Happy Thanksgiving Sup Forums
Happy Thanksgiving Sup Forums
Based off topic frogposter!
fuck off im not amerilard
you are now
>trapped at extended family's house because obligations
>It's literally just a group of people watching a football game and talking dull sports stats for hours on end
>food isn't even ready
I'm so tired
>having an entire day dedicated to eating food
Only in America
I wanna die
then die
>be ameriboo
>wish there was thanksgiving in my country
I dont think McDonalds is open today, dumb frogposter.
>Sup Forums
>in fond memories of raping and killing the people who lived there long before them
Nothing like it
Happy Thanksgiving
>celebrating a shit tier holiday like this
based murrika
Happy thanksgiving lads
Smoke weed then
>burger holidays
What games should I play to help me forget that I'm all alone in the world boys?
Canada celebrates it too, you uneducated negroes.
dwarf fortress
To all non-americans
This is what this holiday is all about
I pity my jelous european comrades who shall never know the joy of experincing the fluffy gold that is stuffing
Yeah no one in Europe has ever had fucking stuffing amirite
>doesnt cover ALL of america
Living the life.
some yuros deal with this on christmas eve
Commies have a day dedicated to not eating every day
uhh.. everything is still a thing in the world retard. we just dont have thanksgiving because were not lying to ourself hypocrite savages
why are holidays a thing bros
It's like my least favorite holiday.
I mean, feel free to admire or whatever but it's more of an annoyance to me.
Just didn't want you to think you were missing out.
Then again my experience has varied and the whole experience gets on my nerves.
I like the idea and origin however, just the point is lost.
We got something for you too
to make the peasant rabble happy and stop crying at the king
i hope you aren't using "amerilard" as an insult, it's a real shame that your shitty country can't offer enough food to people for them to even get fat.
>It's like my least favorite holiday.
Only Sup Forums would hate a holiday where you reconnect with relatives, eat luxurious food you cooked yourself and be thankful you aren't European.
You poor poor europe bros having to delude yourselves like this. Here, the next drumstick I eat will be in your honor.
isnt thanksgiving celebrating killing americans?
I like it.
>jelly europoor
If I could just delete Christmas I would. Spread joy my ass. Happy people don't need Christmas to feel happy, and Christmas doesn't make sad people happy. All it does is put happy people on a higher pedestal and make lonely people feel even worse. Kids in poverty have to have their noses rubbed in what they don't have even more than usual while kids in better off families get more shit they don't need.
It's a giant "fuck you"
Fuck I hate Christmas
found the poorfag peasant
Go cry about it on your blog, fag.
texas looks a bit weird there mate
>be Russian migrant for 15 years now
>have never once celebrated thanksgiving
I'm not poor, just incredibly socially awkward and have trouble making meaningful connections with people
You don't sound very happy
Those filthy engines where occupying american soil that was rightfully my ancestors through manifest destiny and are not true americans
>he doesn't watch sports
>he only watches and Fapps to Chinese cartoons and plays video games
Great thread
injuns aren't americans, americans are people who descend from the bloodline of the original WHITE EUROPEAN immigrants. Americans are white.
Thanksgiving was a month ago
this is why you should pay attention more in school Lionel instead of prepping the muslim bulls and praying towards Mecca
I want to fuck her so badly
What should I watch on Netflix bros?
neck yourself
>Only good thread 404s
>Nothing left up but garbage
H-happy thanksgiving...
Punisher or Mind Hunters
im not talking about your fuck up on california amerifat
fun fact.
>Americans are Englands garbage we sent away for believing witches are real
You know that's not a real girl right?
she's not real
ozark if you want something american
mind hunter if you want something FBI american
the crown if you want to celebrate americanity with the british royals
narcos if you want to celebrate the power of the american war on drugs
hope you get assfucked by net neutrality
I was afraid I'd be misunderstood
My family hates me for my father's actions
Thus the holidays were always awful.
The food has to be cooked and everyone in our family can't cook for shit.
I'm glad I'm not European everyday.
american vandal
>celebration of friendship between natives and colonists
>liberals complain natives didn't du nuffin
>guns just made their tribal wars more efficient
>Mashpee Wampanoag still live on Cape Cod, with 2600 members
Badda bing
What is it like being so obsessed?
Reminder to always respond politely to frogposters
texas is one of america's dicks, if you weren't too fucking poor to eat you would know fat forms a protective cocoon over the penis
who /working/ here
hahahah you just never stop, do you?
lmao virgin
4pm to 12 and then 8am to 2pm tomorrow
There's literally nothing good on Netflix except mad men and coen bros
Let us all give thanks that at least we aren't Anthony Burch, even you non-americans should be able to agree with that.
literal who
Holy shit you are fucking delusional. If what you said is true then why did you crooked teeth tea drinkers follow said trash to bully and tax said trash if you sent them away?
A witch did it.
I only watch the same shit over and over again.
I don't need Netflix.
Just watch Blade Runner
It takes place during November
>fat and pale
Are you me?
Don't bother lurking more just go back to whatever site you came from and stay there.
>being this fucking new
filter Sup Forums from your hosts file, newfag