Canadian black friday thread

Only Canadians allowed.
What are you guys getting?

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I got Dragon Quest Heroes 2 off for $25, it went out of stock within an hour.

top of the mornin to ye
put some poutine on the barbie mate


Hey canada, what do you think of Ashley?

i kinda want to get nier auto tomato

Weak attempt at saying canadian buzzwords ? Or just being a faggot in general?

nothing because who the fuck cares about black friday in Canada

>being this autistic
I think it was a joke mate

Why would you do this?


Bought a PS4 for $250 total and a new monitor. Probably might get some stuff from the steam sale too later on.

Swede here bought a Rift for €399 I'd like you to try that leafbois.

I was hoping for a 3DS XL sale somewhere, but fuck it

I'm just going to buy a fucking brick 2DS since they're $89.99 most places, hopefully the Zelda one doesn't sell out too fast otherwise I'll just get one of the crappy Mario ones


>our Black Friday deals are garbage and games just going down to normal prices they were 2 years ago


borderlands handsome jack collection to coop with my friend

Any Steam Sale recommendations? Don't have a lot of time for vidya right now but I might be able to pick up one or two things.

From where? Allt har fan bara skit

might get mario rabbids which is 50 dollars. need something to hold me over until xenoblade chronicles 2 comes out

I'm kind of surprised the 3DS ever goes on sale, what do they need to goose sales for at this point? It's too bad because I would have bought one too, lots of games to get around to playing.

hOW can Canadians have Black Fiday if they already had Tjhanksgiving

Because it's fun to tease hatland

crash trilogy, dark souls 3 and south park fractured but whole. anyone know if stick of truth still comes with new copies of south park, or was that a pre order only thing?

Black Friday in Canada is fucking awful and an excuse to further lower sales on Boxing Day.

I remember buying 3 Sony 3D TV's that came with MotorStorm for $50. Good times.

Same here

Especially considering you need to buy the fucking adapter separately, going all in for a 3DS XL is nearly as expensive as buying a Switch in Canada. It's ridiculous.

pre order only


I hope trump bullies Trudeau enough on NAFTA that he removes customs on US goods for consumers.

Bought my gf a ps4 so we can play MH:World together in bed.

Will the PS4 pro go lower than 399 for black Friday?

The proper term is Canucked.

doubt it

From Oculus themselves. Håller med dig, inga jäkla Rift deals I Sverige, tror Viven har rea dock.

Leaf Sim 2018

dang it oh well

I want her to dom me.

>he think loli law is enforced in Canada

A gun

Got Nier, Deus Ex, and Ratchet from Best Buy for fifty dollhairs

I bought death road to Canada and the new eu4 dlc got around 40$, if I waited a week I might have gotten a better price

Picking up an external hard drive, and that's about it.

you're going to prison, m80. I just reported you. a mountie should be by shortly to detain you.

>the mounties were alerted
>user has like 3 minutes to live

Where can I get a ps4 for a good deal?

Awww shit see you all in loli heaven.

Walmart, with a hockey game for 250. Trade the new game in to EB for credit and buy something they have on sale

>Black Friday
I've fucking had it with this Black Lives Matter shit. Are they going to rename the last fucking day of the work week now? Everybody knows these niggers don't work, what the fuck gives them the right to rename our fucking days. Black Friday my fucking ass. We already have Black History Month, Black Tuesdays fucking Leave IT alone.

They are though. This one guy in newfoundland or some shit got in trouble for having a daki and onahole.

Hope you dont mind the mounties visiting you real soon.

Walmart has it for $250

Is the deal on today or just tomorrow?

just doing my job.

Because he probably used tracked shipping so everyone knew what was in his box. Downloading or seeing images online is fine
Says limited stock on site and I don't remember what the flyer said

Would you believe me if I told you that my local anime convention in Montreal had loli dakimura and doujinshi on sale? Because it did.

I run an my own vidya store. Margin on new games and vidya knick knacks is so small I can't afford to have any kind of significant sale on them.

I am putting all used games at 15% off except for Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and games in my display case for collector's games. But I'll still probably spend that entire day swivelling in my chair fantasising about all the ways I could destroy the all of the EB Games in my area. Stupid big corporations being able to afford loss leading sales.

A 500gb ssd for 170.
Looking for PSUs.

Leafblower Chainsaw Massacre

Lots of great sales, games on for only $59.99 what a steal!

Oh shit, I should get another ssd too.

Best buy has them now.
Staples has them tomorrow.

Me? I prefer Amerilard Slaughterhouse.


because that's physical
they literally don't give a shit as long as it's not physical, made in country or internationally

>go to japan
>bring a back some manga series
>one of them is made in abyss which is notorious for naked kids
>no shits given
People get hung up over the couple that get caught. Don't order with tracked /registered shipping, carry nothing on the plane with you and your daijobu

Anyone know a place for a decent high back office chair? The one I've been using for my setup is pretty shit and I'm sure it's messed up my posture over the year

Looking at getting a desktop mic for my new build. Anything good on sale?

because made in abyss is not porn

Got the 229 ps4 at Wal-Mart

Show me that receipt lad, it's 250

>trump bullies Trudeau
Haha in your dreams

might get another 1TB HDD and some CPUs to build some family members a baby PC so we can Discord and play garbage like Minecraft

Any good trade-in deals? I have a WiiU I want to get rid of.

>Flyer shows PS4 outside of the 4-day gaming special
>It still goes on sale today rather than today

Fuck them. I thought it was gonna start tomorrow.

Also asking for receipt. There's no way you got it for 229.

Open up the sleeve on the first volume has the two MCs naked and full display

>I run an my own vidya store

I can answer any question about running a game store except that one. I don't need people calling my store or spamming my social media pages. Most I can say is it is in Canada, hence my posting in this thread.

How did you start? Did you buy it from someone?

cambridge? mississauga?

Started being a private collector selling my extras on ebay. When I started noticing the amount of money there was in it, I started purposely buying as much as I could and after a while started selling at flea markets and swap meets. After years of building up some money and inventory I started a small storefront.

Just Canada. That's all I'll say.

Why the fuck would you expect good deals on Wii U trade-ins?

Great time to upgrade to an Xbox One X or PS4 Pro though. Lots of decent upgrade deals.

Just advocating for the devil here by saying that unless you're the only store in your city/town, telling us the town or city wouldn't be harmful. I have a suspicion as to where you are and kinda want confirmation.

I also doubt you'd get harassed or spammed. At most, you'd lure in a couple local spergs who saw you posting here and they'd probably be more likely to spend money. People are way too fearful of Sup Forums. What the fuck kind of scenario do you have playing out in your head?
What exactly are you fearful will come to pas?

thinking aboot getting prey, ark, fallout4 goty and persona 5

not 100% on ark tho
oh just checks psn and the season pass for F4 is 34$(physical goty is 40$) might as well just get psn cards since the GOTY edition is just a voucher anyways

>There was a time when games were $60
Fucking kill me.

do you sell games at the same $ as ebay etc?
what's the incentive for me to come to your store?

Do you have events, like D&D sessions or some shit?

>think about getting switch for 399
>not too bad a price
>remember games are fucking $80 each
t-thanks trudeau

In true Canadian spirit, I’m getting my muslim/chink immigrant friend my wife.

>he says where he works
>somebody looks it up later
>first google result is a Sup Forums archive
>people stumble in and see the culture here, get confused about everyone calling everyone fags
yeah, why would anyone be cautious?

Probably nothing, Christmas deals tend to be better for vidya. Maybe I'll check around and see if they have cheap PS4s, but $399 is still rather pricey especially with the Pro now out ($499???).

Going to finish my night shift then drive down to Canada computer and pick up a spare 1TB hard drive.
Then go camp best buy and and try to get a new computer monitor.

dude could atleast say what province, why open a store if you dont want to have people enter it

>first google result is a Sup Forums archive
He's doing something wrong if his first web search result is an archive and not something like his webpage and twitter/facebook feeds.
>people stumble in and see the culture here, get confused about everyone calling everyone fags
And this negatively impacts the business how? You really think potential used and new game customers are worried about that?

>i dont want more customers

I wouldn't get fallout. Its not very good.

already have fallout i want to play the dlc

No. Ebay prices are outrageous. The way I see it, is you don't need to put on pants to buy a game on ebay. You have to put on pants to come to my store, so why would you put on pants just to pay the same price for something? I do my best to keep my prices below ebay prices. It can be hard some times when people look up their games on ebay before they bring them to me and their expectations have been painted by a dozen Buy It Now!'s that will never sell because people are asking way too much for them, and then people expect way more for their games than I'm willing to pay. I do pride myself on how much I offer in store credit for stuff, way more than an EB ever will for any game, except for when they do promotions on trading in three recent games and getting a new release for free, I can't compete with that. I also personally test, clean, repair, and guarantee everything in my store. A much more personal experience than buying dubiously tested hardware from a half stoned clueless EB games employee.

And now I definitely can't share who I am because I don't want to get banned for shilling my store.

>think its finally time to get the fallout 4 dlc
>see price on osn store

Fuck me ill just get the goty edition in a few months. Being a canuck is trullu suffering


I could also not wear any pants to your store.
at least give us a hint, I'm always looking for good local vidya places

I got Dead Space 3 for $10. On a scale to one to ten, how much will I probably regret it as a Dead Space game? It still seems fun enough in terms of gameplay

I'm going to assume it's Vancouver based on what your said

Canadian black friday is based off of American Thanksgiving?

lmao how can one country be so cucked?