Best version of code vain

>best version of code vain
>best version of valkyria chronicles 4
>best version of red dead 2
>best version of kingdom hearts 3
I hope you plan on picking up the X this black friday

I bet they wont be supported / run like shit.
All could be played 10x better on PC
There is absolutely no reason to ever buy an xbox.

>games arent even fucking rendered at
whats the point if its just upscaled checkers


At 4K i dont know why my phone cuts that off

ITT : OP tries to justify his horrid purchase

Fuck the haters OP, I have one and love it. I even have 8TB so I can install as many games as I want. What they are doing with backwards compat is amazing, so cool throwing your disc in and playing from each Xbox generation, hopefully they keep it up. But ..but... but..PC, yeah I have one with a GTX 1080. I like them both and own every console.

>PC, yeah I have one with a GTX 1080
how's it feel to be a dielet?

I'd consider an Xbox One X if I wasn't already able to play its best "exclusive" games with better visuals / framerates on my PC.

Why does the Xbox One X completely outperform every PC configuration on the market in terms of HDR? Kind of funny that the mustard race can't even display a full range of colors.

native 4k.


best console for multiplats.

my entire console library from the past ten years.

this is the best on the couch machine.

pc is better for competitive online games, but i just wanna lay on the couch and play my vidya more often then not.

only poor fags think you have to choose.

Oh, and Bloodbourne is stupid. look at the design of everything single thing in that game. it is cringy af.

Because most pc users have theyr 0.00001ms latency monitors and they rarely support hdr. Console users mostly have 4k hdr tv's which are standart and cheap, not all of them can handle true 10000nitbpeak brightness.

>native 4k.

which games play at those settings on the XboneX?

>pc is better for competitive online games, but i just wanna lay on the couch and play my vidya more often then not.
>implying I can't do that with a wireless mouse and keyboard, or just with a wireless controller

Xbone Elite Controller a fucking best

>Buying japanese games on the xbox

Asus has announced some HDR monitors with Gsync and all that stuff, but they haven't released it yet

In any case, you can plug your PC to a TV so whatever

forza horizon games are worth getting an xbox for if your pc cant handle it, 2 is also better than 3, i might buy a bone but i wanna wait and see if horizon 2 gets a x patch.

>my entire console library from the past ten years
I can't even play half of my 360 library, all the exclusive japanese games the 360 had in its first year, Microsoft is absolutely retarded when choosing which games are to be added onto the compatibility list.

back to rebbit with you

your wayyy out of touch if you think console gamers have 4k tvs

It's the only reason I even had a 360, several japanese games released in 2006/2007 never got PS3 versions.

they wisely ignore weeaboo shit

Just got one, some are cheap now.

I would have bought if there were any games on it. Seriously all it needed was scalebound and I would have pulled the trigger

Instead I decided to build a pc

>native 4k
>60 fps

You can literally lay on your couch and play PC with an xbox controller

Why am i arguing with microsoft brainlets.

Literal retards. :( sad the majority of the population are simpletons

Ninja Gaiden II was a system seller you dumbfuck, even Halo 3 was bowing its head to it by making crossover content.

When I get money then I will pick it up.

well people i work with are all still on normal hd because they see no reason to get 4k, i hope you enjoy it though user, x is worth it for you

code vein is going to PC

The better question is why do you guys even bother coming into these threads? You have nothing to offer to the conversations and your shitposts aren't even clever or original.

>he plays Windows 10 Store games

pcs look like shit under the tv. they have no aesthetic appeal. they belong in the office. the one x is a small, nondescript, quiet black box.

there was a time when i had a pc hooked up to my tv, but it was always a hassel and it never fit in with the rest of the home decor. now that i am not a child, and have a nice house with nice things in it, i like my living room to look tidy and nice.

these threads would be dead if nothing but xbox owners/fans posted in them

>best version of code vain
>best version of valkyria chronicles 4
>best version of red dead 2
>best version of kingdom hearts 3
Says who? It's entirely up to the developer to use the Bone X capabilities, out of those only Code Vein and Red Dead Redemption are confirmed to be enhanced, and they aren't even confirming it will be 4k.

I know, look how long it took them to make Halo 3 and 4 BC but they made that piece of shit Reach BC. They still haven't added Halo CE and 2 yet to BC which should have been the first original Xbox games added and they didn't even give Halo 4 an Xbox One X enhancement like they did Halo 3 and 5.

I know, look how long it took them to make Halo 3 and 4 BC but they made that piece of shit Reach BC. They still haven't added Halo CE and 2 yet to BC which should have been the first original Xbox games added and they didn't even give Halo 4 an Xbox One X enhancement like they did Halo 3 and 5.

Yes you can but as another stated it is a cluster fuck if you want to change a game, 1/2 the games won't launch correctly from controller and you have to get up and fuck with changing the game.

Fucking Lost Odyssey is a masterpiece and it still isn't compatible, fucking xbots are cancer who don't deserve the games they had available.

>Fucking Lost Odyssey is a masterpiece and it still isn't compatible
But that's wrong it is on BC.

And 60fps now


Oh shit, when? I swear it wasn't last year.


I'm waiting for a decent trade-in offer to show up. I got about $200 credit for my launch PS4 towards a Pro a couple months ago.

Since last year

Why do Xbox threads trigger the Mustards so much? You would think that they wouldn't care and just keep scrolling. Odd.

Hahaha SonyFag BTFO

What games on PC are you playing with HDR?

Because the point of a console are the exclusives/experience and X1 doesn't have it.
You can complain about it all you want but unless you don't have a PC, you're fucking stupid to buy a X1 instead of a PS4 or Switch (or both instead of a X1X)

Also people were fine with X1 threads popping up for some reason but lately (as in months) it feels like shilling.

How does that address my comment? That was just another PC rant.

I think most people have monitors with a 2-5ms latency.
Not sure how high the latency of my TV is or what the number is in general. A lot of people also seem to not know about TV settings, nowadays all TVs even have a "gaming setting" which turns off everything that adds latency

PS4 has nothing worth getting, it's a movie/weeb machine, you're a retard if you get one, PC has pirates, RTS, no exclusives, unoptimized games, drm, dungeon crawlers, and walls of bullshit just to play a game. Xbox One X and a Switch is the best systems to buy since they have none of the bullshit PC and PS4 has, plus who in the hell plays Windows 10 Store games?

Just bought an S mainly for the backwards compat and the handful of exclusives. I actually do have a pc with a 1080 in it, so I literally have no use for an X.

The way I see it is that consoles or the Xbox has true HDR/4K and the PC has the frame rates. I wonder how many people would choose a much better picture quality to 100 fps.

And PC just lost their biggest exclusive in PUBG to the Xbox.

>which games play at those settings on the XboneX?
Halo 5
Forza 7
Its a given that ever 1st party Xbone game will max out the system

That too, why should anyone waste their money on a PS4 or PC? Just get a Switch and Xbox One X.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Everyone who realizes that the X1 is useless, must be a mustard

It has a few good exclusives. Not much but even its best one (Bloodborne) is more than the X1 has.
> PC has pirates, RTS, no exclusives, unoptimized games, drm, dungeon crawlers, and walls of bullshit just to play a game.
Do you want me to go over your list of bullshit or are you happy with the (You)?

holy shill shit

It really is a great combo. Also, if you have a laptop, you're able to play anything the PC has to offer anyway.

Even without X enhancements, it will still be the best
Nigga not only was Lost Odyssey BC for about a year now, they also gave it out for free when it first became BC.

You mean that overrated game from that overrated series? Xbox games are better than Bloodborne. What do people even see in this series?

I know right?

PC+PS4+Switch covers all the (worthwhile) exclusives

I hate the argument of "JUST GET A PC, BRO"
I've been playing on Xbox since 2002 with my friends, and still do to this day. Why the fuck would I abandon all of them just to play you fucks?

>Buying a Xbonexxxsepphirotdarklustxxx
Why would anybody do this? Why would I get kingdom hearts 3 on Xbox when I already have the whole series on PS4. Graphics? That's the most asinine reason to buy a console. Xbros you need to let it die.

What games are you playing on your Xbox One X at 60fps?

Protip: the 1080Ti supports HDR10 and Dolby Vision, something that can't be said about the Xbox One X. Anyway, I'd take 60fps over HDR, unless you bought an LG OLED you're not getting the full benefits anyway, LCD can only be pushed so far.

>Will run at identical resolution and frame rate of PS4
Will run at identical resolution and frame rate of PS4
Will run at identical resolution and frame rate of PS4
Will run at identical resolution and frame rate of PS4

Fucking retarded.

The argument isn't that you should switch it's that the Xbox is literally inferior to the PC at this point. Even it's "Exclusives" are coming to PC there's seriously no reason to buy Xbox one X except for brand loyalty.

>Halo 5
Halo 5 is not native 4K on Xbox One X, it's a dynamic resolution typically below 4K, between 816x1584 and 3360x1890. If you stare at the ground it's probably 4K but that's not where the resolution sits most of the time.

Yeah, Dell haas some too and quite affordable, Im thinking of picking up dell s2418h.
Maybe. I have two 4k hdr tv's, 55" in living room for ps4 pro and one 49" in bedroom. First one was 700$ and other 400. So only out of touch people imo could get fhd tvs now.
What? 3 is better than 2, 1 is even better than 2

They don't appreciate the kinship or never had a chance to appreciate it. That's also why the PC crowd can't into bantz. It's not the same over the mic as it is on the couch with some buds. Now you know why the quality in their shitpost is often jaded and flimsy. They can't quite grasp what true banter is and their attempt to do so is embarrassing and comes off as hostile.

>Console users mostly have 4k hdr tv's which are standart
Holy shit, could you imagine being this delusional?

>worthwhile exclusives
Like what?

>buying an xbox for kingdom hearts when you cant play any of the kingdom hearts games

>What? 3 is better than 2, 1 is even better than 2
This is just shit Xbox fanboys have been saying recently since 3 is so much better on PC.

>"Exclusives" are coming to PC
Who in the hell plays Windows 10 Store games?

This guy must be stuck on xbox for his achievements. Sad af

>no 4K HDR 60fps Horizon 3 update on the X1X until January.

Sucks, but it'll be worth the wait. The game is already gorgeous

So what exclusives are worth getting a PC and PS4 for?

Bone X and the PSPro are just jokes.

On paper and in some very select few games, they can be played at a much higher FPS and graphical quality... but that's only if the game developers actually reconfigure their games to run on the newer hardware optimally.

Instead of a potential 60 FPS, we'll go from 30~ to 35~ because developers don't give a shit about retuning their old games, and they'll run marginally better by default or introduce newer problems.

I know I am
Bought TTP on the PS4 because I played the MGS series on the ps3 and thought it wouldn't "feel" the same on the xbone. Ended up getting it in the xbone later and had more fun with it there.

It's not going to be 60fps on Xbox One X in 4K. It probably won't be 60fps ever.

>The game is already gorgeous
On PC it is, Xbox One it's okay I guess if you like 1080p/30 mid-low tier settings.

People who already own a PC that has better specs than an Xbox. Only a retard would buy a console for a game they can already play.

So what you're saying is that you're one of the retarded to people that actually fell for the Windows 10 Store Games meme? PC players are pathetic.

Just check metacritic or the game award nominees the list is all there. Just avoid the xbox section, its a little embarrassing.

If they cared about power back on 2013 everyone would had a pc and multiplats would be higher on the sales charts

What specs are you running and what monitor do you have? Or is that a blanket statement and you don't even own a PC, but you're "just saying"?

>People who already own a PC that has better specs than an Xbox.
Sorry bro, Forza is way more cinematic on Xbox One X, 30fps is the real way to play racing games.


If I wouldn't use Windows 10 what the fuck makes you think I'd buy an Xbone?

The main draw of the X is for people that play on the Xbone. It has nothing to do with PC players. Even then, the X is better than most steam users.

>Just check metacritic or the game award nominees the list is all there
>he can't even name one

Does anyone who doesn't own a 4K TV have the new xbox? I heard it does an amazing job at downsampling.

>windows 10 store is a meme because it costs $0 a year to use and already exists on the same machine that we already play games on
>Xbox One X isn't a meme because it is $500 + $60 a year tip just to play the same game at 30fps
hmm, really makes me think

Then stop trying to act like anybody gives a shit about the worthless Windows 10 Store, when people play Xbox games, they play them on the Xbox One/X they don't play them on the Windows 10 Store.

>60$ meme
Maybe if you're retarded

Yes, it's a meme, Console gamers will never use, and PC gamers are smart enough not to use it, only a retards uses the Windows 10 Store to play games.

>he doesnt wanna check
Lmao i told you it was embarrassing

>I hope you plan on picking up the X this black friday
the one S is like 180 bucks at stores, a lot of people will pick that up instead of a X at full price


All of this. Don't worry, it's the shill making these threads every day. His only argument always comes down to multi plats because he knows that shitty box had no exclusives and is completely redundant.

It's amusing how triggered you Xbros are about Windows 10
>it's value added, cross buy is great PS4 sucks!
>wait, you didn't actually buy that game on PC did you? why would you do that, it's stupid! Everyone knows paying $500 a year for hardware DRM and $60 a year for online is a way smarter decision!

I don't know man, stuff like Nioh, NieR: Automata, Crash Remake, Undertale, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Yakuza, Gravity Rush, Bloodborne
You know all the stuff that's on PS4 and on PC but not X1

I'm not that other user moron, the point is that the dumbfucks who buy games on W10 are the same dumbfucks who buy games on Xbone.