What other games let you play as a dinosaur?
What other games let you play as a dinosaur?
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dinosaurs aren't cool anymore, so nothing
>dinosaurs aren't cool anymore
Says you, you fucking liar
Game was pretty good too but hard as fuck.
BAM. Political humor. I'll be here all night folks. Be sure to tip your server.
The Isle and Primal Carnage
tww 2 lizards
Stop trying to force this meme
Shame the isle is a cesspool of shit and niggers.
Primal Carnage was pretty cool when it launched. I played the shit out of it before taking a break. I never went back because I heard they completely changed it.
>no feathers
I always get Primal Rage and Primal Carnage confused, since Rage also lets you play as dinosaurs. I've never played Carnage, but Primal Rage was crap.
Dinosaurs will always be cool.
Yoshi's Island
Saurian. It's in early access though.
Trike players ruined the game for me.
Every time I die it's always by one of them. They're so op.
Was an anky and had one pretend it was my friend while pretending to protect me from the carno chasing me. Decided to kill me when I realized.
Had one chase me down from far away when I was a cerato just to murder me as I had no stamina
Had one chase me down when I was an Allo the same way
Had a trike help his two acro buddies when they decided to attack me while I was an anky, at least I took one of those acro fuckers down with me.
Last time i played, made it to giga because fuck rex players, i was ambushing this allo chased him into the corner of this small lake thing that goes up to a small cave, i can't fit through the cave, ruh roh, turn around rex BEHIND a trike i threat roar run straight for the rex and i shit you NOT he panicked and fell of this hill, my FUCKING SIDES.
Bit the trike a few times, no idea if it died, but yeah haven't played since, good game community fully of faggots however.
better question is
>what games let you play as correct dinosaur?
Who cares that trex looks like a gay duck
gay duck is better than kangaroo frog
but that's a dragon
I don't, what?
best game of my childhood
Yes, well done, well done furfags, HOWEVER
Stop ruining my childhood faggot i was molested several times and all i had was jurassic park
>hey there sonny, are ya ready for your daily penis inspection?
me too user, me too...
Were you molested while playing Genesis Sonic games too?
Any yoshi game
You can play Grimlock in Transformers Devastation. He's a dinobot Trex.
I was incredibly disappointed I barely got to play as the dinosaur.
did you even read the paper this "news" article referenced? heres the link rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org
they were just tiny impressions that are as big as HUMAN nails
the scale impressions are in areas where we already know because it was common in other dinosaurs.
here's an illustration
go play zombie bullshit you tasteless fucking retard.
Why do they keep making T. Rex's arms look like tiny, useless arms? If dinosaurs had feathers, then it's obvious T. Rex had wings.
>TRex had tiny ass arms
>still had a fuck ton of muscle in them to hold things down
apparantly it's arms were strong enough to lift it's body off the ground which is the current answer to "how did the t-rex sleep?" it slept on it's belly and used its arms to help it get up off the floor.
Stop this Feather meme please
It's sad but if you tried that now, Giga would be crushed by either the Rex or the Trike.
He's been nerfed so hard though he was a monster for quite awhile. No one plays him. It's all Rex now with the occasional Spino for the tier 4 carnivores until they fix giga.
The community is pure cancer.
Me and 4 other Utahraptors sat on mountain where large dinos couldn't reach while 3 Trikes, 1 acro, 1 carno and a rex waited for us to come down to eat/drink. They waited a good couple of hours also.
t. So(n)yboy
>if you collect all the stop'n'swop eggs Mumbo will transform you into a T-Rex in Banjo Kazooie
Fuck of Timmy you fuckin lier nobody believes your crap
The Dinos in Jurassic Park are amphibians you moron