kind of extra configuration to prevent the game just shoving me into eliwood again after doing Lyn
Never underestimate the autism of someone who does Ironman no-grind Lunatic+ for fun
This is going to become a shitty meme image like those reddit Reinhardt edits, isn’t it?
>game requires you to play it 7 times in order to max out all the support conversations
is this game serious?
Why is FE6 so good, bros?
I'm surprised I haven't seen the phrase "artificial replayability" thrown around on this board more often.
And yeah, shit sucks like that in some of the older games sometimes. Then there are the games that require you to beat them over 10 times for all the content.
That's not the issue, the issue is that the game requires the units to sit next to each other for hundreds of turns.
Just read them from serenesforest or something.
>fire emblem 7
>doesn't expect to play fire emblem 7 times
It tried emulating one of the best games in the series because they had no idea what to do next.
why does it take so long to unlock her
>Only 7 times
Fates take 69 playthrough
Because it wasn't FE7.
I think he is a decent unit if you can fix his speed. You have to attack already hurt enemies though, in order to utilize his personal skill.
What game did it emulate and how
Yeah, Hector mode really disappointed me. Had like 3 different maps. It does have the third pegasus girl so that is good. But apart from that they did so little with it. Maybe an afterstory where you play as hector who leads purges against all the nobles who conspired with the black fang.
Yeah, I have like
Good map design and the only truly difficult GBA game!
I'm glad you agree, user. You're a good man.
>Royfags and Camillafags uniting
The shit taste is getting out of hand here.
Not sure whether you're a Sakurafag or Lynfag. Not the first time you odious bastards teamed up.
Thanks! but I like Blazing a bit more though, if only for the support conversions and HHM (even if the mode isn't that difficult
Which difficulty.
Fuck it, I'll take it.
I hope they remake FE7 after FE6, and make changes that'll let me appreciate it more. I'd like if Hector mode wasn't a thing, and you instead just picked which route to go on when there's a difference in them.
Hard should be fine if you’re a first time player. Lunatic otherwise.
Remember to play on classic!