Looking to get into PC gaming mainly for games like ARMA 3 and Escape from Tarkov, and my budget is 800-1000 bucks...

Looking to get into PC gaming mainly for games like ARMA 3 and Escape from Tarkov, and my budget is 800-1000 bucks, is this a feasible amount to spend to be able to run these games with little to no hiccups? Anybody have any links to sites that can help me make a build? Help me out here anons

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I can run both on a 1070 and only a dual core cpu. You'll be fine

>my budget is 800-1000 bucks
son, you can build almost an ENTHUSIAST level gaming PC with that much. I have never used more than 1000 bucks for my PCs, and never probably will either. No idea why anyone would still think you need to shell tons of dosh to get even a decent PC.

search "(your budget) 2017 gaming PC" on Youtube and Google.

Go with Intel CPU + Nvidia GPU.
Don't use Windows 10.

Why no Windows 10? don't bring the LÖL SPYWARE argument i mean a legit reason to not use it for gaming

Arma 3 is so overrated its not even funny how bad the actual game is when you play multiplayer. For instance most of your kills will be from people that didn't even notice you in that area or it'll be from the massive desync and for some reason the developers think its fine to flash ads in your face if you even touch one of the DLC weapons, vehicles, clothing.

>asking Sup Forums for tech advice
Check out pcpartpicker.com. I'd go with a Ryzen 1600 and an RX 580, assuming you can find one at a decent price. If not get a GTX 1060.
Right now is honestly a terrible time to build a pc, with ram and gpu prices being retardedly high.

>i mean a legit reason to not use it for gaming
-literally does not support anything older than DX9.0c out of the box -> older stuff won't work.
-loves to delete known emulators, because "illegal content".
-can auto-update itself, any time, any where, and restart machine. Video related.
-said auto-updates have also bricked people's PCs and fried their GPUs thanks to broken beta-drivers.

>inb4 "y-you can disable t-"
No, you cannot. This has been proven already.
You can ONLY postpone updates for MAXIMUM of 365 days, on W10 Pro version, after which YOU WILL have to let Wontworks10 buttfuck you, no questions asked. And if you manage to block all MS' networking in & out of your PC, the system no joke breaks down and self-destructs.

For 1000 dollars you may be able to play those games on medium with slight dipping below 30 fps.

Really? Fuck. Logical increments says i can build a PUBGs build that runs in the "smooth" category for 850 bucks.

ARMA 3 runs like shit. PUBG is even worse.

Thanks for posting reasons but could you give me some links with prove of bricked pc's and GPU's? since i am using W10 since Day1 and never encountered such problems not even the emulator deleting it deleted CCleaner back in the day but nothing else and since i never tried pre dx9 games i can't comment on it and the auto update fucked me over once so thats true but never had that again. also why do you think Win10 tries to buttfuck you with updates? just because it wants to update?

So is that budget range good for at least Tarkov?

If not win10, then what OS would you recommend? Not OP, but I'm also interested getting into pc gaming and would like to know.

Here you go user. Also consider a 144Hz Freesync monitor.

Just get windows 10 especially if you're looking to play a shit ton of games. I haven't had a problem myself and make sure to pirate your version.

>4gb version

Oh fugg, forgot that's a thing. This should be better.

I love Ryzen, but if all you're doing is playing Arma 3 Coffeelake is much more attractive. A shame it runs that shitty on Ryzen

Fuck you Arma 3 is great

Don't fall for the meme. Windows 10 is fine and the future of gaming. Its the go-to OS for pretty much anything. Many games are coming out that only supports Windows 10 and not the older versions of Windows.


Sorry, it'd take ages to dug out all of my collected news and user reports.
I personally will never allow W10 on my PCs. It is truly a dangerous SERVICE.

You need a 1080ti to run anything made after 2014 on more than medium settings, but you can get away with an i3 for your CPU and 8GB of RAM

W10 was obsolete day1, and will ve "necessity" only for the few shitty Windiws Live Store "exclusives".
Everyone else will be rockung Vulkan soon, which runs smooth even on Linux.

What good game requires Windows 10? Please tell.

>You need a 1080ti to run anything made after 2014 on more than medium settings
lol, biggest lie ever. I'm running every game on ultra settings with a gtx 970 with 60-144 fps on 1080p resolution.

Literally false.
My just bought 1060 6gb has no probs running shit like TW3, RS2, MGS5, KF2, RE7... etc, all High to Ultra settings, 1920x1200, 60fps.
And it is teamed up by the old i5 2500.

Many upcoming games. I heard streamers talk about it but i forgot the name of the games. You can expect more games to be Windows 10 exclusive in the future.

It makes zero sense for a new PC gamer to buy an old version of windows.

R5 1600 + RX 580 + Free-sync display and you're golden

>Go with Intel CPU + Nvidia GPU

>literally does not support anything older than DX9.0c out of the box -> older stuff won't work.
This can usually be fixed by installing DirectPlay, which is now a legacy component that has to be enabled on demand. Just google it, it's a 2 minute procedure.
The rest are the usual reddit tier FUD memes.

I would normally suggest a nvidia gpu + amd cpu but since arma 3 was coded by fucking monkeys, you should get an unlocked intel cpu instead

here is some useful shit


also, dont fall for the 3200mhz ram meme, op

>literally does not support anything older than DX9.0c out of the box -> older stuff won't work
every old game I installed works correctly

>loves to delete known emulators, because "illegal content
not true

-can auto-update itself, any time, any where, and restart machine
can be disabled

>You can ONLY postpone updates for MAXIMUM of 365 days

I hate when you faggots will say a decent to capable PC isn't expensive

>muh $400 dollar graphics card

that shit alone right there is worth half of OPs budget. if you suggest anything less than a good card then you are just resorting to shit tier graphics.

fuck PC gaming, its all about Consoles

How's he still streaming if windows is restarting?

I dunno if you want to build a PC around ARMA 3, that game's outdated as hell and the CPU you'd buy to run that optimally would probably bite you in the ass when running other modern games.
For ARMA 3 at that budget get a modern intel processor with good single thread performance, so a newer i5 probably. Don't expect 60 FPS with that game, it runs like ass. A good intel processor will get you a decent playable experience but expect frequent drops to 30 FPS, or even lower depending on the map and mission.
At the 800-1000 dollar budget I would have recommended a R5 1600 which goes for like 180 dollars as a processor, but it doesn't fare too well in ARMA. It's completely playable don't get me wrong but the older Intel processor I upgraded from got better performance because of the single thread issue. All other games that actually use multiple threads run well with it however and for the price it's an amazing value.

As for the GPU, again if you're committed to ARMA 3 a GTX 1050ti or a GTX970 would be more than enough, the game's gonna CPU bottleneck anyways but if you intend on playing other stuff like Escape or actually good games a GTX 1060 6GB or a RX 580 8GB would be great choices.

RAM prices are fucked, so just get 8 gigs and keep the model in mind to buy an identical set later on when your budget permits to complete the 16GB

fucking miners I swear to fucking god

580s are $199

for you and poorfags like you who can't afford it

Fuck off. That is complete horseshit, do not mislead OP like that.

>the commies are going to take away my freedom
You need to lay off the weed.

>ARMA 3 and Escape from Tarkov

Hahaha! Do you work for Nvidia?

Most streamers have two PC's, one for streaming

Is this worth the price or not?


What about this one?

thats even worse, dont buy pre builts

I'm fucking retarded user I don't know anything about PCs. I rather just buy a prebuilt and save me time and hassle.

There's an user that posted a build in this thread for nearly the same price that blows this out of the water. If you're so fucking nervous about putting it together just buy the parts and pay newegg to put it together for you Jesus christ.

Can you build Lego models? I swear to you that it is easier to build Lego than it is to build a PC.

do not buy prebuilt bud

Just build your PC yourself

Oh shit got a link to the parts that is better and costs the same? I think i'll do that then just buy all the parts on newegg and have them build it for me.



Congratulations, after watching this and part 2 you know how to build a pc. Boy that was hard, right?

I literally just said I'm retarded and don't know how to build a computer and might break shit. YES I do have legit brain problems and not lying to you guys.

Most games can be ran smoothly if you don't mind turning settings down. I watched a benchmark video the other day where an r3 1200 OC'ed to 4.0GHz paired with a 1050Ti ran most AAA games at high settings around 45-60 fps. If you turn those settings down you'll definitely see an improvement in fps.

>1060 3GB


That PC sould be less than 800$ except for the processor

Wow look at that 3 seconds in youtube on "How to Build a PC"

You literally cannot possibly screw it up.


I told you I'm fucking retarded. You expect a legit retard to know what fucking parts to buy? I have no fucking clue which is the best for the best price.

oh wow it has a dvd burner radical

Don't buy prebuilt from shit places. Some webs make really good prebuilt PCs with very good prices, but you are not looking at them. I don't know in the USA or UK, but in Spain we have pccomponentes.com and you can't really get a better price than there

look up tutorials on youtube, or ask on Sup Forums.

It's not that you're retarded, it's that you refuse to even fucking try.

The 2nd one I posted is actually from newegg.

>I have no fucking clue which is the best for the best price.

So look that up then too you fucking idiot.

>learned helplessness the user


There done, even includes a 1080p 144hz VA display, if you have more money get 16gbs of 3000-3200mhz RAM and upgrade the board to an ASUS PRIME PRO

PCPartPicker part list: pcpartpicker.com/list/FHnpyf
Price breakdown by merchant: pcpartpicker.com/list/FHnpyf/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor ($189.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock - AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: ADATA - 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($84.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($41.77 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: XFX - Radeon RX 580 8GB GTS Black Core Edition Video Card ($279.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Cooler Master - MasterBox 5 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($64.41 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($49.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Monitor: Pixio - PX245c 23.6" 1920x1080 144Hz Monitor ($249.99 @ Newegg Marketplace)
Total: $1021.02
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-23 17:09 EST-0500

I'm not going to post my fucking doctor papers saying I'm retarded to some faggots on Sup Forums.

This user has a lot of patience with console babbys, be grateful.

You have people literally spoon feeding you all the information you could need and you're straight up ignoring it.

You must not be that retarded then

Alright thanks user. I'll take the others advice and watch some youtube videos then. I'm not to sure about AMD and Radeon but that's equal or better than intel and nvid?

Different strokes for different folks. Watch comparison videos showing benchmarks and decide for yourself.

Unironically go to Reddit and look for the sub called buildapcforme. They literally find parts for you given your specifications. All you do is order and build yourself.

Radeon is just a group within AMD that deals with graphics cards only. Anyway, AMD is typically better for budget builds, especially on the GPU side. Good GPUs for a good price. Now the CPUs made a really big comeback lately, just a few months ago actually and anyone with half a brain is more likely to buy AMD CPUs at this point.

Intel only offers 6 cores/6 threads at that price and they still use shit TIM that makes their chips run hotter than they need to be .

Nvidia is a joke in the mid range, a G-sync TN version of that display is going to run about $350, plus the 580 gives you more VRAM.

So user isn't memeing on me and is actually a good decent PC for the price here?

Yes lol, a CPU from intel for less performance than that would cost you 500-700 bucks less than a year ago. AMD brought competition and made 6-8 core CPUs relatively mainstream, and brought prices down.



Obviously you don't need to buy it at the random places in the list, look for the same parts on newegg/amazon or something

Alright thanks for all the help. Should I buy the parts now or wait till cybermonday?

idk buy whenever you want.

How are you this fucking clueless yet you play vidya? Have you never seen benchmarks, unboxings or whatever etc etc from various youtube channels? Or are you just a console babby?

No reason not to wait and see, only thing that could happen is you save money.

Yes, it's a decent pc, although you definitely want an SSD in there. Wait for cybermonday.

Most of them are already on sale, and/or on a limited sale.

Also probably grab a 120mm fan 4 pack if you need more fans, and put a fan over your VRM heatsink if you do any overclocking

Buy a Hyper T4 or Cryorig H5 if you want better CPU cooling


I don't play on console at all. I have some shitty prebuilt I bought 4years ago for steam games. I can run most but not at the highest settings.

Guess i'll wait for cybermonday and get the parts user recommended. Thanks.

Any recommendations for which SSD that would go with the parts user told me?

>Also probably grab a 120mm fan 4 pack if you need more fans, and put a fan over your VRM heatsink if you do any overclocking Buy a Hyper T4 or Cryorig H5 if you want better CPU cooling
You lost me user

>this guy
>doing overclocking

>I don't play on console at all.
then what the fuck?

Now listen to me mother fucker

Ryzen 5 minimum
1050ti minimum gpu, nothing lower and anything higher you can get

thats all you need.

>Escape from Tarkov

No one plays that shit homie

The 850 Evo 250GB is decent. Alternatively get a motherboard with an m.2 slot and get a 960 Evo 250GB, but it's not necessary.

lol 650 is prob enough for tarkov and arma

So this one?

Which verison of windows does this come with?

Dude you're so fucking dumb and clueless it blows my mind.

That one, yeah.

>You lost me user

Ok thank you.

Is windows in that list? No? Then it doesn't "Come" with your pc.

It doesn't "come" with anything, this is the computer. Windows you have to pirate or buy seperately.

You're buying the parts seperately and putting it together YOURSELF, it is not prebuilt with preinstalled windows.

You go to microsoft's website and make a windows 10 USB to install windows 10 for free


So then how will it start up if it has no interface?
Would it just get me to the computer specs and that's it? How do I get windows onto it?

>what is the bios

im done with you, good bait
