Its Thanksgiving post your favorite vidya birds to celebrate
Its Thanksgiving post your favorite vidya birds to celebrate
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Rito best bird
I was personally disappointed with the Rito in BotW. For a race that seemingly had a lot of culture in wind waker, they kind of just felt like they where there for the sake of filling the 4th slot. Also wasn’t a fan of them being more birdlike.
Reporting in.
why aren't there more birbs in gaming
Falco here. I'm fine.
Best theme comin' through
Best birdbrain coming through.
Rito are not for eating.
I want to take Kass's accordion lessons
Best bird
worst bird
Oh, we meet again, kind traveller.
decent at best character stuck in a shitty game
*zaps your path*
Delet this
I'm actually surprised that there are so many deleted posts and this is still here
oh fuck mah nigga you just struck me right in my fucking nostalgia
Barafag probably got deleted for spamming, not for being NSFW.
i'm trying to find the DS version of him which was glowing blue and looked cool as fuck and I CAN'T FUCKING FIND HIM
okay so I just googled and what the fuck there is a nintendo DS version??
You posted it.