Consoles - serious discussion

I've been owning numerous consoles and PCs during my lifetime, but I'm seriously thinking about leaving consoles for good, or at least until more viable reasons to own one appear. Reasons?

1. Games are more expensive, therefore I demand some services in return.
2. More games support controler on PC nowadays.
3. Less platformers and JRPGs on consoles, more shooters and open world RPGS, that PCs excell in.
4. No exclusives as of XBOX X and a few on PS4(mostly remakes or nothing of quality)
5. Total disregard for local coop, one of the most important reasons for owning console in the old times. I can play online on PC as well.
6. Less AAA games, more unoptimized indie/average games. In the old times a game just had to work perfectly on the console, period.
7. I left out Nintendo out of this rant, becouse I got bored of Mario, Zelda and Metroid. You still like it, good for you.

Are consoles for rich people that just dont give a fuck/want to get a few exclusives/Nintendo fans, and dumb people?


Nobody has an opinion here?

>Are consoles for rich people that just dont give a fuck/want to get a few exclusives/Nintendo fans, and dumb people?

Enjoy spending thousands to see more triangles faster

More or less yeah. I did this during 2007-2011 or so.
Then I started by getting PS3. Then I went a little insane and ended up with several consoles, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, Xbox and Gamecube in two years.

I was not going to get a PS4 on this generation at all. These times just about everything Sup Forums:tard would care for is coming to PC. Even fucking Neptunia games that was going to be only reason for me to get a PS4.

Paid online is also fuck you and so on.

I am not entirely sure why I got a PS4 but I did, and I am not having buyer's remorse over it but I really do not see PS4 getting me as much as PS3 did. PS3 really did get a fuckton of exclusive games that only last year or two showed up on PC (Valkyria Chronicles, Vanquish, Bayonetta) - Overall Japs at least in western publishing are taking PC more seriously, and indeed, if you do not care about nintendo you can leave nintendo Wii U/Switch behind and be really happy.

And if something comes in your way and pains you - then just buy the console then. For now you can be very comfortable with PC only.

With love: Idort with 2 PC's and 11 consoles hooked up to a TV.

8. No credibility, console can get discontinued or upgraded anytime now. Think pro, scorpio, Vita, WiiU.
9. PC gets better framerate on multiplatforms. Since no exclusives anymore on consoles, this is a big advantage.
10. Larger selection of games to play.
11. Indie games run better. Any game runs better, really.
12. PC will last longer and is easier to repair.
13. PC is more expensive, but that evens out after you buy 10 games, then you get raped in the ass. Not to mention console will last 5 year tops, seeing how things are going right now.
14. Laptops are good and cheap now, no need to buy large PC.
15. More genres on PC, that are very hard to come by in consoles(RTS etc.)

PS4 is truly a Bloodborne machine. Currently playing Bloodborne on mine. Might get some rhythm games like Future Tone for it too.

Enjoy spending thousands on the same games. PC will last longer, and will spend less on it. Counting is hard for some, I guess you fit in the dumb category.

>Paid online is also fuck you and so on.
Woah, really?

>And if something comes in your way and pains you - then just buy the console then. For now you can be very comfortable with PC only.
Lack of local coop games pains me, but that hole wont be filled by any console. Last generations had more to offer in that regard. I guess devs are getting greedy, after all online requires more copies of the game.

>Games are more expensive
>More games support controler on PC
Is this a Steam shill thread?
>Less platformers and JRPGs on consoles
Yes. There are less small to medium sized games in the world, only AAA and indie practically exist now. This isn't new.
>No exclusives as of XBOX X and a few on PS4
Both of these are memes, not facts. There is an argument that SONY and MS don't seem to care about quality content to entice people but that's been an issue since their starts.
>Total disregard for local coop
SONY and MS get schooled by Nintendo in this field so badly they might as well not try.
>Less AAA games, more average
AAA means budget not quality
>I left out Nintendo out of this rant

>Are consoles for rich people
They're cheap electronic devices, so no.
>that just dont give a fuck/want to get a few exclusives
Looking at the top 10 best selling games on PS4 and Xbone, yes.
>and dumb people
Dumb people are not console exclusive

>but that hole wont be filled by any console
The Wii U was the best local home console since the N64

I built a gaming PC and still play and complete more games on the PS4. When I try to play on PC, it's too tempting to alt tab out and shitpost after 20 minutes or so.


>No credibility
This isn't currency, it's a cheap electronic device.
>PC gets better framerate on multiplatforms
This is true
>Larger selection of games to play
I think you mean PC? Steam is adding more games than the year before, that's correct. The quality of these games leaves MUCH to be desired and with Tencents version of steam launching in the west soon, expect more low quality games to flood the market. To clarify, I think there are plenty of diamonds in the rough, but the rough is growing.
>Indie games run better
Depends on the game, not a universal fact.
>PC will last longer and is easier to repair
Repairing a PC GPU can cost as much as a new console. Subjective.
>that evens out after you buy 10 games, then you get raped in the ass
What if you don't like Sodomy?
>Laptops are good and cheap now
Universally untrue.
>More genres on PC
True, though I wish RTS wasn't dead and whole genres weren't dominated by one or two companies (Grand Strategy and Paradox for example)

Funny enough, while respecting them; I REALLY do not enjoy souls games personally, even though I keep buying them for weird "I fucking hate playing them but I would also fucking hate seeing them go away" reasoning.

I got mine after getting a random exclusive on sale - star ocean. I also noticed that the last guardian etc was on sale. There is few games for me which is why I got the system but it truly is just a few, while I have almost 100 PS3 games. Just PS3 games. and out of those 85% are still not out on PC and few came just very recently.

>14. Laptops are good and cheap now, no need to buy large PC.
I know people who do this. Do not think this is a good argument a cheap laptop will not run games acceptably and they die fast as shit since they need more maintenance than a desktop to stay cool and under overheat limit, while maintenance on them is also HARDER than desktop PC's.

You can make small desktop PC's but laptops for gaming are not good in longlivety, hardware quality, hardware price and especially individual upgradeability.

Best things in very decent desktop PC right now is that if you make a great build now, you will handle quite a few years with just upgrading your GPU.

Laptops are shit, and I only say they are good buy if you really need to move the PC around, REALLY need to save that space, and you are not doing anything more than office/e-mail/youtube/movies/etc. on it.

I mean, I kinda forgot about it before getting PS4.

Nintendo is still greatest at it. PC is on par with local co op to PS4 and Xbone, for example played good few bosses of Cuphead with my friend, locally, on PC, with a dualshock and Xbox 360 pad wirelessly connected to my PC.

One thing though is portability and setting up. I enjoy taking Switch and PS4 around immensly, which is not that easy to do on my hugeass PC, so to play my PC games locally, I need people to come over to my place and it's mostly expected of me to come over.

>Is this a Steam shill thread?
>Yes. There are less small to medium sized games in the world, only AAA and indie practically exist now. This isn't new.
>Both of these are memes, not facts.
What do you mean? Look a the list of of exclusives past generations and compare with PS4/XBOX. Are you just shitposting?
>AAA means budget not quality
At least I know it has budget. Indie games had its own place in the old days- it was called, and you played for free.
>They're cheap electronic devices, so no.
The games and peripherals cost more. This is common knowledge.
>Dumb people are not console exclusive
Dumb people in the context of money and mangaging home income when you aren't wealthy.

Refresh me on the local home games of the Gamecube.

>The Wii U was the best local home console since the N64
Really? Could you recomend me some local splitscreen or just coop games?

I answered the question
>What do you mean?
It's not objectively not true, it's a meme that we understand the undercurrent value, aka that the re are few games of high quality that are exclusive, not that there are no technically exclusive games.
>At least I know it has budget, Indie games had its own place in the old days- it was called, and you played for free.
>The games and peripherals cost more
Than good GPUs? Hardly, they're cheap.
>Dumb people in the context
Not console exclusive

Super Smash Bros Melee.
Just about best mario party games ever released.
Mario Kart Double dash (Though yes; MK8 is better. Not even trolling)
Tales of Symphonia (though tales of ANYTHING AFTER SYMPHONIA GC is better played local co op)
Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles.
Zelda Four Swords adventures
Pacman vs.

FUCK was I glad of my investment when I got few pacman vs. games going on around. People really cannot understand how fun that FREE FUCKING GAME is before they get to play it. Also stellar design in "social game design" only nintendo was interested in exploring - basically how much of the game requires banter between people as part of the game, and physical exchange of controllers etc.

I am seriously mad there is no version of Pacman vs. for Wii U.

Pretty much all the same ones that were on N64 and Wii U....?

Smash Melee
Mario Party
Super Monkey Ball
Mario Kart
Mario Tennis
Mario Soccer

Even Metroid Prime 2 had 4 player split-screen.

Are you an idiot?

Wii U has Smash, party games, Kart etc
Wii U has good co-op 2D and 3D Mario, Donkey Kong Country, Yoshi, etc
Wii U still wins.


>Smash, party games, Kart etc

lol go ahead and list the etcetera, I'll wait.

That's not the fault of PC though.

See Smash, party, kart, tennis etc

>This isn't currency, it's a cheap electronic device.
When I buy my stuff i make sure I don't buy shit. And that it will last for long.
>I think you mean PC? Steam is adding more games than the year before, that's correct. The quality of these games leaves MUCH to be desired and with Tencents version of steam launching in the west soon, expect more low quality games to flood the market. To clarify, I think there are plenty of diamonds in the rough, but the rough is growing.
There is also lots of crap games on online ps stores and xbox. I meant, there are more bigger games to play. And You can play games from any generation. Which brings anoher flaw I forgot: lack of bakward compatibility and milking remakes.
>Repairing a PC GPU can cost as much as a new console. Subjective.
I meant it lasts longer as in games.
>What if you don't like Sodomy?
Then you don't buy a console?
>Universally untrue.
I can get a gaming laptop for 2000 dollars. After a few games it evens out. And it will be more powerfull, and last longer.

I know. OP just wanted people to weigh in with their opinions and my PC is pretty much just a shitposting machine despite the fact that I continue to waste money on Steam sales.

So... the exact same games we listed for GameCube then. Well done, user.

Hyrule Warriors
Mario Kart 8
Yoshi's Woolly World
Super Mario 3D world and New Super Bros U
Nintendoland - like seriously fuck nintendoland is fun with 4 or 5 people.

... And some other stuff can't remember it all.

I know I was making this post - OH YEAH DICK FREEZE, totally forgot about Dick freeze thanks user. I just do not see one or the other as greater than other, both have good shit and in the end my Wii U's USB drive is filled with gamecube and Wii games aside huge (pirated) Wii U library. Not everything for my Wii U is pirated and most of the Wii and Gamecube games installed are made from personal disc dumps but you know - Wii U's cash yo.

>When I buy my stuff i make sure I don't buy shit
Subjective and we're discussing cheap electronic devices, you can afford to buy a lemon once in a while.
>There is also lots of crap games on online ps stores and xbox
This is true, nowhere near the scale and rate of steam or Tencents platform but it's true.
>I meant it lasts longer as in games
Subjective, but thankfully warranty exists
>Then you don't buy a console?
And you don't install Windows OS or steam, so where do you play games?
>I can get a gaming laptop for 2000 dollars
>I don't buy shit
Pick one and ONLY one

You're mostly correct OP. I'm primarily a PC gamer, but I do enjoy my PS4 and switch for the exclusives. Xbone is the only system that is genuinely not worth owning.

>I do enjoy my PS4
>Xbone is the only system that is genuinely not worth owning.

>Last longer
No. A laptop has average age of 3 years and that is a machine killing fault which cannot be individually fixed in a laptop.
Gaming laptops have even shorter time if the owner does not keep it ALWAYS in well ventilated, debree free zone, and even then shit will build up on the tiny but deathly crucial heatsinks and kill the machine in no time.

Laptops are not an good idea and 2000USD/EUR for one is not cheap and will not even out "with just a few games" when PS4 is literally 200USD/EUR and kills gaming laptops easily.

You made some OK arguments but you should concede this very, very shit one OP.

Signed: The guy who changes heat paste etc. in acquintance's laptops to make them not shut down themselves anymore while people say "IT IS JUST TWO YEARS OLD user"

It's pretty much true if you have a good PC. There's nothing wrong with his statement.

>mario,mario, nintendo,nintendo, gorilla gorilla, party smash,karts
damn I knew there was a catch

You don't really like paying games then. Not even memeing. When an interesting game comes out there are days I don't even open the browser because I'm too absorbed in playing.

>why do Nintendo consoles always feature popular Nintendo franchises?


Third parties care about multiplayer on Nintendo as much as anywhere else: Very little.

Only legitimitely nice GENRE as a local thing is fighting, and all platforms do that. PC looses in comfortability because most Fighting game scenes want you to be able to take your thing to another place for few hours and then pack and get the fuck out - PS4 especially a slim is best for that currently.

Aside that, the world is your oyster. Local Co Op lacking oyster but hey, pearls are fucking hard to come by so eat your fucking clam.

go to school or something user, im tired of explaining

I do, it's just that when I play on consoles, I'm able to devote my full attention to a game. I guarantee I'm not the only one on Sup Forums that has this problem.

Ya, I'm not sure I understand the issue.

>damn I knew there was a catch
Yes, excellent home multiplayer but at the cost of having a red plumber, I know that's FAR more important than having fun with your guests or gameplay but JESUS christ Nintendo stop putting the most iconic gaming character in your games and JESUS christ are those NINTENDO games on a NINTENDO platform. What the fuck right user?

It's false

Why is this weird? Op already said they're a PC gamer. Xbone would just be redundant for them...

>g-go to school
Fuck off back to r eddit cunt
>im tired

Perhaps. Did you grow up on consoles? I never owned a console.

Reason? Why would you buy an Xbone when you already have a good PC like the OP is stating they do?

They could get more creative, and still have NINTENDO games, and NINTENDO platform, just without the repetetive colorfull barf pallettee.

>and still have NINTENDO games
see >nintendo,nintendo
Not good enough for modern So(n)yboys

I have ADHD, I will say that straight.
and indeed people chatting me up or need to open browser in middle of the game is huge problem to me on PC. I can "fix" this a little by using big picture to play my shit on TV and minimizing my responses to people.

I actually get distracted by chats while playing consoles but PC monitors off and a console is best way to get myself absorbed into playing the game instead of letting it idle on the start screen for hours on end. I know lot of my JRPG playtimes are bloated because I kept doing this.

Waiting for his dumbass response.

Im not a sony boy. It's just not enough for me.

>Im not a sony boy

Pretty sure he's so wrapped up in his idiotic console war that he forgot what the OP actually said.

>I don't understand onus probandi
You can't make dumb arguments and then argue that everyone who calls your argument wrong must first substantiate THEIR arguments.
It doesn't work that way

I'm my own man, ship, and sailor, a company presents a product and I buy if I like.

>I'm my own boy, soy, and starbucks
>a company presents a product and I buy if I like as long as that company is SONY

OP here, I'm not reading shitposts, sorry not sorry. Reading only good posts.

>Reading only good posts
It's like I'm actually on NeoGAF

I own like consoles of 4 companies and PC, just go to sleep user, tomorrow school.

>I own like consoles of 4 companies
SONY Europe, SONY America, SONY Japan and SONY Australia?


whats wrong with neogaf?

I've left it for the most part. I currently have a PS4, 3DS, and a PC and the only thing I use mostly is PC. The PS4 has been collecting dust since I finished BB & P5 while the 3DS has been collecting dust since I finished Monster Hunter 4U and SMT games. And the good part now is that Monster Hunter is coming to PC and there are a lot more jap games coming to PC which was the main reason I even got a console. The only appeal I really see if you like the 1st party Nintendo games but I haven't cared about those in a long time.

Hopefully we reach a point where I'll never have to buy a console ever again.

>and there are a lot more jap games coming to PC

>Hopefully we reach a point where I'll never have to buy a console ever again.
Yep, may consumers finally win(only when they wake up)

>The PS4 has been collecting dust since I finished BB & P5
Same for me, Horizon Dawn and P5. Actually P5 i completed on PS3, so dunno why I bought PS4.