Just finished downloading SC2. What's the best way to learn to git gud?
Should I just hop into ladder/quick matches or whatever and learn as I go or do I need to do something else?
Just finished downloading SC2. What's the best way to learn to git gud?
Should I just hop into ladder/quick matches or whatever and learn as I go or do I need to do something else?
- Open the menu (F10)
- Read "Help"
- Next to "Tutorial"
- When you are comfortable do "Versus AI" until you can defeat Elite AI without thinking.
- Now look at builds to perfect what you have learned.
- Now play ranked.
- Grind till grandmaster
- Enter proleague
- Qualify for Code S
- Become Bonjwa
Do the tutorials
Go Ranked
Place bronze
Play with other bronze players until you're good enough for Silver
Play with Silvers
Get promoted eventually
And so on
You know, that's what fucking Ranked is for
Oh thanks, anons, when I become Bonjwa(sounds cool) I'll have you two in mind.
Learn a build against AI till you can do it in your sleep then go to ranked and lose to some proxy bullshit.
Include me in bonjwa mind pls
No problem.
Sandbags and ice are a great tool to increase APM.
This game is about mechanics and autism. Do the same youtube build over and over until platinum, then just perfect the timing up to diamond cry because masters and grand masters are autist with more time than you, so they can execute more autist builds and timings.
For real user, SC2 is good but can be sometimes frustrating because you'll encounter some cheeses and bullshit that seems cheap at first. All cheese comes with a high risk and you'll learn to counter them and secure an easy win when they try to pull it on you.
Some rushes are bread and butter and you can look them up but most of the game is about scouting and spending resources wisely, either expanding or harassing. So if I had to say any real advice to a new player is
Don't be afraid to lose
Remember the other player is truly trying to kill you
Learn the hotkeys of your race to play faster
When you win or lose, watch the Replay and see what was going on
Seriously, watch your Replays. Now made easy in the victory/defeat instant announce right above "exit to scoreboard" to instantly watch yourself and your speed
Have fun my man. RTS are awesome and addictive like no other genre.
An interesting thing about Ranked mode in SC2 is how people get anxious as fuck to get promoted and play in this game, thinking someone is judging them if they get placed in bronze or silver. The truth is in all videogames it doesn't matter and nobody cares. If you're good enough you'll get promoted and you'll earn a place within people your skills. That's a GOOD THING. That assures you'll never be fighting an unfair fight, and getting demoted matters little as long as you're having fun.
I mean I started out in bronze until I reached Platinum. I know what it takes to keep going up but that's too much for me to learn anyways. I'm happy that I made it so far and learned the game and it was a fun trip. That's what Ranked modes are for, to learn with others and help others improve. The community is actually helpful and even will explain to you if you ask in the chat if you want. There are so many youtubers that explain strats and interesting mechanics to new people and how to execute builds or why they're doing some strange but effective builds against certain compositions. It's an evolving game all the time and the variables can be many when you learn how to play and becomes a mindgame or a stamina game, to throw the other player off balance.
On a side note, Deserts of Kharak got updated. Also an awesome RTS. Pic related.
The stress is real even though I dont care about my rank. Im always scared of cheese hidden in the fog
Is there even a point to try and git gud anymore? Heart of the Swarm nearly killed the game, combined with League, and all the good Sc2 casters going full cuckmode whenever anyone criticized it.
forgot about that game. i really liked homeworld 1-2 as a kid, is it any good?
mah nigga, I went from Bronze to Plat just as you back in the days. What a journey.
Especially once you beat the stress and accept it's ok to lose as long as your skill improves.
I'm tempted to re-install SC2 now just to try some funny cheeses against Bronzes.
Also I'd rather play through Homeworld for the fifth time than doing another playthrough of Deserts of Kharak.
The campaign is really good and if you're a HW fan you'll like it. The MP is underrated as fuck since it's fast paced, clean interface and awesome looking with balanced and heavy tactics micro gameplay. It's old Relic game, BBI is comprised of the devs that left the studio and it shows. Its what DoW3 isn't.
Then scout.
This describes any competitive game really.
It's the most fearsome thing, to get cheesed and lose, yes. But that's why you and everybody has to make scouting a habit. Still any cheese can get countered and it's only effective if gets you by surprise.
>Enemy protoss
>Not even 1 min inmatch
>A Probe passes by
>1 min in
>The protoss has cybernetics core and a pylon blocking his entrance completely
>No Gateways for any infantry in sight
My my
So what you know you'll do next is to scout the surroundings to discard if he's doing the fucking photon cannon rush for the 1000th time or is he trying to rush Void Rays like a good little fuck. By just gathering this simple info you already know that if you attack at this moment with almost any force you'll cripple him and win, and/or can prepare against Void Rays specifically. Once the costly flying shits explode he's fucking done and will GG instantly and cry to his youtuber how his epin guide didn't work.
I miss when When Cheese Fails was popular and the game was actually good.
Ignore ranked and just play coop with friends
I just play the single player campaign on a lower difficulty, and I have a good time. I know the other players would only faceroll me if I tried multiplayer. Frankly, I just wanted to blow up some aliens, build some space marines, and have a good time.
>looking at my YT suscription now
>A quarter of it is dead SC2 channels
At least now it's free but I'd say it's too little too late..
SC2 in its prime was fantastic, I will never forgive MOBAs for this
>That gif
SC2 on release was fucking infuriating at so many things
It took them awhile to balance it to this state and add enough units and buffs/nerfs to make it less frustrating
>people still believe ded gaem meme
sc2 is still one of the biggest games active playerbase-wise, it would be ~4th most played game on steam right now
Citation needed
>data collected at 13:00 CET on a Saturday
Fails to mention that the picture is like a year old at this point
it's 5 days old
>inb4 muh reddit
not an argument
>Be bronze
>Game matches me against platinum players
What's the fucking point if I'm playing against people good enough not to fall for cheese like 3 min oracle.
Practice typing 500 words a minute with just your left hand.
Knowledge is power
Was it the classificatory matches?
It never pairs you up with people like that
Unless you're winning by stupid amounts and it's trying to leap you 3 leagues, which I think it doesn't do it
Learn a build order against every race, then practice against these against AI until you're comfortable enough (good scouting, no macro mistakes before 7-8 mins, decent splitting/micro managing).
If you do just that you will faceroll anyone up to Gold.
Scouting is truly the most OP thing
Knowing each race beforehand is a must too, if you can't really see the main army or cheese right there.
Ask artosis.
the gom days truly were a golden age.
Those games include games against
bots you retarded redditor
citation needed
Holy shit this gif
>watch pro players to figure out what your races' general plan is in each matchup
>try to do that
>fail miserably for 500 games
>do it semi decently once against some shitter and feel like a god
this is the sc cycle
>, and all the good Sc2 casters
>25 gas
>Dies and cant be reused
please bring me back to 2011
Post some gifs/webms
It's up to you posting those retarded stats to prove they don't
All units are destined to die in a great death ball collision, with their prior life mostly consisting of getting to that collision. Reuse is a delusion that holds your skill down.
>In lotv
lol, enjoy getting anally pummeled by the ultra roided up siege units.
The player who has the most units survive to participate in multiple fights is always the winner however
>tfw averaging 120apm because born fast
>getting matched with people better than me wondering why im building retarded shit but can keep up with hard ai
>tfw getting matched with retard 30 apm
>one of them even got mad and spent 15 minutes of the end of the match destroying my base and army
or get killed over and over and over and over and over and over and over, till one day you make gold. then give up and play COOP and custom maps for the rest of your time while waiting for MHW
top kek
Just play co-op , man.
Oh sweet child, you live the dream you have, you live it.
Luu, go to bed you dork.
>that small period of time when LAGtv wasn't full on reddit
>tfw they killed their own channel because their fame went to their head
It's a tragedy man.
it's fucking light speed compared to most of the retards i've been matched with. it's also much better than i thought. im used to playing coh2, and i was certain my apm was like 50apm on a good day.
once i've got a few months under my belt i'll be much better. im not even aritifically inflating my apm by spamming worker/building every time there's a lul, im actually trying to figure shit out an read unit descriptions.
Immediately uncheck in the options:
1. Simple command card
2. Can't select enemy units
Immediately change your hotkey setup to Grid.
Immediately add hotkeys for "steal and move to control group" or whatever it's called, so you can efficiently move units between control groups, I recommend shift 1-9 for steal and ctrl 1-9 for create.
Immediately hotkey base camera to tab or space.
Immediately unbind select army (F2) button. Do not learn how to play with it.
Right before you attack be sure to ask your opponent a random question. While he is typing his response, fuck his shit up. There is no honor in war.
>He thinks averaging 120apm is fast
I average 160apm and I have the impression I'm slow as fuck
>fame gets built off casting retarded games that break the norm
>constantly complain people don't send them games that are the norm
I'll never get it, but then again these are the same guys that told their entire fanbase to fuck off when they started playing League, only to start casting games again when their views went from 150K to 10K.
if you care for the lore (i think its shit) then do the campaigns. otherwise, just pick the race you think is the coolest and do their tutorials until you feel comfortable with controls and what not. Then just look at the latest meme 'beginner build' on youtube and play that against AI over and over again until you have the timings perfect. take that into ranked and you will climb through bronze and silver laughably quick. try it against your casual friends if you want to be a cunt. then actually learn the game through watching gooks play and advanced yt tutorials. keep a track of the meta game and practice every day.
i might sound like i am memeing but this is seriously the best way to do it. if it sounds like way to much bullshit for a video game, its because it is. sc/sc2 requires you to have autism or be korean. my advice to you would just be to play casually against your friends - free of try hards and an intense meta game. it keeps the game fun
He says he's literally just starting.
I think 120 is pretty good for bronze.
Not a big fan of DoK, but the game is so goddamn pretty.
>im not even aritifically inflating my apm by spamming worker/building every time there's a lul, im actually trying to figure shit out an read unit descriptions.
Theres your first problem, its not an artifical inflation, it is keeping your fingers and eyes constantly ready to strike at any time, it also keeps your fingers limber and warm which does increase apm.
second, you should at the very least know every single unit and building of your faction, what it does and what they produce, before takeing ranked seriously. I am not saying you need to memorize and master every build for every matchup known to man, but atleast know what your shit can do.
You keep up the practice and put in those matches, i believe in you user.
how do i switch between the tabs in the control group?
i want to make squads of 5-6 units and be able to switch between them in the same control group.
also thanks for the hotkey advice, i was wondering why i couldn't separate units from one control group and another.
also is there a way to use f1-0 as control groups or at least bind them to buildings?
i feel like i can barely play with using 2-5 for units, 1 for command centers, and 6-8 for buildings. i'm used to using 1-8, sometimes 9, for units only.
>how do I 7 pool
gets them every time
>Immediately add hotkeys for "steal and move to control group" or whatever it's called, so you can efficiently move units between control groups, I recommend shift 1-9 for steal and ctrl 1-9 for create.
What does this mean?
just play dude, the anxiety this game causes for some people is totally unreasonable. you will play against other bronze players and get better by just playing the game.
select the first group of five, shift+1-0, select other group shift 1-0, then just push the keys you selected for each.
like ill have my air on 5, ground on 4, ling strike groups 6-9
This is incredibly similar to getting gud at dota
You don't. You box and split your units manually with the mouse as you go. That's what micro is all about. Everything goes in one or two control groups with one or two more for spellcasters.
its a command to remove select units from one control group and put them into another group which is very useful for any number of situations such as peeling off a small group of units from your main force to backdoor your enemy while the rest of the main group hits the front
You pirate the control group
Even if they are all with bots and only 1 player, which is unreasonable to think, but let's assume that, it still puts SC2 at 50k concurrent players. It's leagues above any other RTS, even SC1 with all them koreans on FISH. That's more than enough for a 1v1.
Starcraft (both SC1 and 2) dwarf any other RTS game by comparison. There are probably more people playing SC2 alone than ALL other RTS combined.
Reminds me of when I still played, I'd ask the opponent at the start to please not use a strat, a strat that I was particularly good at countering. They fell for it every time
>Pls don't banshee rush I just can't fucking seem to counter it
>Banshee rush flies into the perfect counter
What even happens here? Why does the toss attack his own nexus?
Create control group, the default Ctrl 0-9 creates a new group and puts those units inside, but they remain in the other control group as well. So if you want to split your lings to do a run by, it's impossible.
Move / steal from control group (I forget the exact term) moves them from all other control groups to the new control group, so you can grab a bunch of lings and hit shift+3 to move them to a new control group on 3 and removes them from your deathball control group 1, for ez runbys.
You'll always be plat or lower if you don't learn how to split your control groups.
im talking about the hotkey to switch between these tabs, not the actual control groups.
I see add to control group, create to control group and take away and add to control group and take away, which is/are what you're describing?
There isn't one. Use the mouse.
if i download sc2 now that its f2p will i be able to play lotv multiplayer or do i have to pay for it?
Take away and add.
All multiplayer is now LOTV, there aren't separate ladders any more.
>that one idiot in the chat lamenting that he's been in queue for 3 hours for a WoL game
Took them long enough
Thanks user, by the way, can you create empty control groups?
>multiplayer used to be expansion locked
lol, no wonder this game needed to become f2p
No, if you remove all units from a control group it disappears. Not really sure why you'd want an empty control group.