>Sup Forums voted on the top 100 RPGs of all time
>these are the results
What do you think of Sup Forums's taste?
Source: ranker.com
>Sup Forums voted on the top 100 RPGs of all time
>these are the results
What do you think of Sup Forums's taste?
Source: ranker.com
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got some problems with it but overall it's great, I especially like Pokemon Emerald being the highest rated pokemon game as it should be
needs fallout 4 obviously
Surprisingly decent. I remember seeing the original voting system and thinking it would come out a mess. The only thing I find questionable is Persona 5 at #20, I get that its new and beloved but that just seems too high.
I don't agree with everything in Top 20 but those are the most subjective positions, so the list is overall great.
Persona 5 gets a lot of bonus points for soundtrack, style and atmosphere.
I never seen a game that nailed those three so well and consistently.
Wow, this is almost perfect. Great work Sup Forums.
There is not enough racial diversity in these selected games, Sup Forums again proves that they are nu/pol/ by not representing people from walks of life in their inclusive white cis male club.
Hey, this is actually a good list!
>new vegas higher than 2
the list was almost perfect
I think we should get rid of JRPGs other than like Dark Souls and other obvious choices that are actually RPGs. No fucking way is NieR Automata an RPG. It's a character action game. Bravely Default and Final Fantasy need to be removed. You can at least make an argument for Persona and Pokemon.
I disagree, but it could be a lot worse.
Some Persona game was going to end up highly ranked and I'd say P5 is more deserving than the others, so I don't think it's too bad a placement.
>I think we should get rid of JRPGs other than like Dark Souls
it should've been jrpgs first then wrpgs and finally a list of the winners of both lists together
It's a piece of shit. The only classics that I can see are Ultima 6 and Ultima Underworld. And there are dozens of JRPGs and action games which shouldn't be there
Looks like a type of rpg to me.
There are some seriously bad choices there in the top 20 but I guess it coukd have been worse.
>dark souls 3 there
opinion invalidated
which ones
>Dark souls is an rpg but nier automota isnt
>get rid of bravely default and final fantasy
How can one post be so fucking wrong
Absolute shit. Corny 3rd person action isn't an RPG. Adding "western" to the genre tag doesn't change that.
>no Breath of Fire IV
>no System Shock 1
Overall a fine list though somehow.
>at least 24 of those aren't RPGs, but different genres with some stat-based mechanics
>M3 over M2
>HoMM 3
should we do Top 100 shooters next
>no lost odyssey
M3 is better than M2 in everyway
I think there should be an updated version of pic related for current year tbdesu.
Good but
>smt4 but no sj
there are like 30 great FPS games max
SS1 isn't an rpg, retard.
Where is Alundra? Why is Golden Sun so low? How is Grandia so low? Why isn't Etrian 2 on here?
one happened earlier this year (or maybe late last year)
lemme find it real quick
>diablo 2
It arguably doesn't handle its tone as well as M2, but I do still think 3 is otherwise much better.
that's a decent list though. Sup Forums is too contrarian towards these games now, it would eat itself alive and we'd get some truly stupid stuff
Much better.
>New Vegas
t. soyboys
>Sup Forums is too contrarian towards these games now
>every RPG on the top 10 there is on the top 10 for OP
There is nothing I hate on this board more than fags who think that Mother 3 is good. The game’s plot is hamfisted at best, with its biggest flaw being how seriously jarring the game’s switches in tone can be. Often the game can go from “haha wacky jokes lol isn’t this funny xD!” to “THIS IS A SAD MOMENT FEEL SAD GODDAMNIT”. Mother 3 also fails to make a connection between the player and Hinawa and Claus, then they kill them off way too quickly and expect you to feel sad, similar to how Fallout 4 expected you to care about your family that you only knew for 10 minutes. Then the game throws at you some “woah bro TVs are evil really makes you think dude”, tranny pandering with those drag queen fairies, DUDE SHROOMS LMAO, and plenty more bullshit. The combat system is also atrocious.
>B-but muh rhythm combos!
The combo system just serves as a disguised form of button mashing, but synced to the game’s quite awful soundtrack. The party members are unlikable too. You have a total pussy with a gay ass Jimmy Nutron haircut, le epic tumblr pink hair yaaaaas queen slay girl, Duster (who is totally useless), and a talking dog for no reason other than to be quirky.
The ending is also terrible too. It’s revealed that the villain is Porky (which was obvious to anyone with an IQ over 80 because of LE EPIC PIG ARMY) and that the Masked Man is Claus (again, obvious for anyone who dosen’t have a subhuman IQ). What’s even worse is that the he has been a total dick to you for the whole game and then it just does a 180 and goes “FUCK YOU YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE SAD HE WAS YOUR BROTHER”. Then you go and reset the world with a convenient deus ex machina.
What a load of ass. The most insulting, pretentious part, however, is just how goddamn long the game is. If a game is going to be that fucking long, it better at least be good, but I that’s not the case for the absolute shitpile that is Mother 3.
this is reserved for super mario sunshine please use it appropriately
well, shit, I expected this to go WAY worse
it actually turned out pretty well
not bad, guys
shit it was actually early 2016 nvm
>Fallout 3 at #1
LMFAO this list invalidated itself at the first entry. Holy shit Sup Forums is little kids who play garbage and probably haven’t played/heard of half the games on this list
I don't think I like this list that much.
Eh, debatable but okay.
>those shoehorned in games
>fallout 3
>New Vegas is an RPG
>Deus Ex is an RPG
>No Baten Kaitos
there are a small amount of great FPS games and even less for horror, I think a top 100 only works for RPGs because of the sheer amount there are. Make it like top 25 or something for other genres
There aren't even 100 good horror games.
>Dark Souls 3 on the list
>no DQ8
what the fuck
>Eo3 at 100
Yes dipshit. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are the same shitty game. One is worse then the other and both are worse then Fallout 2 in every possible way. Bad shooters. Not RPG’s. Garbage
The RPG Codex should be happy as they no longer have the most retarded RPG rankings.
Theirs is retarded
This is shortbus ridin, window lickin, paint chip eatin retarded.
Well done Sup Forums you have done the impossible you out tarded the Codex.
It's okay, not everyone can have good taste.
>Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 is listed twice
I feel like there are enough Sup Forums-approved FPS and TPS games to fill a list. Maybe top 50?
oh I wasn't thinking of TPS, yeah that might work then
>Dark Souls
>Tactics Ogre
Those aren't even RPGs, what the fuck.
>Nocturne lower than Dork Souls
Nice "RPG" list, faggots
i think its fucking unbelievable that this place holds new vegas in such high regard
JRPGs are not RPGs though.
>no pokemon frlg or red blue
hey I can understand if people go all with muh genwun, muh kanto and gen 2 would cleary be fucking superior if
- kanto wasn´t gimped down
- getting fly wasn´t fucking shit
- the levelcurve wasn´t the shittiest thing ever in a pokemon game
- rocket hideout wasn´t bullshit as fuck
The only good thing about gen 2 was Oh shit what´s the mystery behind the unknowns? Oh shit we are back in Kanto!
Oh shit is that blue?
Oh cool let me explore this cave..wait a minute..isn´t this...level 80 pikachu used thunderbolt
Also searching Lugia was cancer.
While Gen 1 had the amazing feeling of legendaries are hidden in this world, go and explore this and was completly broken.
>Nier Automata
yea i totally trust this list
How is nier a RPG at all
A lot of bad games that people voted for because of nostalgia and nothing else. Automata not being in the top 10 is a crime against humanity. Also the rankings after about 40 are a complete mess and make no sense, what happened here? I'm tipping on the number of votes being way too low.
lol tarotards
It really didn't deserve to be listed even once.
I want top 100 action/adventure games so stuff like Souls can be better represented. Or a top 100 arcade games for stuff like cuhrayzee, fighting, shumps, etc. Top 100 for shooting is difficult since you would have to debate what games qualify as honorary shooters due to it being the main form of gameplay since there aren't 100 good ones.
>can upgrade your magic
>can upgrade your weapons
>dialogue options
>above all it's a game where you roleplay
If that's not an RPG then how are Fallout, KOTOR, TES, SMT, Persona, FFT, Mass Effect series RPGs?
Diablo is not an Rpg.
Problem was there were clearly people downvoting everything on the list. At one point there were only 13 games with more upvotes than downvotes.
Sure, there were some that were obvious downvote bait, like Tumblrtale and FO4 but the majority of them were just getting downvoted by some contrarian babby.
People actually like New Vegas that much? I liked Skyrim a lot more even.
I feel like action/adventure is vague enough that it might just look like a top 100 games OAT in general chart.
>Or a top 100 arcade games for stuff like cuhrayzee, fighting, shumps, etc.
Might work but I feel like there wouldn't be enough games for this either (at least compared to the shooters)
No the crime is Nier Automata being higher than Nier
NV doesn't deserve to be number 1, but it absolutely deserves to be higher than Skyrim.
No, it isn't debatable. SS1 is absolutely not an rpg.
The degradable equipment ruins it.
>Berseria higher than Vesperia
Whatever, I'm happy at least to not see Symphonia.
I think it's fair for Automata to be higher than NieR, but maybe not by as many placements as it is. I wasn't too fond of either, and I'm a little biased against NieR because I had much higher expectations of it than I did with Automata.
I don't know hwo you could think that. I don't like them because they don't make very much sense, but at worst they're a minor inconvenience and they give a common use to the Repair skill, which was one of those skills that were almost never used in F1 and 2.
Chrono Trigger
Reminder that if you have an issue with the list but did not vote your opinion does not matter.
>dragon's dogma
please reevaluate your life choices and stop listing shitty games
Holy fuck this is saltier than the ocean.
not a big enough sample on a not long enough time, there's not even 7th saga in your list what the fuck
black and white 2 made it on
check the list
you blind?
It's no different than any website/magazine list Sup Forums shits itself over. It just ends up being a "games people know" list. The srpg inclusions are a pretty good example of that.
This list is much worse than the previous one
any other site would have skyrim as #1 and witcher 3 far higher
>98: Lufia II
I wasn't expecing it to be on the list
good job guys.
too much westacuck shit.