What do you hope happens in Ace Attorney 7/Switch?
What do you hope happens in Ace Attorney 7/Switch?
I hope it gets cancelled. The devs are too incompetent to make a game better than the first three, for some reason, and this game is just gonna be another mediocre entry that tries to one-up everything that came before it while falling flat on its face.
Great contribution to the thread
Where's the lie though?
You're not going to catch lightning in a bottle again.
I wouldn't be that harsh, but I do hope they step up a bit. I hope they're done making up shit about Apollo's past, frankly I wish they just focused on giving something interesting to do to Athena.
Athena will never be relevant again
No more old characters come back. They refrain from coming up with more new backstories for pre-DD characters. They don't try to make the scale of the story even bigger than that of the previous game. Takumi comes back and somehow saves the series.
Gumshoe needs to come back.
Nigga Takumi promptly fucked off from AA because he felt the story was done by 3. He only did Apollo Justice because Capcom requested him to make a 4th entry. Then they threw a bitchfit when he didn't want it to have anything to do with the original trilogy so they had him put Phoenix in it and write the game around that instead of Apollo despite it being Apollos supposed "origin" game.
So is AA7 confirmed? Not saying it probably won't happen but I can't find a source.
I know, I just feel that he could come up with something more interesting than what the last few games have been, even though he was probably way happier working on DGS instead.
They should just stop for a while.
This. Capcom needs to release Takumi from this curse and let him make something new like Ghost Trick.
When will they stop raping Ace Attorney's corpse?
Look up AA Switch
You lot should be shot
>gets to even revisit his other idea for AA (where you'd correct a detective's ideas)
>gets to make a new character and not be bogged down by what he wrote years ago
>gets to write a game starring Sherlock Holmes
Can you really blame him if he doesn't want to work on the mainline series?
No doubt he could, but honestly I think it's a waste to put him on AA at this point. I wouldn't be shocked if they wanted him back on AA but he did DGS instead to have more creative freedom.
And as much as people complain about the series post 3, I honestly think Yamazaki does a decent job with it.
Mamemomi did absolutely nothing wrong.
Athena as main protagonist and different clichès would be nice.
Also please release what isn't released yet to the west?
AA still manages to be good fun (Solving murders never really gets old) but the overall narrative has a hard time going anywhere when Capcom keeps being indecisive about the series direction. It's either a fanwank of old characters who by all means have already had their major character arcs completed showing up for some flimsy reason, or it's new characters introduced in the game.
The problem is right now Capcom tries to have both of these things and it's clashing as fuck. The old characters can't really go anywhere they haven't been before or seemingly risk alieanting fans with any new development - Phoenix turned into dumb-dumb rookie lawyer in AA5 despite being a fucking 4D Chess master in AA4, Pearl and Maya are literally the same as they were seven years ago, and Edgeworth didn't seem to do much except not get laid and get a pair of glasses. New characters aren't as front and center as they should be - Apollo got shafted in his own game, then shafted yet again in DD when Athena shows up from absolutely nowhere until finally having his backstory made up for him on the spot in AA6. And that nigga STILL don't know who his sister is, what the FUCK Takumi was wise to steer away from the series because at this point it's really starting to turn into Simpsons post the golden age.
He does a good job, but he excels in different areas. Yamazaki works best when there is a clear connection between each case, which builds up to a finale (ala SoJ, AAI2). You may have a case of filler (6-4), but generally it's either short enough to not matter much, or it has some relevance to the plot. However, what makes the game work as a whole is that each case builds up on the next, which really gets you invested into the game. Takumi excel at making each case stand on their own and getting you interested in that case itself, rather than the underlying plot (on AA, at least - he's proven through Ghost Trick that he can make a plot that's engaging and tied together throughout the game). AA, for example, really has no connection between each case, other than "it's a case Wright and co. worked on", and they're less devices to drive the plot forward, and more devices to build up the characters so you have some understanding for when he pulls out the last case that uses everything that we've learnt about each character to that point (i.e. in the case of AA, Wright's friendship with Edgeworth and his motivation to become a laywer, as well as Edgeworth's "change") to tie everything together into a satisfying conclusion.
I personally like the latter way of writing, because I like it when each case is fun by itself, and you don't feel lost if you come back to the game after a break. AAI2, while it's good, felt almost overbearing and too long at points because you were always learning something about the mastermind, and this huge backstory that you really need to pay attention to and play each case pretty close to each other to understand. Plus, Shu Takumi writes better characters and interactions, which is a major plus on his side.
still not buying a switch
I just hope it doesn't turn out to be mediocre as fuck like the last two. I barely managed to finish Dual Destinies, and dropped Spirit of Justice not even halfway through.
I miss the days when the only bad part of Ace Attorney was a single turnabout in the second game.
2 and 3 sucked though
Your loss.
This is bait
You must be retarded to not want to buy the best hardware around.
>DGS is STILL not translated despite DGS2 having already come out
>Weebanons who've played both says DGS is okay but that DGS2 is fucking great
>DGS 2 is literally years away
Is it worth learning nip just to play Takumis game?