>I'm a gamer
I'm a gamer
Other urls found in this thread:
The average Sup Forumstard could probably take on the average antifa and win.
>i'm a Sup Forumsshitter
>I'm a Sup Forumstard
>I'm a Sup Forumsdittor
did OP's meme hit a little too close to home?
Did the memes you're quoting hit too close to home?
>did OP's meme hit a little too close to home
Why did pol latch onto soy?
I doubt that more than I've doubted anything in my entire life. The people who frequent this board, on average, or the some of the weakest willed pussy bitches on this planet. /cgl/ would accidentally murder Sup Forums in a one-on-one fist fight.
>I'm a Redditor
What's the point of this thread?
I didn't know only you frequented this board.
Because cuck got called out and they wanted a new donut steel "code word"
less than a minute to induce the trigger reaction
Sup Forums = soygoys
No (you) for you because I actually go outside in real life and its rife with this bullshit
You have to be from Sup Forums, because this post is some SJW shit
Humans are strange. You'd think people would avoid a thread that's specifically making fun of them yet it attracts them in waves.
>i'm butthurt that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are allies in the culture war that they're winning and now me (ABIB), BEAM and ALTERNATIVE are attempting to shift the narrative with social engineering away from Sup Forums's native reactionary tendencies to something a little more Pedogaf because that site died and we were mods on there and that was the only actual power we ever had in our pathetic subhuman ANTIFA nigger lives
what is that picture supposed to convey? european muslims pretending to be donald trump because they hate being shitbloods?
tfw only been on soylent for 3 weeks and I'm already growing tits
Wojack and pepe posting should be a bannable offense.
yep, it's only Sup Forums and not the reality of modern devs and writers
>his mouth isn't wide open for no reason
This is probably the most perfect falseflag ever invented. I know it's a falseflag, and it still managed to make me hate Sup Forums more. Good job, mate.
The whole idea of oral hormones having any effect is silly.
First pass through the liver destroys them. That's why bodybuilders who take steroids (or people on hormone therapy) never take straight estrogen or testosterone, they take modified versions like, for example, Testosterone Decanate, which has a long carbon chain added to it in order to prevent the liver from breaking them down so quickly. Even then you have to take the medication frequently.
Hormones in food have no appreciable effect because of this problem.
What's the reason anyway that the English term for "person that plays video games" is gamer and not player?
Learn to read you dirty retarded nigger
>that much history rewriting just because multiple people don't like you
That's actual delusion, right there
just in Sup Forums's imagination nothing to see here
Sup Forums is a pro Sup Forums board. go to reddit if you don't like it.
Of how much Irish ancestry are you my fellow European-American brother?
Peaceful dialogue with people you agree with is boring, you need to get angry at something to have fun
>Sup Forums was conceived as a place to discuss video games however this idea was quickly abandoned
>tfw wojak is actually the more cancerous of the two
It was a slogan to sell toys but manchildren
I meant this isn't totally true but god damn are they responsible for like 95% of it.
Way to miss the point of that (You)-bait.
Yes, those people exist. I have no fucking clue who they are. You, on the other hand, have screencaps of walls of texts they wrote. You're the only faggot who knows who they even are.
holy shit, this.
>Sup Forums is a pro Sup Forums board
Oh hey it's Bill Hicks! Please give me a shout out next time you feature Sup Forums on infowars and bring in more cancerous boomers!
Thanks based red pilled filter man!
"""""""video game culture""""""""
In other words, nothing to do with video games but instead the people they're associated with. Just a hair off from e-celeb threads.
>a three letter word can trigger so many people
Once got in a fistfight with an Antifa at a night out drinking cause he didn't want to accept that I'm not sharing his belief of some anarchist utopia. Made that fucker eat some dirt. His friends came running up pulling him out while my friends were just standing there laughing about that lib shit. Was propably the best day of my life. I've also once (also doomsday drunk) sent the bouncer of some club into unconsciousness with a quick jab to the side of his head. Shortly after the cops showed up and arrested me. Told them that he was trying to touch me in an argument while I clearly told him to not lay his dirty hands at me. Cops uncuffed me and let me go after I told them the story in their car.
You're proving his point. The only time I ever see the things in these images are when you guys post them. I don't follow these idiots on twitter or anything else. I ignore them. When they make shitty games I don't care about, I don't buy them. The end. You're the only reason I even have to be concerned with their existence and if you hadn't turned them into martyrs for the other side in some kind of ridiculous war for middle earth that you concocted they'd probably be far less influential.
>Sup Forums is a pro Sup Forums boar-
it is and if you don't like that we're pro Trump and right wing you should fuck off to pedogaf where you belong
leftists are not welcome on Sup Forums
You know you don't have to lie on Sup Forums to fit in, Redditfugee.
>hurr im a gamer
how does it feel being used by the jews
That dude has mental problems
>pro or anti
>no "don't give a fuck" middle ground
of course you're gonna get those results
This but unironically
Since Sup Forums memed the current president into office do you think they could meme a war with europe? Things are getting boring again.
Yeah sure you did buddy.
>call fags like OP out
>get called a soyboy
>make fun of numale fags ruining vidya
>get called Sup Forumstard
There is no winning is there?
Soylent users are usually libertarians, there is probably a huge Venn diagram of soylent, bitcoin, and transhumanism.
When are you going to post the next episode of shit that never happened?
>he cant even socially engineer 70 iq videogamers to be left wing
if this isnt proof the left is dead i dont know what is
keep it up though loser. 8 years will be 16 then it'll be 32...
>i take Sup Forums seriously
>the absolute state of wojak
>i'm a non life autists that spends all day everyday trying to force shit memes on Sup Forums
>Sup Forumsdittors
it's not his fault.
look. look at what they've done to poor wojak. he didn't deserve any of this.
>post poll on Sup Forums
>itt two triggered spammers defending their amiibos honor
>Mods delete this post
>But not this shit thread
Really made me think
and then everyone stood up and clapped
t. hothead
Im propably here longer than you, timmy