Find a flaw

Find a flaw

Not video games. Kill yourself faggot. DBS is fucking garbage.

Dokkan is a videogame, you retard

Her clothes are shit

Who's not pulling on the new banners?

nice rigged gacha

Kefla's proportions are too thick and stocky she reminds me of a troll doll.

Her awful outfit doesn't help.

>Dokkan is a videogame

>Dokkan is a videogame
>animu grill is in some shitty video game adaptation so I can talk about the animu on Sup Forums now lmao

Shit links

Why does Toriyama use the same 5 designs for everything? Even his Dragon Quest characters look like Trunks and shit.

a pathetic loser

gee you're going to get mad when you start to notice the Warhammer, Yugioh and Magic threads that are constantly on Sup Forums

>mobile freemium trash
pick one

>all these anons talking smack about Kefla
fuck gay anons

She's dead.

a shit
a fucking shit

Her DBH card looks better

there's your flaw

damn she's really fucking ugly

She doesn't wear Caulifla's genie pants

I probably am. At least to step 4 and get a free multi. Gogeta is needed on my fusion team and I don't really care for any other units that they changed from the JP version. Saying that, I know the banner is way worse than it was for the JP version.

imagine being this wrong

>liking this ugly cunt

Her body is literally perfect

>jobs to goku

MC plot armor
she was stronger

>a simple kamehameha demolishes her

She's dead, you two. Calm down.

>a simple kamehameha
come on now

>jobs to goku
the main character of the show

Lol holy shit, what is this garbage perspective? Who the hell is animating this trash?

yes and?
goku has a shit track record in super

Not Gohan
Not Blanco
Need I say more?

Her fucking eyes

What the hell

Caulifa, Kale, and base Kafla have regular eyes


>Not Blanco

>base Kafla

>Need I say more?
Esto es el fin, grande padre

She's not sitting on my face

You'd probably die

Before the servers got fucked up I pulled shitty SR units like Kid Gohan, PHY Teen Trunks, and TEQ GT SS Gohan

I still haven't pulled on the discounted banners but I'd be happy with at least a Buuhan or a Gogeta dupe

I guess you better ban people who post anime games and FighterZ on Sup Forums then.

She's the first female super sayan, right?

No this is

How do they explain that it took over 20 years for a female Sayan to appear? Isnt Goku planet kinda dead?


She is from another universe user...

>managed to use 120 stones worth of summons
>only cards of note was teq golden frieza and rage trunks

Gogeta dont do this to me

She is from a different universe. Goku and friends are Universe 7, which has a mirror universe 6. Universe 6 has her and the others you may have seen.

Yep just saw that. Never watched DB seriously at all.

>not waiting for the Xmas GSSR step up kai giving banner

>shit canon
>shit fusion
>shit character
>not a video game

Watch it. As long as you don't care too much about plot points, it is fun. Reminds me of the good times watching DBZ and Dragonball.

I need to finish Naruto and Bleach. I really cant watch 25 years of anime these days.

>maintenance extended by another 2 hours

It's the SSJ4 release all over again


Are you implying other races besides saiyans should matter?

Is not Kefla but actually Caulifla borrowing Kales body.

>retarded street thug and whiny pacifist bitch both magically learn and masters super saiyan in a couple of minutes without even getting that angry
>whiny bitch just HAPPENS to have legendary SS, masters that in minutes too with the power of LOOOVE
>both keep up with Goku in his basic SS forms that he's spent years perfecting and then has tons of battle experience with
>they're allowed to cheat and fuse because the autistic gremlin can't follow his own rules
>they fuse and can for some reason maintain their fusion with legendary saiyan power for ages when they hardly even mastered SS1 an hour ago
Honestly the worst characters from a logic standpoint I've seen in a while. At least the others in Super had some special techniques or something that they just did by nature. These cunts just surpassed Goku in half a day.

>DBZ after Cell Saga

Kale sort of had something going when she got all fucked off and exhibited her Not Broly powers. Caulifla is the worst method of attempting to have some dramatic saiyan story during this arc though.
>muh tingles

>Cell Saga
found the murifat

found the Pedro

those actually prefer GT
get your namecalling right

I agree. It didn't seem like Kale had any of her personality in the fusion.
You don't need to watch their anime. Reading the manga for them is good enough or just watch the good scenes and fights.
Kill me, please. I just want Gogeta.

Her gacha gave me Slim Buu and doggos with apology gems

>prefer GT
and super

>best time to reroll with free 300 stones
>Banner has all the LRs in it
>2 out of 5 featured units suck
>only ever gives you featured units
How? Some rerolls I pull 20 SSRs and 18 of them will be featured.

Super Saiyan 4 Bardock?
>flips table


>goku blanco.jpg

She's in a bad show

>Dokkan is a videogame
t. brainlet subhuman, probably a murrilard since only murrilards care about Dragon Shit


>dumb eyes
>dumb rings
>dumb ugly

>watching long shounen

Not that the mods seem to mind apparently. The other Dokkan thread is nearly reaching 500 as did a lot of Dokkan thread in the past.

It wasnt even an instant transmission kamehameha. Shes a joke character in a comedy anime, lighten up user.

So Hearthstone isn't a video game either?

Why is the animation in DBS so poor? They even cut corners in the fight scenes

I mean, it's still discounted summons so i will. But what a fucking shitshow that int gogeta banner is

Easy, she lost

depends on the arc

but user Dragon Ball Super has a non gatcha card game too. Inexplicablely my beaner yugi friends play the shit out of it. I'd play too but a decent Future Trunks deck needs several short print promos only available if you are near a local card shop that supports DBS or pay out the ass online for singles.

Different episodes are animated by different people at the same time. They got the best people to do the tournament of power part because.

Probably because the mods play it. I imagine they would want to play something while browsing the boards.

Is this a good time to jump into Dokkan? Who should I reroll for?

The shonens I try to watch through right now is none. I watched Naruto, One Piece, Doctor Who, Bleach, Soul Eater.

I have to watch Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood though. I have the Blurays.

JP version is a really good time with 300+ stones. For global, I don't know if there are enough units to make any starting teams. You can try for any of the Gogetas though. They are all good units and leaders.

Post the webm of Kale getting beat up

Kefla needs to come back.

Maybe some people don't run the best teams but teams they like?

Later homo

Planet sadala arc

>Got Phy Cooler and Phy Kid Buu from thank you tickets
>Onlu got 2 Teq Beerus and shitty Str SSJ Goku from 190 stones
Really mixed feels right now. I went like 300 deep on Cooler without getting shit, but my stone summons were shit.

>spent 50 before the Gogeta banner on the fusion banner because I need fusions for SSj4 Gogeta.

I did the right thing right? They will give global 300 stones too yeah?

>I did the right thing right?
The discounted summons for Fusion Cats is never a bad thing.

>They will give global 300 stones too yeah?

>got phy cooler 1st try
>has great luck on omega shenron, ssj4 gogeta and the ssj4 banners
>had decent pull rate on fusions banner

The Gogeta banner is going to fuck me isnt it. Not to mention SSJ4 Gogeta is in the Janemba banner

>They will give global 300 stones too yeah?
Fuck no, you'll get 2 stones for this maintence shit if they're feeling generous


>Green hair