Anyone else collect vidya themed soy candles?
Anyone else collect vidya themed soy candles?
lmaoforofo chad
>soy candle
What does Call of Duty®: WWII smell like?
>soy candle
Soy Boy detected.
>video game candles
Why would any want a candle of what presumably would smell like burning flesh, aeroshell grease, and cordite?
dead bodies and spent brass.
cordite actually smells pretty good
>not vaping soy
>mustard gas candles
I love the smell of cordite.
That kind of sulfery smell?
>in 10 years we'll all have been exterminated by the Soy Boy vape squads or put into interracial breeding ground camps.
Its fucking over. The soy boys won.
>Zyklon B scented candle
I actually have a varg church burning candle, its a black stave church. I havent burned it yet.
Its called "Church fire"
Soy MEN are the most powerful race in the world!
I thought these were a fucking joke, there's a fallout one that has the scent of a post nuclear apocalypse...what the fuck.
That's pretty funny.
that's a weird way of saying edgy
Sulfur smells fucking awful, what's wrong with you?
He's probably american. They dont have real sulfur in America just american sulfur which is just transfats and cornsyrup.
Since the redpill has dropped, how long until they start hiding soy, or completely removing it from packaging?
Sulphur doesn't smell strongly of much at all. You're probably thinking of hydrogen sulfide. I have no idea what the other guy means though.
Kill yourself oniogre
this was worse
About the same time they stop pumping everything full of sugar I'd guess.
It's common for food products to contain soy. Why are you so surprised by this? You probably eat soy everyday without even knowing. Do you legitimately believe (((the Jews))) poison your food with it to turn you into a nu-male?
I'm Christian and I don't mind it.
Varg's such a scamp.
Unironically this is the tastiest shit
I dont think its a conspiracy or anything, but I do believe soy turns you into a nu male.
They're bandwagoning memers, the stupidest fucks on Earth.
Were they good oranges? A good orange is worth paying the Disney Jews extra.
Why is soy a meme now and not palm oil or corn syrup or any of the other awful shit that's in cheap food?
idk I wouldn't be caught dead buying that shit. Tangerines > oranges anyways
This, but for srs
Palm oil doesn't turn you into a tranny,it just destroys your heart.
Soyboy detected.
Soy was found to mimic estrogen in the blood or some shit. It might be harmless but that's where the meme is coming from.
Weeb. Soyboy. Poetry.
I don't even have to tell you to kill yourself because it's not like you're having children anyways, just wasting our resources :^)
I don't know if the jews are out to get me, if they are they're very good at obfuscating themselves.
Regardless, men have been emasculated over the past century and nobody has cared.
The redpill is figuring out how and why. I'm not into the conspiracy part.
Your body doesn't process plant estrogen
Are you gonna stop eating meat because it contains estrogen?
>varg church
So like the one he burnt down. (To all cristcucks reading this please killyourself cristcucks, because your stupid and ugly)
>there are people ITT who get their "science" from infowars and Sup Forums memes
I dunno man I'm just telling you where the shitposting is coming from not that I believe it.
It does actually. Spy is used in post-menopausal treatment.
Sup Varg