What was the controversy surrounding Undertale's fanbase? Seems like a fun little game

What was the controversy surrounding Undertale's fanbase? Seems like a fun little game.

It's a fun game and well-put together. Sup Forums loved it. The issue is that because it was simple and had broad appeal, everyone loved it. This means the most autistic elements of tumblr and worse did too.

Soon contrarian Sup Forums disliked it, but the autism could not be contained, and soon normal humans didn't want to associate with it too much either. It's a shame.


It's not a game, it's a visual novel.

Because theyre fucking annoying

I can't really see the broad appeal, the plot does take some time to digest, the fact that it has RPG elements and requires multiple playthroughs probably already limits its audience, not to mention without a walkthrough knowing how to spare each enemy, dodging attacks gets pretty hard late game, even for veteran gamers.

I imagine 70% of people who "liked" the game aren't gamers and just watched a Let's Play and found it to be some profound masterpiece because tumblr/reddit told them it was, while the remaining 30% who were gamers found it to be a pretty well-made indie game like Braid or Limbo with some flaws.

The story is vague enough to spawn massive amounts of autism

>not to mention without a walkthrough knowing how to spare each enemy, dodging attacks gets pretty hard late game, even for veteran gamers.
I haven't known a single person who has played the game, even those that play entirely social games, who has been unable to figure out how to get the pacifist ending.

Reminder Chara did nothing wrong !

The biggest issue i ever saw with the fanbase is how hostile they got whenever someone didn't go 100% pacifist.

They would constantly spew shit at youtubers and streamers who went genocide run, or just didnt know that the 'only way' to play the game was full pacifist.

It didnt help that genocide is the laziest route with the least amount of effort put into it, but the community made it that much worse.

bunch of people bullied some girl attempt to commit suicide

I thought that was Steven universe

Also, I remember undertake fans voting the game as the best game ever on gamefaqs. I believe it won

that was steven universe
I remember, the reason why is because she drew the characters too thin

There wasn't so much a specific controversy people just got tired of seeing art of the funny skeleton characters fucking versions of themselves from alternate universes where they go to hot topic

>Sup Forums is one person

I'm sorry that SOME of us didn't like your favourite game.

Now fuck off.

I created 5 fanfictions for undertale.

I sold 4 of them for 250 dollars.

I pirated the game.

I paid -260 dollars for Undertale.

the people I'VE personally met were fine,

You paid for undertale in hours sunk into the game.

how the fuck do you sell a fanfic

Obnoxious teens that worship a game that has cute characters in it. It's a bit like bronies with a different coat of paint. Don't let it take away from the game though, it's great either way.

Why are you mad, user? Are you upset people like things?

he lies

The 10 or so hours, sure.
I sold the individual .docx files (equaling about 110K thousand words spread throughout about 45 separate files) to someone. I was basically selling reproduction rights, so that he could host in on his website, instead of the sites I was hosting it on.

Funny as hell, I wasnt expecting to sell them, I just wrote them for fun, and some guy scoops em up and wants to host a website with "high quality" fanfictions that appeal to the most Autistic fanbases, including Undertale and Fnaf, among others.

>caring about how other people play a game
>caring about people that care about how you play a game
I don't know who's worse

Mad at who? I'm just teaching some retard (probably you) not to generalise lmao

I kind of have a grudge against it because my 13 years old brother completely distanced himself from the world because of an app called dead tale or some shit. Chats and RPs as undertale characters with other autists for a whole day without rest.

I don't know if I should be mad or just plain out impressed
fuck it, I'm just straight out impressed

Could you write me a giantess futa unaware nano foot/genitalia story

That depends. Are you serious, and/or willing to pay? I've written fetish smut before.

Going average online for custom work is a dollar per 400 words.

>I sold the individual .docx files (equaling about 110K thousand words spread throughout about 45 separate files) to someone. I was basically selling reproduction rights, so that he could host in on his website, instead of the sites I was hosting it on.

What the actual fuck? Has this nigger not heard of ctrl-c and ctrl-v?

It's a fun game, the fanbase is just 99% psychopaths.

I draw it for a pretty penny anyway, so I may as well cycle the funds. Can't really fap to the stuff I make. I'll do 30$ for 15k.

Go and try to Copy and Paste from Fanfiction.net. I'll wait.

On the off chance you don't want to,
Fanfiction.net, my main hosting website until they were bought, has copy protection.
There is no way to copy them.
Are we really doing this? Gimme an Email, Skype, or Discord, and we can iron out the details.

>got paid $240 for 110k words
>I do technical writing for a living and get paid 70k annually for 20k words

Chuckling sensibly at your existence

Everyone has to start somewhere. It's basically the difference between a ho and a high class whore.

>get paid 110k annually for a few thousand "words" in statistical analysis programs

Not all words are equal or take equivalent effort to churn out

>fun game
>walk to the right
>mash X to skip dialogue
>4 hours later it ends
>fun game

>t. someone who hasnt played the game

Change any url to m.fanfiction.net and apparently you can.

And [email protected]

Writing some fan fiction stuff for fun with no intention of making money is so far from your job, I am actually struggling to draw a link to them.

Like imagine a footballer rubbing it in that he makes $70k /w and when you and your friends want to play you need to pay to hire out a field. In fact that comparison actually makes more sense.

Some faggots here decided that nobody is allowed to like it and started spamming the most tumblr images they could find here.

That's it.

>Copy protection
That's cute, user.

>Change any url to m.fanfiction.net and apparently you can.
Fuck. It works. Hell's bells.

Also that's a very feminine name, my man. Anyway I'll send an email.


I was hoping the thread would be nothing but disgusting porn of Undertale. Dissapointing.

Lisa is better than undertale

People also edited images to make them even more tumblr to trigger Sup Forums.


Any decent script blocker will override any kind of right click protection a website has. My guess is you were either dealing with someone with a lot of integrity, a child, or a retard. Or maybe all three, who knows.

>thread to talk about the undertale fanbase
>devolves into people wanting share fanfic and porn
II fucking love this place

Full disclosure, he was an Economics Major working on a project in college. Part of his project was purchasing intellectual property and drafting up binding contracts. Sure, he could just take the stories, but even if he knew how, he still needed a contract with my signature.

In all honesty, we used each other.

It looks like shit and has visual novel tier gameplay

The only thing Undertale has over Lisa is that Toby didn't sperg out.

>view page source

I played it and he described it pretty well, it's a shame 99% of the NPCs are just dogshit worthless to talk to. The only thing I can think of that's good in the game is the Sans-Papyrus dynamic, the Mettaton skits were ok, and the bullet hell dodging is kind of fun.

well, shit, fair enough

You heathens forgot New Home and the buildup to one of the most unironically well written villains in modern gaming.

>one of the most unironically well written villains in modern gaming
How many "modern" games did you play to form that comparison? My guess is about 0-3.

Well I said one of. Are you denying the legitimacy of the power of Undertale's writing, and specifically Asgore within it?

I'm saying you have incredibly low standards if you think Undertale has good writing.

tell me about So Sorry, and why he's beaten down for for being a fetish character when Muffet was made to appeal to spiderfags?

It's a walking sim that claims to be a JRPG (somewhat based around Earthbound's style) and a bullet hell and ends up being neither. It also panders to Tumblr, just to make matters even worse

So you are saying that a game that exploded a cult following on nothing but its writing primarily, has objectively bad writing?

Or perhaps you're willing to admit it's just subjectively bad writing? I love Asgore, and sympathetic villains. So fuck off, bitch. I aint needin all this negativity right now.

Undertale's fanbase sucks, but at least it doesn't literally ruin the game the way FNAF or Minecraft's fans did.

Protip to any up and coming indie devs- don't shift gears towards pandering o the lowest common denominator.

The undertale fanbase dint acutally played undertale so they fixated on some desings and wrote a fuckton of OOC fanfiction and fanart of the character desing they liked. I doesnt help the game leaves a lot of stuff to your imagination so people can shove their headcanons without much effort.

As far as fanbases go, Undertale is relatively harmless. The only thing they're guilty of is running every quotable phrase into the ground and making some cringey fetish art just like every other fanbase

>surrounding their fan base
They are cancer

>the game itself
Actually pretty refreshing. Mostly the story is cute and the gameplay is kinda interesting. I cried at the end, no lie. I don't have any complaints with the game.

It's a simple rpg, so yeah.

I like to think of it like a lower budget version of Final Fantasy or Xenoblade or SMT.

>there's plenty of potential, but it's squandered by the SJW devs
>runs horribly
>casual gameplay
>tries to be "unique" and "special" but ends up being garbage in the process
>no desire to replay it once you beat it

The RPG genre as a whole was a mistake and should've never left the 16 bit era.

>squandered by the SJW devs
someone post that picture of toby fox being asked a question about the sexuality of frisk and him just saying "skip"

Tumblr touched it and tumblr turns everything into a bucket of aids needles. I thought the game itself was fun and clever. Lisa was better though.

You misunderstand. The game from the ground up comes across as a hipster that hates being a game, and thinks that "problematic videogamey content" is holding back its artistic merit. Notice how half the mechanics in the game are designed to strip you of your freedom of choice, or your ability to interact with the world? For example, alot of yes/no questions that are the exact same no matter the choice you make. To even make a change in the story, you have to grind for hours to initiate a genocide run, and the game berates you because you're not playing the game the way it wants, like a teenage gril whining about her nails.

Asgore did nothing wrong

The game itself is fine. In fact it's better than "just fine", there's many reasons why everybody got attached to it and couldn't stop talking about it.
However, the same thing happened to it that happens to everything else that gains too much ground way too quickly: you attract all of the weird autists and sperglords of the internet to meme the fuck out of your product.
Rule #1 of modern games: Disregard fanbases because they're almost always filled with cancer. Just play the game to experience its own merits and move on afterwards.

the fanbase is a bunch of gay furries. Almost as weird and cringey as sonic's and maybe even 2012 MLP. The game is fine but god help you if you want to talk about it with other people.

I also didn't get it but for the past few days the streamer i watch played it. It was one of the most obnoxious experiences i've lived through, the fanbase treats undertale as a godsend, the best, most funny thing ever created with the most heartfelt story and best music in existence. Personally i didn't like the game but I can appreciate it's usage of assets but it's always annoying when someone without a proper reference experience calls something the best when it's clearly not.

>the streamer i watch
the current state of Sup Forums

That's what I've always found funny about Undertale. For a game that makes fun of RPGs and tries to drive home the point about how they usually don't give you a choice, made by a developer who lamented how content these days gets datamined day 1 and there is no adventure, Undertale has very little choice outside of (kill/spare). There is zero exploration, everything is a linear walk from point A to point B, no optional paths and secrets outside of meta ones.

As you've said, it throws away gameplay conventions for the sake of narrative, and the narrative is decent, but once you dissociate from it and look at it as a game it falls apart. It's linear as a stick and kinda dull. Random encounters get boring super fast because there is no enemy variety and your stats do not matter so beating them is simply a chore. It would've worked better as a boss rush probably.

>well written villains in modern gaming
>exploit classic "means justify ends" concept
>but with a retarded goatman, who behaves as sweet neighborhood pedo otherwise

Nay, characters there are awful and written strictly to be joyful retards.

well, I'll be fucked, I'm glad you guys were able to actually give me a detailed description on the bad parts and criticisms of the game without it turning into autismo mode

My 8 year old sister really likes sans and papyrus. Apparently she watches a lot of youtube undertale fanfiction, which apparently is a thing. She hadn't played the game until a few weeks ago so I don't know how she got involved with the online stuff before that, but I guess that isn't that uncommon for kids nowadays. Her and all her friends watch streamers more than they play games so it isn't that surprising.

When I let her play the game on my computer she ran from every enemy and gained no exp or gold so she couldn't afford a single item from any store. She got stuck around Undyne and lost interest. She had pretty much no interest in anything in the game besides the characters she was already familiar with, those being the boss characters and chara.

>there is no enemy variety and your stats do not matter so beating them is simply a chore
This so much. Random encounters were a mistake in any RPG, and here they're just an insult to injury due to enemies being super predictable and not very challenging. There was so much potential with the branching dialogue options, but they're basically things you spam until you win. No thought.

this this this this this this this this this this this this this.


In actual RPGs random encounters at least give you the satisfaction of rising numbers and a sense of progression. In Undertale, your stats mean jackshit outside of HP on Neutral, everything deals the same damage and the "RPG" side of the game is overall just a meta joke. Replacing all random encounters with fixed ones would've significantly improved it as a game, but we gotta deconstruct JRPG tropes here.


>Game becomes popular so under NO CIRCUMSTANCES must it be praised on Sup Forums


>well made indie game

fun game, great characters, sjw shit wasn't forced, only turn based game with random encounters that have and will ever finish, fanbase is really horrible but so it is in other games and entertainment stuff.

>Braid or Limbo
Even when these games first came out, I never understood the hype. Braid is literally a Mario clone with a time mechanic, and a OMG2DEEP4U SEECRET about the whole story being about nuclear warfare or some pretentious shit.

Fuck off.

Hey, come on man. Alot of people have legitimate gripes with the story. For example, the whole human/monster war makes no sense. If a monster with 6+ human souls + all the souls of the monsters in the world, can't even beat a single child, then what was the conflict?

>but Frisk was special guys!

Yeah, and? He's still just one person. All it would take is about 100 people with enough hate for monsters and that would instant kill any monster. A single ten year old did it without trying.

I guess you win just because you're the protagonist or something.

>literally a Mario clone
wow, we're actually using this word unironically now
fuck this board

That's my gripe looking back at it. Compare it to a game like Wind Waker, where Link has no connection to the hero of time, and he doesn't have a prophecy or a chosen one to back him up, so he kinda has to jury-rig it together with a broken master sword and a fractured triforce. It feels like he earns his place as the hero of winds, instead of just having things handed to him because he's the protagonist.


I fondly remember the days when the game was just a demo and everyone would be conversing about the themes of the demo, where it may end up going as a full game, and of course goatmom.


>game was once popular so under NO CIRCUMSTANCES must it be hated on Sup Forums or else they are le contrarian boogeyman

Asgore killed six human kids before. Frisk is so strong because he has determination. Think of it like ki in Dragonball.

The humans did win after all, but I guess they weren't as determined as you are. Or something.

This. The first week of its release saw positive reception on this board. People enjoyed figuring out different endings, and alternate interactions.

The game is fun. Sup Forums hates fun. What's the fucking mystery?