>Okay, Matsuno, we're letting you bring your baby to the PSP for a nice fancy port, got it? It's already basically a 10/10 game, we just need you to polish it up a bit, fix some imbalances, remove some bugs, and we'll handle the rest, okay? Just a bit of a fixer-upper, don't do something crazy like completely rewrite the job system and implement literal save states, ha ha, that's just a bit of a joke there, we all know you'd never--
>matsuno why
Okay, Matsuno, we're letting you bring your baby to the PSP for a nice fancy port, got it...
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literally best tactics game on handheld
I never fucking got into this game because the storytelling of the game seemed stiff and clunky as hell compared to what we're used to nowadays. Which is strange because I do love alot of other rpg's from the time tactics ogre came out.
Maybe I should give it another try, I love rpgs like this usually.
How long does this game take to beat?
I never really used savestates, except to farm end game drops in Palace of the Dead
has anyone tried the rebalance mod thats been floating around?
Probably 50 hours to just beat it. As is typical of the genre, a massive chunk of that is from the slow pace of battles.
does it fix the abysmal crafting system?
Did they at least change the job system for the better? How are monks in this game? I'm slightly obsessed with the class in rpg's.
I really, really love the Playstation game of Final fantasy tactics. How will I like this? Is it better, worse or just as good compared to FFT for the PSX?
my only gripe with this game is not being able to compare the current equipment with the one sold at the shops
around as good but a lot of people like Tactics better, if you like FFT its definitely worth playing, its a great game
removes crafting failure and simplifies the components necessary.
there are no monks. There are classes that use fists weapons.
He had nothing to do with the port you dipshit
He left square in 2007
I hated the job system. Specifically the way it levels, and even more that individual skills also need to be leveled. Actually wanting to use a job you get later on becomes a nightmare, as is switching weapon types and losing shit.
War of the Lions is better. Search your heart.
don't really agree with all of the balance changes but at least someone is attempting it.
Everything is fucked all to hell. When you get a new class, all units you change to that class go back to level 1, and enemies' levels and equipment scale to yours, so you're basically making the game harder for yourself whenever you take time to grind a new class up to par.
The weapons have been completely weebinized, making katanas and daggers the only good ones. For some retarded reason fists are a two-handed weapon, making them impossible to dual-wield or even put a crossbow in the off-hand.
Jesus that sounds horrible. Fuck. I want to play another game like final fantasy tactics but I don't just wanna play final fantasy tactics again.
just play it with the mod - it fixes all of the problems the user listed.
>play Knight Of Lodis for the first time
>literally 10/10 except for the horrible quality of the OST
>suddenly get to the end of the game
>roll credits
>never play it again
Matsuno worked on the PSP remake as a freelance director
I love it just as much, but I think this one is more deep content-wise, and the story, with all it's branches, is really well done.
This thread is making me wanna play FFT, but I don't know if I can fucking stomach that depressing storyline again.
LUCT tries to have a good story, but the fact is that Balkan War Criminal Denam and Moralfag Denam have the same damn character arc
Also, WotL had legit well-written class struggle where a noble became a commoner, unlike "you a prince now boy" Medieval Star Wars.
But what's funnier than watching Delita talk shit and then get hit?
Only the first part is depressing. Then Delita becomes the greatest asshole in the kingdom, and your hate should propel you to the end.
Great remake that's hampered by many questionable design decisions
The individual class level system was abhorrent. Having to grind a unique class from level 1 was garbage and I have no idea why they decided to implement it.
>not Chivalry and Savagery
that was the best part, you dip. forcing you to redo a battle over isn't challenging, it's just tedious. it also allowed you to tackle battles at lower levels, and using different tactics than you normally would/could otherwise.
LUCT OST is elder god tier. I can get the urge to replay the whole game just from listening to it.
>LUCT OST is elder god tier
>posts a March of the Black Queen song that was only included in the PSP port
what did he mean by this
>Full blown war breaks out
>Party happens upon a group of medics and an important general
>Medics try to stall us so he can get away
>Can either kill all the medics and have him swear to return and avenge them (which he does)
>Or kill the officer and the medics all despair because they failed
Aside from the shitty crafting, mediocre job system, and the fact that most maps are solved by having Cap fly to the officer and one shot them with a TP ability, LUCT was based.
They should just get rid of classes altogether and allow you to assign skills you want on whoever. If you want to make a specific build you still can, but it would be much more open ended. Maybe just reduce the number of skill slots you could have, so units don't become too OP.
I know, right? Like when Marx said we should overthrow the aristocracy and fight the demon hordes contained ancient magical stones! You know. Real class struggle.
One thing I hate about LUCT is how uselss some of the classes are, at least in FFT the classes have a large amount of variance because of the abilities that are attached to the jobs but in LUCT some classes are just shit because other classes do everything better than them. Fusiliers get introduced late into the game, have worse stats and the only reason to use them is if you like guns but there's no point because bows are so fucking overpowered that you never need anything other than archers.
>forcing you to redo a battle over isn't challenging, it's just tedious
spoken like a true casual
the stories in both put me to sleep. the way they're told is really dull. just cutscene after cutscene with crude sprites.
fuck off, autist. not everyone likes shit like disgaea.
isn't that a girl's name?
what does not failing a battle so you don't have to restart it have to do with disgaea? Try not sucking at vidya.
The remake version just happens to be the best version of this song, and its one of my favourite video game songs. Hope that answers your question.
Need more armor crossovers.